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Everything posted by stevemead08

  1. stevemead08

    btl 18 cuts out at high volume HELP!!!!!!

    What kind a car is it? Some cars/trucks have a shut off if voltage get to low. This is to ensure you dont drain your battery and get stranded.
  2. stevemead08

    btl 18 cuts out at high volume HELP!!!!!!

    turn your gain down probably
  3. stevemead08

    158.0 in a Mustang

    Thats pretty nuts man. congrats!. not too many louder than you!
  4. stevemead08

    BEST *#$@ing sub I EVER owned .

    great sub....lose the cap
  5. stevemead08

    another centex meet???

  6. stevemead08

    Stocking Small Inventory on Hand

    Blow through? God I hope so. I wanna do one so bad, but would have to buy a truck first. lol Na the truck will keep the 4 sa8s on a saz1500. The xcons are going in another build. 6 18s on 3 saz3ks. Sorry for the thread jack Mark
  7. stevemead08

    Stocking Small Inventory on Hand

    I have to wait anyway. just bought my second of three saz3ks and a 1500d
  8. stevemead08

    Stocking Small Inventory on Hand

    That should be real good. keep 6 xcon 18s for me!!!
  9. stevemead08

    AA chao's ?

    How are you reading them? dosent sound right. shouls read like 1.5-1.7 DCR give or take
  10. stevemead08

    How would you do your components?

    A real SQ set up probably wouldnt include a set of components and wouldnt have rear door speakers.
  11. just took the 10 month preggo wife to see Eat Pray Love. now i feel like a lesser man. LOL

    1. stevemead08


      shes been pretty good all 10 months. she deserves at least a movie. A happy wife makes a happy life!!

    2. sefugi


      You got that right!

    3. mccleery3


      The things we do for those we love.

    4. Show next comments  504 more
  12. stevemead08

    new custom box

    Maybe you should start a different thread stating your problems and questions. to the original question( before you edited it)... yes the Fis will probably be louder than your kickers, you will need atleast an extra battery and yes build a new custom box.
  13. Personally i would choose the sundowns but for space and budget limited applications the stetson is a good choice. along with HO alt and some good batteries.
  14. stevemead08

    new custom box

    Is this a trick question?
  15. stevemead08

    Enclosure Build for BanginGMC (Two 15 Inch *Surprise*)

    Im diggin my initials on your box there Dom. Looks sweet guys Hahahaha actually it stands for "suck my ****" The box should be at my house in... 15 min OUCH!
  16. stevemead08

    Enclosure Build for BanginGMC (Two 15 Inch *Surprise*)

    Im diggin my initials on your box there Dom. Looks sweet guys
  17. stevemead08

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    Thanks guys. i hope i can make something real good out of it!!!
  18. I think he means SKAR makes the subs and Subtilis sells them.
  19. stevemead08

    Temperature Problem.

    might be because it 1000 degree outside! I really doubt it has anything to do with your system.
  20. stevemead08

    Take responsibility when driving!

    Thats a pretty good eye opener. a judge required me to take an aggressive driving class in a Intensive care unit after my racing/130mph in a 50mph zone ticket. That shit was the worst and best class i have ever taken. i caught myself getting very teary listining to the sad stories of victims of dickheads like me. needless to say as an expecting father and husband i definitly drive much more alert and not like the madman i was. For all the little assholes that drive like this and think there good drivers when they have a carload of people i hope this little video teaches you a thing or two or at least makes you aware of waht might happen. I thank god i never killed anyone! Great post Sir-Lancelot. sorry for the rant
  21. stevemead08

    New magnets in yet?

  22. I think i just found some work!!

    1. stevemead08


      I started my construction company in may and found a company in desperate need of an install company (ME)

      No baby yet hes hanging out in there i guess.

    2. jcarter1885


      congrats on both man

    3. mccleery3


      Congrats bro! All my girls were more than a week overdue...LOL!

    4. Show next comments  504 more
  23. stevemead08

    Enclosure Build for BanginGMC (Two 15 Inch *Surprise*)

    He has an extended cab truck.
  24. stevemead08

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    So after 3 1/2 months of doing odd labor jobs to keep the bills paid, i was starting to think all this hard work building my company was for the lose. Today i got in touch with a VIP for a large locker maker and he has given me some nice contracts. this is huge for me and the family. realisticly i could do 2-3 large projects in a few months and live very comfortable the rest of the year. i dont want to jinx it so i will stop talking about it. Needless to say i am very exited!!!!!!
  25. stevemead08

    Time to meet and greet

    Welcome bro!