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Everything posted by nsuvltr

  1. nsuvltr

    aero port question

    pic is my current setup. Thinking about walling it off and going to 9. How many aero ports and what dameter should I use. Everything will still be behind the third row.
  2. nsuvltr

    sundown crossovers

    Is it possible to buy just the crossovers? I have 2 sets of rokford fosgate 6.5" component sets (don't judge me they were $50 a piece during back Friday locally). They did not come with crrossovers. I have sundown for everything else in my truck.
  3. nsuvltr

    da beast

  4. nsuvltr


    From the album: da beast

  5. nsuvltr


    I have 6 sa-12s in the escalade version of the suburban and i have my third row in.
  6. i was not that experienced. i had planned to by a saz1500d originally but db-r had a sell on a saz-3000d for like 600 shipped i had the cash so i boght it. bought 3 sa12s had them sealed running at 2.33. but decided to build a ported box and let the third row go. i have a 200 amp alternator in my tahoe that's off of ebay that's made for the commercial truck applications for like $240. did the big3 and replaced my battery with a yellow top. i play my system at every car show slamming on it and have not had a problem. when i turn it all the way up i just have to bring the idle up. now looking for a second 3000d to add three more but this time i'm going to have to put some real money into my electrical this time.
  7. how do you build a tunable port?
  8. nsuvltr

    new system build

    I thought he was taking more come the first of the year. I don't think jacob is taking anymore team members at this moment sorry.
  9. nsuvltr

    new system build

    I already have 3 sa12s. i want to add 3 more subs and add another amp. If i were to buy 3 sa-15s to add to my system would the box need to bey chambered between the two different size subs or could they all be in on chamber? and anybody know if jacob started back taking people for team sundown?
  10. nsuvltr

    2010-08-06 07.26.57.jpg

    From the album: da beast

  11. nsuvltr

    My Sa-12 testing session

    i hit a 148.9 on the dash and a 150.5 in the kick with my 3 sa12s. Thinking about adding a second saz3000 and three more sa12s in a wall.
  12. nsuvltr

    Sundown SA-15 Pre-Order

    What do you estimate the power handling to be?
  13. nsuvltr

    need help and fast

    so there's a show this weekend. getting tired of everybody talkin stuff about my sundown audio stuff cause they never heard of the name. i need to change my setup so i can win this show. my box is about 3.3 with 3 of the dual 4 sa12s. i running a 3000d @ 2.6 i have two options. either port my box i already have to stay behind the third row. or flip the seats up and build a 6 cube ported box just for the show. if i port my box i already have how high would i need to tune it. i need a mid 140's for this weekend. last show they held guy won it with a 139 or something. and i might add he had 4 15s in a box not tuned for the speakers. also would it be safe to wire it in parrallel so i can burp it this weekend?
  14. nsuvltr

    need help and fast

    150.7 with mic on passenger kick but i have to finish up grading my electrical
  15. nsuvltr

    need help and fast

    i think i talked to you on car audio.com but i'm cutting a box at 6.4 cube box. im using the calculator on re audio but my brother claims the port part of the calculator is off. does anybody know of a different calculator?
  16. nsuvltr

    need help and fast

    how high do i need to tune it for my size box?
  17. nsuvltr

    need help and fast

    according to him that it wasnt bass race but he has to not know what he's taalkin bout i think
  18. nsuvltr

    need help with db drag

    going to event on monday near denver. how does it work and what kind of music do you have to play. this will be my first competition. will post pics and vids after show on monday.
  19. nsuvltr

    need help with db drag

    the show only has these classes PRO will be a Power Class 1.) 0-1500watt 2.) 1501-3000watt 3.) 3001+6000watt 4.) 6001watt +
  20. pic of it brand new and a pic of it with the 23's i just got.
  21. nsuvltr

    3 sealed sundown sa-12s in 01 tahoe

    when i first got my truck i was going to take out third row but i've used it so many times that i decided it was kind of convenient having it. that's why i used a sealed box because of space.