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Everything posted by Bearlokey13

  1. Bearlokey13

    bls or xxx

    If it is new I wouldn't do it but ultimately it is your call.
  2. Bearlokey13

    15" xcon house build??

    Very nice looking box, especially for a first go at it.
  3. Bearlokey13

    Best Buy Drops Rockford

    Hmmm, Impious that is an interesting point. Does anyone think that people's opinion of Kicker will suffer the same consequence?
  4. Bearlokey13

    I really can't decide.

    +1 on the 2 15"s. More cone area and they'll dissipate(sp?) heat better.
  5. Bearlokey13

    How much power is considered to much?

    Depends on a lot of things, what are the goals for the set up? Is it a daily driver?
  6. Bearlokey13

    (12) 18" Nightshades

    Gotta link to it still?