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Everything posted by cheese20323

  1. cheese20323

    PROJECT! SE-R Rebuild!!!!

    Oh eah it has limo tint all around and gonna get 35% on the windshield when i get it
  2. cheese20323

    PROJECT! SE-R Rebuild!!!!

    Oh i know glass is still good! Its thick af tho. Or the mirror ripped off the outer skin flew but the miror was good? Well right now its at the body shop gettin all the fun stuff ill do the lil details once it gets back.
  3. cheese20323

    amazon strikes!

    LMAO LOL dude this is funny!
  4. cheese20323

    PROJECT! SE-R Rebuild!!!!

    there not bent it just got MASSIVE curb rash but yeah everyone was fine crazy how it has airbags on seats curtain and everywhere those were like 1k too.
  5. cheese20323

    PROJECT! SE-R Rebuild!!!!

    It was a bitch installing the coilovers by myself but the drop was worth it! And he fell asleep and like hit the guard rails on the freeway. Im still debating on 2 new rims or fix the ones it has...but its at the body shop getting repaired...ima take some pics when i go to take them the bumper.
  6. cheese20323

    PROJECT! SE-R Rebuild!!!!

    Lol I got half the car today! Quarter panel.
  7. cheese20323

    Question on Amp

    So i came across this amp and its 260 3200 rms @ 1 ohm....Is it to ood to be true or what? has dual 1/0 inputs and 5x40 amp fuses. so like 2500 rms but still for 260 thats a steal! i think i might try em out...
  8. cheese20323

    Question on Amp

    Wait i was on my phone wrong amp.... http://www.sonicelectronix.com/pictures_new.php?id=17908&picture_id=246582 Dual 1/0?
  9. cheese20323

    Question on Amp

    Hahah FAILLLLLLL! http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_9463_SPL-FX1-5500D.html
  10. cheese20323

    SLO Classic Car Show

    Went to some classic car show with my bro the other took some pics....Cam is a Canon T2i...
  11. cheese20323

    SLO Classic Car Show

    theres alot more pics just onc ei get on the comp ill upload more....um does SSA have a pic limit per post?
  12. cheese20323

    Why you should just HIT the damn DEER

    dude i always thought when ppl said I hit a deer was just another saying I crashed not that they actually hit a deer!
  13. cheese20323

    SLO Classic Car Show

    His Ride.
  14. cheese20323

    SLO Classic Car Show

  15. cheese20323

    ICON Stock?

    The RE SX i offered you is good to bro and that mb quart is perfect since its similar t the amp i used to have...
  16. cheese20323

    How to make two amps compatible?

    I used to have a sony reciever had cd/mp3 capability connected an 2 RE REX 12's to it and they bumped hard as hell and it was at 1 ohm lol didnt hesitate. Ported and tuned at 25 hz hit those movie bass things like nothing best setup i had.
  17. cheese20323

    Do I need a recone or something already??

    look around the dustcap...if it is the dustcap just some glue should fix it...
  18. cheese20323

    DC Audio

    Lol dont you hit around that with 2 15's?
  19. cheese20323

    3 weeks already

    Nicole? New employee or nicks nickname lol?
  20. cheese20323

    Question about wiring two amps in one car?

    I think he stated the amp has no outputs.....niether thats what i thought was kinda weird...
  21. cheese20323

    Question about wiring two amps in one car?

    your gonna need 4 of those I think sice a 4 chann requires 4 +2 for the mono =6.
  22. cheese20323

    Did i get ripped off?

    not too bad considering you bought it at a car audio shop, what really matters at the end is if your satisfied with the way it sounds.
  23. cheese20323

    Windows down... F#@K!

    Thats good....But I mean lol xover connected to batt....atleast its workin good.
  24. cheese20323

    Windows down... F#@K!

    your xovers are connected to your batt?