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Everything posted by stevemead08

  1. stevemead08

    Julian's 2011 Mustang

    Not exactly what I said. I said the two setups were not even in the same league
  2. stevemead08

    Julian's 2011 Mustang

    6 600w 12s on low power vs. A monster 18 on 5k? What's the debate? Shits not even on the same level. Good job Julian. Keep up the good work.
  3. stevemead08

    Julian's 2011 Mustang

  4. stevemead08

    Julian's 2011 Mustang

    I vote NO
  5. stevemead08

    Julian's 2011 Mustang

    You're not too far if you're in Dallas, you should come to Scrapin'! But I'm in Houston and that's another 4.5 hours Biloxi ms. Is about 8 hours away
  6. stevemead08

    Julian's 2011 Mustang

    you should make it down to TX this summer and meet the folks down here. and check out the camaro.
  7. stevemead08

    Brownm3 Build Log

    im happy to see another zcon build!
  8. stevemead08

    looking to lose 55 lbs

    I know some good trainers and was told your body needs 1 gram protein per 2.2lbs. That would out me around 150g. I was advised to bump that up a little to 200g, while I'm working out so hard. They take in 2g per lb. Too much for me.
  9. stevemead08

    Sundown Z vs SSA Xcon vs Zcon

    SPL and flex usually dont go good together. ive had nightshades and have zcons now. Ill never change my substage now. FWIW, my 2 zcon 18s did 151.9 db on just 600w each and a 156.8 on 5k each. very versital and efficient drivers. Plus the SSA line is designed and build in the USA. Sundown=china. You decide.
  10. stevemead08

    Team Decent "Punisher" Build

    nice i need to add a DB.
  11. stevemead08

    Team Decent "Punisher" Build

    NICE. where was it at before the fix?
  12. stevemead08

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Ive noticed that alot lately. Mods even. there is one i know of that we do without forsure.
  13. stevemead08

    looking to lose 55 lbs

    Thanks man. xmas will be a hard week to lose. ima try my best to atleast not gain.
  14. stevemead08

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I too wondered where you were.
  15. stevemead08

    looking to lose 55 lbs

    Well closing of week 3 and lost another 1.8 lbs. another not so great week but that bumped me over the 10 lb mark and im happy for that. I suppose as long as im losing something every weeks, its a good week. 10.2 LBS down and 45 to go! lol I figured id embarrass myself a little and take a few before pics of my fatness. This is about the fattest ive ever been. I WILL NEVER LOOK LIKE THIS AGAIN!!!!! PERIOD!
  16. stevemead08

    back at it

    +1 me too homie. I eat all day long and am losing lbs fast. You would like it.
  17. stevemead08

    Help me spend my money

    So this is not what you were looking for? A true heavy weight by all accounts, the new SSA Zcon is absolutely a beast. After 3 years of development, to answer the demand from the mega power fanatics and high output crowd, the massive SSA Zcon is finally here. Incorporating an FEA optimized motor with a spiral CNC-machined solid pole piece, the Zcon has the technology and cooling to take some serious abuse with the ability to step up the cabin pressure to brutal levels. Bringing to market our biggest motor ever, the Zcon has the motor strength for accurate cone control showing that this is not a one note wonder. The Zcon is at home in a moderate daily driver system as it is in a mega power competition system. Five sandwiched spiders and a large 3" - 8 layer aluminum coil, means the Zcon can handle the heaviest of hands on the volume knob for years to come. Right from the start, the Zcon is already in the top offerings on the market for the high end, big output daily driver sub woofers. You can be proud to own a SSA Zcon, as with the entire SSA speaker line up, it is designed, engineered, machined and built here in the USA.
  18. stevemead08

    Help me spend my money

    ssa store
  19. stevemead08

    Help me spend my money

    ive ran tons of sundown and i still install alot of their gear for my buddies. (installing 2 sa-8s and a sae1200 tomorrow) but in my own ride i have zcons and ill never change back. MADE IN USA should be a selling point. mine did a 151.8 on just 1200w sundown amp and 156.8 on 10k. pretty versital sub for any power range.
  20. stevemead08

    looking to lose 55 lbs

    I know vic. you looked real slim at finals. Good job bro!
  21. stevemead08

    looking to lose 55 lbs

    Haha someone called Jon bi and vic got naked!
  22. stevemead08

    looking to lose 55 lbs

    Week 2 is done. lost another 2.6lbs. not a big loss but im lifting heavy and drinking lots of water so weightloss numbers are a little tricky. total lost in two weeks is 8.4lbs. Ive already noticed a pretty big change in my look and for sure how i feel. My diet is starting to take shape now and consist of: Breakfast 3 eggs and 1 toast wheatbread Protein shake (after workout) snack celery and nuts lunch 8oz tuna or chicken breast 1 serving fruit more veggies protein shake snack string cheese protein bar dinner usually a leafy green salad with chicken or steak another protein shake at around 9pm Goal is to stay around 150g protein daily.
  23. stevemead08

    Los Magnificos Car Show SA TX 2011

    Ive seen those Rimco girls at the end at like 3 different shows. lol
  24. stevemead08

    zcon 15's bc5500

    good stuff bro!!
  25. Once you own a REAL made in america subwoofer you will not want a crappy chinese paper weight ever again. I love my ZCONs

    1. S.DeYoung


      America fuck yeah!

    2. jcarter1885


      I love my SSA Icon, cant wait to upgrade to the big boy subs.

    3. Ohjay


      Strange... I feel the same way.

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