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Everything posted by Jordantyler

  1. Jordantyler


    are the amps on ikesound good?..thanks for ur help!
  2. Jordantyler

    new girl

    well that is not a problem here, and if anyone gives you trouble report it asap, we have great mods here and they are very protective of our valued members <{POST_SNAPBACK}> well thank u! ill be sure to do that but i doubt anyone will be rude on here
  3. Jordantyler


    haha alrighty how much would i need for a real amp? lol
  4. Jordantyler

    new girl

    wow thank you all so much i apperciate all of it.. yah ca.com started to NOT help me out cuz i was a girl and apperantly i didnt know enough bout audio.. or have the right system to fit in with them
  5. Jordantyler


    not sure really.. he was like u after i get my amp for my sub ill get u an amp.. well the amps they have that are pretty cheap are 150 watts its a memphis and a jl audio... but i dont think that would be enough power would it?.. the jbl is 400 watts..i havent been there in a week or so they probably have more stuff those were just the cheap ones i was lookin at he probably wont spend more than a 100
  6. Jordantyler


    sub.. ..true probably just a 12 memphis maybe or maybe another 10 idk yet .. at the moment my amp is so bad that i cant put it on high mode or the protection mode light comes on abd shuts off my sub.. its in low and the gain isnt turned up really that much..i mean this guy wants my amp for his 6x9s and he told me he would buy me an amplifier. how many watts would yall think i should look into?
  7. Jordantyler

    new girl

    haha thanks for the welcome yall..haha
  8. Jordantyler

    new girl

    i live in jonesboro how far away is fort smith?...awwthanks!
  9. Jordantyler

    new girl

    well thanks.. thats really kewl..
  10. Jordantyler

    new girl

    hey i do from car audio hes helped me put together my custom box and helped me with alot of things. i havent ever met him in person lol, im from arkansas where are you from? are u friends with jeremy?
  11. Jordantyler

    New here.

    wrong thread lol make your own jordan hahaha <{POST_SNAPBACK}> haha im so sorry..i didnt mean to put it in here
  12. Jordantyler

    new girl

    haha i know they are and i apperciate it... im startin to cut my mdf tommorow
  13. Jordantyler

    new girl

    thanks! i was on car audio alot but they really didnt apperciate girls so i asked flakko (jeremy) to send me a new forum..
  14. Jordantyler

    new girl

    thank you! nice meetin you
  15. Jordantyler

    New here.

    HEYYYYY!! im jordan how are yall?!