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Everything posted by timreeves

  1. Yo, I have an older model 12" magnum sitting around, and i would like to put her to use in my stereo setup at home. however currently up front i have hybrid audio L4's playing from 16k to 180ish, then 8" DLS subs taking over from 180 down to around 40/50hz! so i'm looking for an enclosure that goes low, really god damn low, 20hz would be nice. i have a 1200w amp on it's way, so it will have plenty of power! space isn't really an issue aswell. Tried running the ts params through BBP but i can't seem to get the F3 below 38hz, which is a little lame and i enjoy woodwork, so if it involves a complicated design, than i shall build a complicated design. Ta very much Tim
  2. timreeves

    Best enclosure for 12" magnum for home audio

    i believe it's the mark 2 like this http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x246/ge...mca/Picture.jpg as for tl's anyone got any designs? and how big a box would i need to effectively be IB? one last q, what would one recommend as a decent sized sealed box? ta very much
  3. timreeves

    confused subwoofer

    OK I bought a SI magnum 12" a while ago and i;ve never really had a proper look at the si website my woofer is confused. it has the basket of the newer magnum yet the cone of the older version the magnet also looks to be off the older version, can anyone identify my baby? the only clue to its previous life is efmax's email address written on the box oh, and hi, my names tim
  4. timreeves

    confused subwoofer

    Thats alright then, whats the differences between my transexual (thats what i'm calling it as my model isn't officially mentioned anywhere) and the 3rd gens. And whats the difference in sound? If it was to be reconed, would i get the new cone