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Don Ganso

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Everything posted by Don Ganso

  1. Don Ganso

    So my buddy wants a system but...

    MJs? Who makes those, Memphis?
  2. Don Ganso

    The wife got me good.

    What size are the subs and what options?
  3. Don Ganso

    The wife got me good.

    Well at least you found the nice one, or she found you... Seriously, give her mad props for that, she probably gave one of the best Christmas presents I've ever heard of.
  4. Don Ganso

    db-R Refurbished Amps - 25% Off !

    SAE-1200D still available
  5. Don Ganso

    Be honest!!

    Yeah and the guy with one quarter has less money than the guy with two dimes... Build a good setup and one 10 can hit some crazy numbers...
  6. Don Ganso

    Be honest!!

    Everyone here gets use for what they pay for, they just like to use their equipment different ways. So your stock system doesn't have enough bass; you get a sub. That doesn't mean you have to use said sub to try and demolish all of the standing structures around you. Besides, by keeping music at a reasonable volume you save money on hearing aids.
  7. Don Ganso

    Be honest!!

    Totally. Bump respectfully. Now if you drive up to your friends house and he lives in the middle of no where and you want to demo your new setup for him before he gets outside, that might be different...
  8. Don Ganso

    Test Tones...

    Of course it's user error... I'm an idiot when it comes to 'puters... lol Thank you though Julian, what tones are offered in this itunes deal? Again I pose the question; what do I need to set my gain and my filters correctly? What tones? Thanks everyone
  9. Don Ganso

    is 2 fibtl 15`s possible?

    How many dead mobsters can you fit in that trunk? I believe three is recommended volume... lol How big is your port going to be? What will its volume be?
  10. Don Ganso

    audioque 2200?

    There was a thread in the Fi section about a guys new 15" BL. His amp took a poo though, and although it was not this amp, someone thought it was, and had negative things to say about the amp, but I have heard nothing bad about the subs. Perhaps the problem with the amp was a rare occurrence, so check the thread out: da link
  11. Don Ganso

    2004 IS300 Lexus Setup

  12. Don Ganso

    ******GEO METRO WALL BUILD******

    Wow, this thread is like Frankenstein. The good doctor sets out with good intentions and creates a monsters... But this monster does not use reanimated tissue to tear people apart, it uses freakishly powerful bass!!! Awesome build
  13. Don Ganso

    2 Fi 18" Qs with 12 cu ft. box

    Sounds awesome! My buddy has a 18" Q in a Jeep but it doesnt compare to my 2 18s (obviously haha) but.... it bangs the lows, but if it was in a bigger box i can only imagine the difference... I guess I can heard from inside my house to our local gas station (which is about 1/4 mile away) so I guess I cant complain! Ive also have drove by the college in town, and I got a call from my other buddy asking if i just drove by because I was shaking the windows... Sweet...
  14. .2 -.6 sealed and .9 - 1.5 ported for one 10 Is that what the OP wanted to know, cause phi said that before.
  15. Don Ganso

    Build log for 1996 Chevy Lumina- The Blue Fury

    This is really REALLY good work IMO. Seriously, this is awesome; great job! Can't wait to see the xcons go in...
  16. Don Ganso

    2 Fi 18" Qs with 12 cu ft. box

    So, how's she sound so far?
  17. Don Ganso

    install help

    Always fuse. If you can't, find someway to! I couldn't find a decent fuse holder, so I got a trolling motor circuit breaker from my dad. Just as good as a fuse, except everytime the circuit breaks, you just shut the car off and baboom; good to go! Don't have to replace fuses...
  18. Don Ganso

    bass boost

    So far as I can tell, bass boost makes notes around a certain frequency, (40Hz to 60Hz depending on amp), louder and so it sounds like notes higher and lower than that loose output. Because it also puts strain on your equipment, many manufacturers, Fi for example, do not recommend using it. If this is incorrect, please correct me on this, but that's how I think it works...
  19. Sorry dude... I just bought it... but I think the SAE-1200D is still there. Only a few bucks more and so long as you don't go crazy with the gain knob, it'll be a good match.
  20. Don Ganso

    db-R Refurbished Amps - 25% Off !

    Dang, I'd better hurry up and order... These will go fast! Hey mom, I know what I want for Christmas!
  21. Don Ganso

    Nightshade 18'' box size/tuning

    And jacob said "let the box be 4-5 cubes" and it was good. Gotta trust what the man himself says; he da boss.
  22. Don Ganso

    Nightshade 18'' box size/tuning

    I would shoot closer to 5 than 4, but that's just me; I think that size should allow it to handle all the power you're throwing at it and get it plenty loud.
  23. Don Ganso

    2 Fi 18" Qs with 12 cu ft. box

    You could crawl right inside of that port! What's it tuned to?
  24. Don Ganso

    Huge delima

    You know the port tuning equation right? Port Length= ((8466.4 x radius^2)/(Boxvolumecuft x Frequency^2))-(1.463 x Radius) Also, why is 14 inches your max port length?
  25. Don Ganso

    Back to Fi products and VERY pleased

    What kinda amp is that? Looks like the BL had a barbecue!