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Everything posted by stevemead08

  1. stevemead08

    Quick Wiring Question...

    Why do you want it like that? Its the same. all + together and all - together
  2. stevemead08

    Big Will's Build, 4 XCON 18s!

    You are getting verrrrry sleeeeepy. That looks hypnotic at the begining. SWeet man!!
  3. stevemead08

    TeamSSA Malibu Progress Update

    I need a project car. i wanna be TEAM SSA!
  4. stevemead08

    Time Alignment and Bandpass when going Active

    theres one used on here for $260 i believe
  5. stevemead08

    VIDEO 4 18's 50 cubic feet 20" diameter port 23Hz tune 14,000

    Vids cool but i wouldnt put a kid in a van like. not good on the kiddos ears.
  6. stevemead08

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    Good job sam! big congrats on the trophy....Bigger congrats on the diplomas.
  7. stevemead08

    got metered today :)

    I would be proud!!
  8. stevemead08

    Boss CX8 enclosure questions..

    Spend 20 more bucks and get the RE Audio 8 off ebay. way better quality! IMO
  9. nah. thats the wifes grocery getter. any word on the next set up? if any. i ordered my recones today. should be bumpin good soon.

  10. stevemead08

    4-SA8D2's in 5cu=140.5db

    You make me wanna put my 8s and the my 22s on my escape. lol looks nice. my escape is an 03 though.
  11. stevemead08

    how much $ for a box un assembled?

    Where do you live? you might find someone on here to help you out.
  12. stevemead08

    Sundown SA-10 Pre-Sale

    email sent
  13. stevemead08

    Sundown SA-10 Pre-Sale

    thats good news. so are the sa-8 cone kits still with this shipment?
  14. stevemead08

    Interesting BS on CACO

    been eating jellysickles over there.
  15. stevemead08

    Official Team introduction for IAK members.

  16. stevemead08

    95 4runner Rear Buildout and Kickpods

    I left beaverton in late 06. Now I'm in houston after two years in atlanta.
  17. stevemead08

    95 4runner Rear Buildout and Kickpods

    Oregon welcome. im from portland/beaverton
  18. stevemead08

    Fi Q vs BTL

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. he already played that game.
  19. stevemead08

    Fi Q vs BTL

    Dude quit posting these threads.
  20. stevemead08

    95 4runner Rear Buildout and Kickpods

    Great northwest? where?
  21. stevemead08

    4-SA8D2's in 5cu=140.5db

    Good job Chuck!!
  22. stevemead08

    Happy Birth Day to Jacob

    happy birthday!!
  23. stevemead08

    Happy Fathers Day

    Sweet. ill be a daddy in august. hope all the dads and soon to be dads have a great day!
  24. stevemead08

    Happy Fathers Day

    what about soon to be fathers?