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Everything posted by stevemead08

  1. stevemead08

    Fi won't e-mail back

    They are backordered at the moment so they are probably receiving tons of emails about the same thing. wait patiently like others. The motors are stuck in customs. not much they can do about it.
  2. stevemead08

    SSA XCON 15D2 or Fi Q 15D2

    Since you added LOUD. i say the xcon
  3. stevemead08

    Avalanche 18" That unfortunetly I blew out

    Just get your avalanche reconed. its a great sub. you just have to be responsible!!
  4. stevemead08

    nightshade vs 7k

    Dude you gonna need upgraded batteries and alt weather you run 5k or 7k. most cars/trucks need upgrades at about 1500-2000w
  5. stevemead08

    144.8 db-------on music

    Big 3
  6. My wife is contracting and im freakin out!!!

    1. stevemead08


      the 16th. next monday.

    2. Sir-Lancelot


      Any day now.

      Hope all goes well with mom and the baby. I am sure she is READY as hot as it;s been. You prolly been catching all kinds of shit. lol

    3. Mark LaFountain
    4. Show next comments  507 more
  7. stevemead08

    Multiple Small subwoofer set up options

    if you have 2.5 cubic feet. you could do 4 sa-8s. i believe there in stock now. that will be way more bass than you need.
  8. stevemead08

    The Nightshade Caddy

    Thar port looks tits!! i might (ok i will) copy your port idea!!!!!!!
  9. stevemead08

    crazy crazy night.

    Bought a lincoln and runs like a toyota lol
  10. stevemead08

    Which sub?

    The dcons are nice. i have had Qs and they sounded great too
  11. stevemead08

    Hello from Willis, TX

    Welcome to SSA
  12. someone tried stealing my 22s. bitches!

    1. sefugi


      Hope you were able to give them lead poisining!

    2. Mark LaFountain

      Mark LaFountain

      so they tryed and failed? lol, idiots.

    3. stevemead08


      yeah. my center caps have like 10 allen heads. all of them loosen but only one opens the cap. plus i have locks and you need a thinwall chrome socket on the regular nuts. they FAILED ( so far)

      They got one center cao off and gave up i guess.

  13. stevemead08

    im new to car audio and need some help

  14. stevemead08

    rockford vs audioque

    What dose kicker and bad ass have to do with it.
  15. stevemead08

    rockford vs audioque

    Unless someone else has done the exact comparison, with the same tone in the same car, nobody is gonna know. usually cone area wins but not always.
  16. stevemead08

    The Nightshade Caddy

    Gotta work with what I got, lol i feel ya bro
  17. stevemead08

    The Nightshade Caddy

    Homeboy, you need a garage!
  18. stevemead08

    SSA Welcomes Tejcurrent

  19. stevemead08

    rockford vs audioque

    yeah put it on jack stands or ramps would work fine. something to make sure your safe under there
  20. stevemead08

    rockford vs audioque

    You can access it from under the car behind the engine. you could do it if you tried i think.
  21. stevemead08

    The Stang is now retired....new build soon!

    Mark should like this build.
  22. stevemead08

    rockford vs audioque

    i tried...one audio shop said it wouldn't touch it and another said it could be an all-day project and couldn't give me a quote on it. What kind of car? sorry if you already said it.
  23. stevemead08

    Pioneer TS-W3002D4

    then i would do two ssds
  24. stevemead08

    Pioneer TS-W3002D4

    He ha s 1500 watt amp so 2 SSD's or SA-12's would be alright but no Fi X's since a few threads down he askes which amp to get i assumed he didnt have one.