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Everything posted by kendall64

  1. I did a just the gain on my amp. I turned it down the reason i bought a line driver was because several people at the competitions i have been at have them and said you go boost your pre out signal and turn my amp gain down so my amp doesn't have to work as hard. Which the line driver did boost the signal enough to turn my amp down. I've just never heard of a line driver throwing an amp into protect mode. Thanks for everyone's input i have a justed the gain on the line driver and i have no problems no
  2. so a line driver can throw an amp into protect mode? so all i have to do is turn down the line driver and it should fix my problem
  3. i have 2 18'' AQ HDC3 in a that is 11.5 cubic feet. i would like you make a round tube port for it tuned to 47hertz for spl and another one at 32 hertz for daily. i need help with figuring put how many round ports i need and how long they need to be. i would prefer to do 4'' round ports but will go to 6'' ports if needed.
  4. kendall64

    Building a Power Wheel stereo

    Put a 8" Rockford or a re audio they are around that price range. I didn't know they MECA for kids that's awesome
  5. kendall64

    Zcon 15 or 18

    This helped me with knowing about how many batteries to have
  6. kendall64

    high output alternator????

    i have 97 gmc yukon and i was wondering if anyone know where to get a good high output alternator for under 300. i would like it to be 250 amps
  7. kendall64

    high output alternator????

    where did you find it at?
  8. if i have two of the same amps can i link them or are there only certain amps that you can link together?
  9. So just run one amp per sub and get the same out come
  10. Ninja! Haha I'm thinking of getting am audio 2200 but if I could strap my mb quarts then I was gunna do that
  11. Mb quarts onyx 1500 mono amp
  12. I have a mb quarts amp the onyx 1500 and I was thinking about getting another and I was just wondering if I could strap them
  13. so this last weekend i went to my first ever spl competition and i didnt meter as well as i would have hoped but people were nice enough to help me out. one of the suggestions was find the right hertz for my truck. so i was hoping someone on here has a truck like or knows someone that has a truck like mine and knows the right hertz for my truck. i have a two door tahoe i have 4 12'' ppi pcx subs in a 6.5 cubic foot box with two 6'' round ports tuned at 32 hertz. i got told that i need to make a square wooden port and it needs to be at least 18'' in length i dont know if thats right or not so id thought id ask. i plan on making another new port this weekend for my next competition. my first run i metered a weak 138.9 and peaked at 44 hertz and my second run with my driver side door open i did 138.9 and peaked at 55 hertz. if anyone can help that would be awesome thank you
  14. kendall64

    what hertz is best for my truck??

    thats what two people told me at the comp so im gunna try it and see if it will work for me
  15. kendall64

    what hertz is best for my truck??

    well maybe you could take a look at mine at state and give me some tips on how to make it better
  16. kendall64

    what hertz is best for my truck??

    where can i find one for cheap cause the ones ive seen are like 600 and i might stick with aeroports but i havent made up my mind yet
  17. kendall64

    what hertz is best for my truck??

    i forgot to tell ya'll thanks for helping this newbie out lol
  18. kendall64

    what hertz is best for my truck??

    i got told to take a single sub and put it in a sealed box and get a term lab and find my best hertz for my truck but i dont have a term lab or know anybody with one that can let me borrow one and i dont know if the local shops around here will let me use there term lab just to find my hertz and i probably do need sound deading cause i have none but i was hoping that someone had the same truck i did and knew the hertz for it
  19. kendall64

    what hertz is best for my truck??

    you didnt miss much in bixby there was 4 sq guys and only 3 spl guys no body was in my class so i was a shoe in win but a w is a w lol but ill be at the state finals and ill be running my truck just to see if my new port change makes a difference or not but i hope to maybe get in touch with you at state cause i could use all the help i can get i really liked competing i just need to know more. i learned a ton this weekend and hope to learn more next weekend
  20. kendall64

    what hertz is best for my truck??

    im gunna make my box where i can interchange the ports so i can have spl and daily and i was thinking of making my port 20''x5'' at 40 or 45 hertz
  21. so im pretty new to going to competitions and competting my subs. i was just wondering if only one has any tips or tricks i could use to help gain dbs?? anything will help i just dont want to go in this competition that is coming up and not know something to help me.. i drive a two door tahoe i have 4 12's ppi pcx subs and i was wondering if i folded down my back seat and moved my subs closer to the front would that help (probably a dumd question but you never know until you ask)
  22. kendall64

    ticks and tips to dain dbs???

    sweet i cant wait to hear them ive seen them on youtube but never heard them in person
  23. kendall64

    ticks and tips to dain dbs???

    what are you running?
  24. kendall64

    ticks and tips to dain dbs???

    yes it has 2 70 fuses and i dont want to drop down classes i want to see what it well really meter out at. i know i probably win, im in it because i love bass!!!! lol so as3 would be the best for me to run in?
  25. kendall64

    ticks and tips to dain dbs???

    my box is not above my window or back seat i have 4 12'' ppi pcx and im running a 1500 mb onyx ive done my big 3 and i have 2 batteries under the hood my box is 6.5 cubic ft i have a 97 two door tahoe.