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Don Ganso

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Everything posted by Don Ganso

  1. Don Ganso

    Running .67

    Well, on a side note, I guess I will be running 1 ohm, as money is tighter than anticipated and 2 SA-8s are all that the budget allows right now. Thanks again everyone for the help, I hope this thread is useful to other people as well.
  2. Don Ganso

    Running .67

    Is it o.k. to run a .67 load on one of the SAZ models? I am currently feelin' around the forum to find out what I want to do with my sub stage and might do three SA-8s. Before I get too carried away, I wanted to make sure that it would be safe to run 3 D4 SA-8s off of an SAZ model amp, (currently the 1000D but beefing up to a used 2000D in the future for comps and such). I suppose the second question would then be: As long as I keep the box small and watch the volume knob when I'm daily driving, would it be safe to run the afore-mentioned subs off an SAZ-2000D? I don't know for certain, but wouldn't that be 3000 watts-ish? Thanks for any help in advance P.S. I didn't ask Jacob directly cause I know he is busy and figured he could use a break from my dumb questions. I was told by him in an earlier email that I could run an SAZ at .7, but is it O.K. just a little lower? I guess I will find out...
  3. Don Ganso

    BTL 12 enclosure suggestion

  4. Don Ganso

    Enclosure Build for 10 Inch KH501 (1 Cube @ 32 Hz)

    Looks good! The box looked kinda big in the trunk so I thought you were gonna fire it foward and seal off the trunk at first. Really good job!
  5. Don Ganso

    93 Fleetwood Caddy build.

    Wow, this is really starting to look excellent! Scratch that, it was ALREADY looking excellent: this is starting to look abso-f***-a-lutelymazing!
  6. Don Ganso

    suggestion on a new amp

    im planning on getting a new h/o alt and 2 new batt within the nexxt month...money is sort of been tight in the past month and a half.... Well if money is tight, then it would be more wise to purchase the alt and batts first instead of an amp that will tax your electrical even more.
  7. Don Ganso

    Infinitely Baffled or Just Plain Confused

    True I heard bread loaves and other baked goods have a natural resonating frequency of 30Hz which will improve the bass output by a minimum of 14.668 dB Yes, I personally prefer cupcakes, I think the strawberry-frosting ones improve my scores the most.
  8. Don Ganso

    93 Fleetwood Caddy build.

  9. Don Ganso

    SSD or Q 10's

    Your test tone is constant 50Hz sine wave, probably recorded at 0 db. Music is not going to have constant bass recorded at 0 db, it could even be negative. Not to mean that a TL meter is going to read 0, it just means that the test tone is not jacked up or lowered in volume during recording.
  10. Don Ganso

    Final Box Apperance Ideas

    A little experience won't hurt you. If you screw it up, yank it out and do it again, but bigger and better!
  11. I've read the Sundown tests and seen that while they do show wattage, impedance, and voltage, they never show distortion ratings... I have also heard Impious talk about how clamp meters are not reliable on another thread... I think... Correct me if I am wrong. Why are they not reliable again?
  12. Don Ganso

    Sundown SA-8 Pre-Sale

    I get to watch everyone do all this awesome stuff with these little buggers and I just gotta sit around and twiddle my thumbs until my BL gets sold.... I hate you all. Just kidding, all these builds on here are looking good!
  13. Don Ganso

    New Fi Q vs. ID Max v3

    Was the three posts with add-ons an accident?
  14. "Officer, I can explain. That is soooo not mine!"
  15. Don Ganso

    93 Fleetwood Caddy build.

    Tuned in!
  16. Don Ganso

    Upfiring enclosure w/ top

    I guess it works with down-firing enclosures, the floor acting kind of like the top you are talking about... I wonder if it is o.k. to do this...
  17. Don Ganso

    BTL 12 enclosure suggestion

    From "where Dracula lived" and drank the blood of peasants and stole their car audio gear! Good job so far, 150db on the way for certain!
  18. Don Ganso

    Upfiring enclosure w/ top

    A couple inches? As in 2? Not enough room. I think that can cause the sound waves to cancel each other out.
  19. Don Ganso

    XS Power Battery Group Buy

    Why does this always happen when I have no money? Oh wait, I never have money... That's why.
  20. Don Ganso

    jay-cee's Build Log

    Well, the tortoise did win the race, not the hare. Good luck; I will be watching and waiting patiently.
  21. Don Ganso

    IA vs SSA

    Whatever you choose, post a build log! Good luck!
  22. Don Ganso

    Need help choosing Subs Audioque?

    Check db-r electronics for refurbished Sundown amps. A lot nicer than Hifonics.
  23. Don Ganso

    Need help choosing Subs Audioque?

    I think that Alton on here said something about his brother having an 18" SSD in his Grand Prix or Grand Am. You could ask him about it if you really want to do an 18.
  24. Don Ganso

    jay-cee's Build Log

    So what is the ETA of the finished build? I am eager to see what it looks like.