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Everything posted by stevemead08

  1. stevemead08

    Want your ride on our website?

    give me a deal i cant refuse for my SS camaro and ill put your website on my ride.
  2. stevemead08

    Is a Db a Db?

    I think the original question was,,, could something sound and feel louder but not meter louder. answer is yes. At least thats what my simple mind read.
  3. stevemead08

    Is a Db a Db?

    You do not meter the same. Frequency plays a major role, and yes even if you burp the same note and meter the same on that note, you do not meter the same. Hell, even if you did in one spot in your car and happen to find it, I would still say you do not meter the same. Your analogy leaves out some major considerations in frequency and mic location. Ok your right.
  4. stevemead08

    Is a Db a Db?

    Bigjon had two ns15s on 3k. I have two 10s of the same brand on same power and tuning. We both meter the same but have different cars. His feels very violent and beats you up pretty good, where as mine is far more mellow in terms of what you feel, hear, and see.
  5. stevemead08

    Is a Db a Db?

    A car with 2 15 burping 145 @ 32 sounds and feels much louder than my truck burping the same score/same freq. with one 12.
  6. stevemead08

    2001 Chevy Astro....Custom Install!

    That shits doin the WAVE
  7. stevemead08

    Thank You SSA Brothers

    pollish that pole hole!!!!!!!!
  8. stevemead08

    sundown lincoln

    if i called you everytime i came to town you get sick of me. i think i need an apartment over there. lol
  9. stevemead08

    sundown lincoln

    all day friday
  10. stevemead08

    Granny Loves BASS! Basshead Granny Gets Demo's from Team HZ Ad

    Thats Epic!! crazy texan grannies!
  11. stevemead08

    sundown lincoln

    it really keeps up.. its wild! in my black car it was my first time going active trying to keep up with my sub stage,...and i failed.. but this time WOW its loud clean clear full and you can hear it WITH the sub stage.. im happy!!! i do on the other hand need to figure out how to dampen my over head console. it rattling a bit. ill try to get some vids.. my busy season starts in the morning.. so. damn and i was just over there. i should have stopped by.
  12. stevemead08

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    Damn son!
  13. wife and babys bday yesterday. tons of good food and friends. very blessed

    1. onebadmonte


      Amen brother. Nothing like food and family to bring a warm heart.

    2. porkchop


      happy birthday!

    3. mccleery3


      Happy Birthday to them both! Food and family FTW :)

  14. stevemead08

    sundown lincoln

    wow about time. worth the wait?
  15. stevemead08

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    You realize how long that port will be?
  16. stevemead08

    SSA has gone Amazon!

    Wow. Very cool.
  17. stevemead08

    A little flex from a 6th order bandpass

    Pretty impressive!
  18. stevemead08

    Brainstorm Daydream... RIP! 25Hz tapped horn for van

    M5 wrote it, i agree with it and i get the -1s. douches!
  19. stevemead08

    Brainstorm Daydream... RIP! 25Hz tapped horn for van

    I think you shouldn't tell another man how to raise his kids, who the fuck are you to say that? A father im guessing. I agree with him.
  20. if you really want another crunch amp i would stick to a groundpounder 3k. not any of the ones like you have.
  21. Any interest in a saz3k for sale?

  22. Probably something that makes 750-1000 (give or take) or so at 2 ohms
  23. I would say at your skill level you should stick with one amp. 3-400 bucks can buy you a great amp. or if you want to spend less maybe check around for maybe a used amp in the classifieds
  24. Yes i am selling one., but im not sure its the right amp for you. it is 1 ohm stable. A budget would help us help you.