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Everything posted by cheese20323

  1. cheese20323

    Welcome to the IHoP

  2. cheese20323

    2-18 bl's in a sealed box?

    Better in ported too much motor force..might sound like shit.
  3. cheese20323

    Welcome to the IHoP

    barely 7 pshh.
  4. cheese20323

    Under my seat

    awesome. do you think that would be a good way to go? 4 re8's sealed firing up? No. firing down. i busted my first two sa8s firing them up Knows what he says about these type of trucks....I heard the Sl's from RE are kinda cheap just stick 4 RE 8's
  5. cheese20323

    Welcome to the IHoP

    What is this you are asking me of? That thing looks legit pretty scary too.
  6. cheese20323

    Welcome to the IHoP

    JP? Who is that? And why would my name be brought up? Probably wrong Aaron but it was a damn 3rd grade fight....Once my speakers get sold Ill do something stupid to get banned.....Oh and JP is the dude with the tahoe 4 PSI 18's Link for the point and laugh factor? http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/90751-johnathan-prices-epic/
  7. cheese20323

    Welcome to the IHoP

  8. cheese20323

    Welcome to the IHoP

    What s wrong with the avi nem?
  9. cheese20323

    Gen 3 BTLs and BTL history

  10. cheese20323

    Welcome to the IHoP

    JP? Who is that? And why would my name be brought up? Probably wrong Aaron but it was a damn 3rd grade fight....Once my speakers get sold Ill do something stupid to get banned.....Oh and JP is the dude with the tahoe 4 PSI 18's
  11. cheese20323

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Just got off of SMD and damn! average maturity level is like 9 years old! Talking shit on JP's truck I mean he may not be cool or whatever but damn..too much trash over their...did you help construct the truck aaron?
  12. cheese20323

    Window Tint Picture Thread

    5% would be lighter in the front..then the back it won't always look pitch black...
  13. cheese20323

    4Runner Electrical help

    lights are going to dim...just stay above 12.8 and your godd.
  14. cheese20323

    Ross's noobie build

  15. cheese20323

    4Runner Electrical help

    it should be fine....
  16. cheese20323

    Under my seat

    under the seat...he has a seat lift kit...
  17. cheese20323

    Under my seat

    Get this and 2 12 SSD's....../thread...
  18. cheese20323

    Welcome to the IHoP

    just be nothing...or be an officer lol....and trip somebody out...
  19. cheese20323

    Welcome to the IHoP

    No problem, but I have the dry blade setup as well. Works just fine with the wet blade Entertaining as hell too...even does cumin seeds pretty well Commercial blenders ftmfw Just need to find an easier way to get things the consistency of peanut butter out of it. I wouldn't have bought the dry pitcher, but they had a deal and it was basically free. Figure I may someday grind my own flour, but I've been too lazy so far. my mom just puts water on them... Then you'd have to get the water out of the peanut butter thought you guys were about dried chili peppers...
  20. cheese20323

    Welcome to the IHoP

    hel to the yeah wonder how M5 has 41,000......
  21. cheese20323

    Jeep Grand Cherokee

    so no dual bracket will be required.. just replace my oem alt? thanks for all the help guys.. much appreciated replace stock with DC and your a happy camper...
  22. cheese20323

    Under my seat

    Q mag is like 9 inches
  23. Thats sucks theres no cali love......
  24. cheese20323

    Welcome to the IHoP

    1000 Finally!
  25. cheese20323

    Jason Voorhees Tattoo

    Thats some clean ass work!