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Everything posted by Bearlokey13

  1. Bearlokey13

    AA Mayhem 18" VS SMD 18"

    Well I like to bass race not so much into BURPING! class doesnt matter to me prob stick in the 139.9 thats what I did with the BTL Well around here I have always read that the Mayhem tends to be a bit louder than the BTL on music but the BTL tends to be a bit louder on the meter. Been away for a little while, got some catchin up to do on how people are liking their S.M.D.s.
  2. Bearlokey13


    As far as I know nothing as far as component sets or coaxial speakers is on the horizon. I'm sure Scott or Nick will be along shortly to tell you that you'll just have to wait and see. Welcome to SSA!!!
  3. Bearlokey13

    xcon on 1000watts?

    Wrong, you can under power a sub all day long. Clean power and a clean signal is the key, not really the power levels till you start going over the subs rms. Sorry, I just assumed it was situation with clean power and signal. Should have mentioned them.
  4. Bearlokey13

    xcon on 1000watts?

    Can't under power a sub.
  5. Bearlokey13

    NS v2 12"

    If it was me I'd go 1.5-2 cubic feet at 33hz but that is me. It depends on how much space you have and where you like your bass. How do you like your current box's tuning?
  6. It will if you wire it to 1 ohm. I'm not sure what you're trying to ask here...
  7. Bearlokey13

    which 15?

    The difference will come down to install. The only way to know for sure is to buy both.
  8. Bearlokey13

    Thinking of Upgrading.

    If i was you I'd buy the btl now and under power it til my electrical was up to par to run 2k. Car audio is all about weighing your options and compromise.
  9. Bearlokey13

    What do I loose between 30hz-32hz tune?

    You should be fine and the big output gain you get from bigger woofas and more power should make the difference inaudible.
  10. You can go ahead and order the BTL first. If its is just sitting in its box it incredibly unlikely(lightning striking a lottery winner unlikely) that it will cease to work while just sitting. The SAZ 2500d is $615 in the SSA store. Two XS D3100's should do fine but only way to know for sure is to get a voltmeter and watch for it to drop. Also you should do the Big 3.
  11. Bearlokey13

    Does IA recone other companies motors?

    Not to threadjack or anything but have you tried getting in touch with Fi, I know they do.
  12. Bearlokey13

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Sounds like fun, my son is envious. I will admit I am starting to feel my age, I got my ass beat at the Gwar show earlier this year. And yes I have floor tickets for this show, SO I will remember to eat my Wheaties. I have a lot of respect for the older guys who will hang with the kids on the floor at shows, it gets pretty hairy sometimes.
  13. Bearlokey13

    Fi BTL Amp

    Edit: All the OEM replacements for the alternator on the 4.0L are 90amps so I'd say that's what yours is.
  14. Bearlokey13

    Fi BTL Amp

    Ideally you want to be no lower than 14.4 volts.
  15. Bearlokey13

    Fi BTL Amp

    Get a voltmeter and watch it. That is the only way to know for sure. Need way more info to tell you anything else.
  16. Bearlokey13

    Why is it good?

    Alts are just like everything else in the world. It comes down to QC, the quality of the parts used, and the expertise of the designers and manufacturers. If I were you I would head over to Dc Power's website and see what they have for your car. Dc Power, Ohio Generator, and Iraggi are some of the best around when it comes to H.O. alts.
  17. Bearlokey13

    Why is it good?

    Read this first.
  18. Bearlokey13

    How loud can I go?

    second that. why do you want an 18 in an evo???? i am in the process of buying one also and all i want in there is a 12 BL thats it. Yeah forget about the 18. I will either do a 15 or two 12" btls. I just need to get something way louder than my current 15 BL, but since its going in an evo i just dont want to do any kind of damage to the car u know. I'm also going to be new to driving a manual actually haha, stupid question but u think it will be difficult driving stick with all that bass by any chance? (since you have to listen to the engine i believe, could be wrong since im still new to this lmao) Being able to hear the engine rev helps but Evo's have a tachometer(RPM meter) so you'll be able to keep an eye on it. If it is difficult for you to drive with bass now then you could have some issues but I think you'll be fine. I feel bad for that poor clutch though...
  19. Bearlokey13

    How loud can I go?

    Yeah my bad i failed to give enough details. I doubt 2 15's would even fit in that trunk actually. Electrical would be an h/o alt, big 3, everything done with 0 gauge, optima yellow top under the hood, and a kinetik in the back. Box would be whatever the recommendation is for the subs i go with, tuned around 33Hz or so most likely. I'm liking the two 12" fi btls idea here, now just to decide between those or a single 18" btl, since i listen to pretty much all rap/hip-hop and love them lows haha. So with this electrical and doing maybe 4000 watts total if i went with the two 12" btls, you think the windshield would be an issue still? There is no way to know how your windshield will react other than I can tell you for sure it will flex. Two 12 inch BTL's should be louder than one 15 because you'd have more cone area and twice the power(assuming you're going to run rms). I really doubt you will have enough room for the proper size enclosure for an 18 in the trunk.
  20. Bearlokey13

    How loud can I go?

    Without a wall I doubt you will be able to fit the proper size enclosures for an 18 or 2 15's. What will your electrical consist of? How loud you will be is going to be almost entirely dependent on your install. Need more details.
  21. Bearlokey13

    got my new woofer

    Nope, somebody has one in a Yaris on a Stetsom 7k. Can't remember who it though, sorry.
  22. Bearlokey13

    Trip to pick up 6 18's....Already

    6 18's... More pics!!!
  23. Bearlokey13

    07 chevy malibu install

    Get the biggest batteries you can from XS Power. How big is your stock alt?
  24. Bearlokey13

    old three stack vs 1 stack

    worth it how? What do you want it to do?