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Don Ganso

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Everything posted by Don Ganso

  1. Don Ganso

    RMS : Fi BL Standard & Fully Loaded

    People put 2k rms on these things daily, but it just isn't recommended... Unless your a crazy rubber ducker and are trying to make your head explode. Seriously though, they have high sensitivity ratings and they'll blow a lot of other subs away on 1000 watts. Right now I only have mine on 600 and it still pounds, so if you are worried that the bare bones BL isn't going to have enough strength to handle what you're gonna throw at it then you'd better be competing... Go ahead and get it fully loaded though, I did.
  2. Don Ganso

    BL options questions

    Ordered, recieved, and in the car. Check the build log: BL build log
  3. Don Ganso

    BL 15 box build

    Had it in the car since last thursday and have been trying to get pics up. That's how slow dial-up is.
  4. Don Ganso

    Box build for Death Penalty 12

    Not to throw you off topic with the build, but just out of curiosity... Why the BL over the Death Penalty? I love my BL 15 and I'm only running it on half of rated power, but it's fantastic! I was just wondering though, for a friend of course... Just in case he catches the upgrade bug and decides to get something new...
  5. Don Ganso

    BL 15 box build

    On its way. Unfortunately, dial-up is bogus, so it might not be on 'till tomorrow.
  6. Don Ganso

    Three 12" Kicker CompVR's in a Chevy Caprice

    Good work on the box, but doing it all yourself? Get that guy to but a bit of work into his own system! lol. Great job!
  7. Don Ganso

    BL 15 box build

    Middle of the front baffle... you mean the black spot? I was going to spray the Fi logo on there in some metallic silver so that it went with the chrome on the dustcap, but I couldn't find a decent picture from which to make a stencil, so I took one off the internet that had the AA logo in it too and just cut it out in paint (the program). However, even though I blew up the finished product to cover most of that space, (the oval is 5x8.5), it still printed tiny. I really didn't think that the sticker that came with the sub would stick to the paint well, so I later painted a crescent moon, (Moon is my last name), in the oval in the same metallic that I originally had!
  8. Don Ganso

    BL 15 box build

    The finished box: Sub and box: Sub IN box (and wire sticking out of port)
  9. Don Ganso

    BL 15 box build

    Dogs and car audio. Life just ain't complete without 'em.
  10. Don Ganso

    BL 15 box build

    The sub arrived on Wednesday last week, so it hasn't been in that long, but here is what I did with camera when it showed up... Heavy duty packaging... Chrome dustcap I like the sticker on the magnet... I don't know why. My two "woofers"
  11. Don Ganso

    BL 15 box build

    O.K. so here is the box getting finished construction-wise, (cosmetics pics on the way soon) Box with only single layer top: Second layer in place: Screwed, (lol), and waiting for the glue to dry: Maybe I went a little overboard with the clamps, but better safe than sorry... "Speaker wire" cut and ready:
  12. Don Ganso

    BL 15 box build

    Box and BL in the car. Time for them pics...
  13. Don Ganso

    Hell-Razor's Build Log

    Pics dude!
  14. Don Ganso

    Chris' Wall Build in the Aviator vids p.35

    I hope so. You got all this nice stuff sitting around and getting dusty... Gotta get this thing bumpin' and blow off all those cobwebs! Good luck with the rest of the install, hope it doesn't go as funky as this first part.
  15. Don Ganso

    First box build

    Not saying that good bracing isn't important, just that you won't need to get your knickers in a twist over bracing for these subs.
  16. Don Ganso

    First box build

    I don't think the type S's will be so utterly destructive that you will need to worry about serious bracing. So yeah, x2, it's your choice.
  17. Don Ganso

    Sundown SAE-1200D v.2 Pre-Sale OPEN

    Sweet.... I will start saving the $$$ immediately!
  18. Don Ganso

    BL 15 box build

    I'd sell my soul and my subs for my baby puppy!
  19. Don Ganso

    BL 15 box build

    Yeah dude, plenty of screws on that thing Grandparents rock!
  20. Don Ganso

    New amp

    Thanks for your input. I'll check that out.
  21. Don Ganso

    New amp

    Basically... IF I had the money now, which is the better amp? By better I mean more reliable/powerful. I know that the 1200d can do 1450 according to the audioque site, but I have seen anything for the sundown other than "1000 at 1 ohm"
  22. Don Ganso

    Sundown SAE-1200D v.2 Pre-Sale OPEN

    280 is just pre-sale price... Any idea on price after pre-sale?
  23. Don Ganso

    Black FiDay sale!

    Still bummed I missed the sale... But my BL arrived today: a day early! And from the looks of things, I think I made a good choice! Props to Fi! !!!!
  24. Don Ganso

    bassahaulic's new build

    Serious stuff man, looks awesome!
  25. Don Ganso

    DCONS for a friend

    O.K. thanks everyone, I'll run that by him.