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Everything posted by Bearlokey13

  1. Bearlokey13

    11cuft net too much?

    With what you have given us I'm going to say no. If you want real help give us more to work with.
  2. Bearlokey13

    Fi BL 15" Box Design

    That enclosure should work just fine, tuned for the lows.
  3. Bearlokey13

    Been Lurking

  4. Bearlokey13

    help with box. 18 btl

    just to be clear, i didn't buy the 18. I'm just planning ahead of time to see if it's worth it. Will 2 12s be as loud as one 18? Install dependent but you'll have almost the same amount of cone area.
  5. Bearlokey13

    2500w @ 2ohm

    check out soundstream rubicon amps .. good amps No. He needs an amp that puts out 2500 watts at 2 ohms not 1 ohm.
  6. Bearlokey13

    sa's or nightshades

    IMO, you should just go with the NSv.2s because I would hate to see you buy the sa's and cook them and have to buy all new woofers.
  7. Bearlokey13

    sa's or nightshades

    If you will be running 6k watts daily then get the nightshades. The SA series woofers are very nice but the sa 12 is rated for 600wrms.
  8. Bearlokey13

    Wall ?

    If you are chasing the lower notes tune somewhere around 33hz.
  9. Bearlokey13

    Fi q recone kit?

    Don't worry about the bp option if your Q is the new model. It is for the 2009 and older models.
  10. Bearlokey13

    help on 15 fi btl enclousure design

    Try any of these guys. Or Argent Audio or the SSA store.
  11. Bearlokey13

    what to buy first?!?

    it jus said in the manual, Fully Chargered-12.8 Half Charged-12.5 And i dont have a volt meter to get the exact number, but im trying to get one That's with vehicle off. With vehicle on i'm sure it 14+ yea i assume its around 14 also, but i think just to be on the safe side and to get more power id like to get another amp, xs or kinetic? which is the best and cheapest? Those two words never go together. Especially in this hobby.
  12. Bearlokey13

    icon 12 into a 18

    Yup, as far as I know SSA isn't set up to even make an 18" Icon basket so you're on your own.
  13. Bearlokey13

    Plan my setup?

    Again, if you're so concerned about weight that you can't add another battery in the back then you are looking at the wrong equipment. My biggest concern here is that you will drop around $1000 on a sub and an amp and fry it in a month or so cause you have your stock charging system. I've had that happen and it sucks. If you're looking at anything north of 1000 watts you should really consider at least another battery. IT TAKES POWER TO MAKE POWER!
  14. Bearlokey13

    Plan my setup?

    You're looking at the wrong equipment if you're worried about weight. The BTL is somewhere around 70 pounds and an enclosure for it won't be a slouch either. If you don't want to add an extra battery fine, but at the very least pick up a volt meter. Edit: spelling.
  15. Bearlokey13

    Is Saz-2500D Overkill for a Kicker Solo X 12

    It'll be fine assuming you have the electrical to back it up and don't clip the hell out of it.
  16. Bearlokey13

    SSD 18" sealed?

    They will work perfectly fine in a sealed enclosure, just make sure you stick within Fi's recommended size range.
  17. Bearlokey13

    Some Issues.

  18. Bearlokey13

    Fi BTL

    For two BTLs I would say SAZ4500d but I believe those are out of stock. The SAZ3500d would push them just fine though.
  19. Bearlokey13

    12 inch warden

    No one with any experience is going to come on here and say that you will hit the numbers your looking for just by looking at your equipment list. You should know by now that it is all in the install and to hit 150+ out of a trunk takes WORK. Now, with that in mind, what exactly are you looking for?
  20. Bearlokey13

    Audiopipe AQX3500

    Crescendo Audio 3KWP That is probably the cheapest 3k+ watt amp that I would buy. Same build house (Zenon? Xenon?) as the SAZ3000d.
  21. Bearlokey13

    Audiopipe AQX3500

    Oh, you're right. my mistake. No experience with Audiopipe amps, sorry.
  22. Bearlokey13

    Audiopipe AQX3500

    You'll need a bigger battery bank than that to reliably run that amp at .5 ohm. You'll also probably void the warranty. You'd be better off spending about $30 more and getting to AQ2200D's and strapping them together, more reliable and you won't void the warranty on your amps. Edit: whoops, mixed up the AQX3500.1 and the AQ3500.1
  23. Bearlokey13

    another amp question

    Your Bl won't know the difference. The main reasons people choose Sundown are the unbeatable customer service and the very high quality of their products. Choose whichever amp you won't you won't hear a difference.