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Everything posted by Typicaljawaiian

  1. Typicaljawaiian

    RMS : Fi BL Standard & Fully Loaded

    I been to the Fi site and looked through the specs for my BL 15 and found 1000 watts rms. Is that a starting point? Do the subs handle more power as you add features, or do they just handle the 1k better.
  2. I need to know exactly what mechanical failure is to a sub woofer. I know this is a rookie question, but I need some technica answers as I think it's the reason for my sub's death. Or can a sub even break due to this. I am 110% sure it wasn't because of thermal failure. The voice coils look brand new when I took it apart. Yes I took it apart and ordered a recone before asking. I know part of it was due to playing freq. lower than box tuning and using bass boost. What part of the sub breaks or what does the coil look like when it dies mechanicaly + 1,000,000 other questions I have but i'll start w/these. Thank's.
  3. Typicaljawaiian

    SSA driver photo contest vote

    DOG! I vote 4 your avatar. 20 votes
  4. Typicaljawaiian

    How can I tell 2008 BL from 2009 BL. (15")

    Bought my sub second hand and need a recone. How do I tell the difference between '08 & '09 BL models. I have a 15".
  5. Typicaljawaiian

    2 SUBS 1 BOX

    Ok what's the deal with separate chambers for running more than one sub? How crucial is it really? I really want to end up with 2 15's in my Toyota Yaris sedan. Biggest box I can get in there is 32w x 16h x 26d (outside dim.). If the subs are exactly the same and amps are gain matched it shouldn't be that bad right? I know it's not ideal, but I really want the 2 15's.
  6. Typicaljawaiian

    How can I tell 2008 BL from 2009 BL. (15")

    If the voice coil didn't match up according to year would the sub still work. '09 recone on a '08 motor. Please tell me yes!
  7. Typicaljawaiian

    2 SUBS 1 BOX

    Bumper! Looking for more input
  8. Typicaljawaiian

    2 SUBS 1 BOX

    One con that I just thought of is cubic feet. Maybe not enough for 2 15's?
  9. Typicaljawaiian

    Tuning box below manufacture's Fs

    Ok, I get it. I would be losing output. Basically becoming less efficient. At least I wouldn't be damaging the sub. Thanks for the help.
  10. has not set their status

  11. has not set their status

  12. has not set their status

  13. Typicaljawaiian

    what is unloading and how does it affect subs

    most likely the enclosure is just fine, it's tuned to the Fi recommended specs..... you should set your gains and subsonic with 0db reference test tones and a DMM to get the settings much closer.... and don't use the BASS BOOST on the head unit or the amp.... those are settings befit for failure..... what was your sub wired to? 4, 2, or 1 ohms?? The sub was dual 2 wired to 4 ohm. I think it was also a loose nut behind the knobs!
  14. Typicaljawaiian

    what is unloading and how does it affect subs

    Had the gain set to a little more than half, subsonic filter between 25 & 30 hz, bass boost on head unit was at 1 out of 5, bass knob was like half way up (maybe a little more). So from what you are saying, more than likely my settings are way off. Maybe I should also tune lower? An upgrade to a bigger amp for louder bass? Maybe even think of a sealed enclosure for daily. would a box tuning of 25hz sound decent?
  15. Typicaljawaiian

    what is unloading and how does it affect subs

    The sub is in a 3.0-3.1 cubic foot enclosure tuned to around 32-33 hz. Im running it of a JL 1000/1. I was playing songs like "soul survivor" Akon and Jeezy.