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Everything posted by Electrodynamic

  1. Electrodynamic

    My impressions of the next-gen SI Mag 12

    The new Mag sealed will NOT keep up with a previous-gen Mag ported. Ported simply has too much of an advantage. But like Jim said, the new Mag sealed has enough output that's for sure.
  2. Electrodynamic

    My impressions of the next-gen SI Mag 12

    Fairly well...but the power handling goes out the window.
  3. Electrodynamic

    My impressions of the next-gen SI Mag 12

    The ported box they tested it in was actually smaller than what we were thinking about recommending, which actually allowed the driver better power handling. However, like Chad and Jim stated, the driver is better suited to sealed, which is what the Mag was designed for anyway. PS: Neither Jim or Chad harrped on it heavily but they did casually mention that the Mag handled every bit of the 800'ish watts they had on tap and was plenty loud enough. When I was testing the Mag in my Civic (1.2 cubes sealed coupled to a SAZ-1000D) it was vibrating/moving my hair...and I have short hair with gel in it.
  4. Electrodynamic

    2005 Scion TC SI Mag 15 Ported

    Sweet! I was wondering how it was going to look because those scion's are tiny in the hatch area, but man that should turn out killer!
  5. Electrodynamic

    2005 Scion TC SI Mag 15 Ported

    Sweet! I was wondering how it was going to look because those scion's are tiny in the hatch area, but man that should turn out killer!
  6. Electrodynamic

    My impressions of the next-gen SI Mag 12

    Thanks for the review Jim! PS: No pics ... well, maybe a frontal, but that's it. There are a lot of changes that are happening on the back of the driver, so no pics will be posted until the final proto gets here.
  7. Electrodynamic

    Website Group Delay

    Thanks, I'll get it fixed ASAP.
  8. Yep yep, I just sent it out a few hours ago. Chad should have it by Wednesday and then he and JimJ are going to try to meet this weekend to do some sealed testing. I was sad to see it go...and it also reminded me of how critical a sub is to a sound system. Damned Audax 5.25's!!
  9. Electrodynamic

    The Mag is here.

    Well I've kept you all in suspense long enough. However, I am NOT going to post a side-shot of the Mag because we are changing the basket color and something else. The picture below is NOT of the final driver - the gasket is going to be re-done so it matches up better with the surround. As you can see, there is a gap. The gap will be fixed. So, without typing everything all over again I'm going to paste what I just sent my reps: I got the driver hooked up in 1.2 cubes in the Civic tonight!!! It
  10. Electrodynamic

    Think you might like to see this :)

    HOLY CRAP!!! I was gone for half the weekend and I come back to this! 5 15" Mag's...man, as if 4 wasn't enough. You are a sick, sick man Marcos.
  11. Electrodynamic

    The Mag is here.

    The BM is technically more efficient from the 1w/1m standpoint, but not by much. The BM and the Mag are both inefficient on the 1w/1m front, but they are efficient when it comes to output (read the paper on subwoofer efficiency on our technical web page). The new Mag and new BM are both a LOT more efficient than the previous models regarding output from small sealed boxes.
  12. Electrodynamic

    New BM information

    As most of you may know, the BM's are going ultra-shallow! Ultra-shallow being 3.5" for a 12" model. The new BM will be offered in a 12" only with dual 4 Ohm coils. Enclosure sizes are 0.75 cubes sealed and 1.5 cubes ported. Power handling will be 500 watts RMS. That's all the information I'll let out for now, but here is a picture of the basket we are going to use (and before anyone asks, this may or may not be the color of the basket )
  13. Electrodynamic

    Official New BM thread

    This thread will provide all of the details about the new BM's (sizes, shapes, colors, vc options, enclosures, etc): The new BM subwoofers are a shallow design with a tiny mounting depth of 3.5 inches! The drivers will utilize a flat honeycomb nomex cone Inverted foam surround Available in 12" only and in dual 4 Ohm only 500 watt RMS power handling in the recommended enclosures Sealed enclosure size of 0.5 cubic feet. XBL^2 motor with ~13mm of Xmax
  14. Electrodynamic

    The Mag is here.

    PS: It's in the new thread I stickied. http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...showtopic=15422
  15. Electrodynamic

    The Mag is here.

    After driver displacement (the Mag displaces ~0.08 cubes).
  16. Electrodynamic

    Nick, we demand new SI component sets!

    if God made a component set, they would sound like that Took the words out of my mouth. LOL!! They weren't that good! The tweeters were the short-coming to the component sets. They still sounded good, but they weren't what considered a really neutral sounding tweeter. I've got the tweeter I would use in the next components is sitting on a shelf in our storage facility. It's a VERY VERY good sounding tweeter, but it would raise the cost of the components an additional $300.
  17. Electrodynamic

    Official New Mag thread

    Here it is: the official thread on the new Mag 12 D2. The new Mag D2 will be available in 12" only. It will also be available in Dual 2 Ohms only. Recommended sealed enclosure volume is 1 cubic foot. The enclosure recommendations are after port and driver displacement. The new Mag will displace 0.08 ft^3 The new Mag D2 will feature: 3" voice coil an XBL^2 equipped motor 5.5" deep mounting depth Motor is inside the basket, hence the shallow depth Paper pulp cone Rubber surround Sewn-on vc leads Flush gasket (no holes showing) 1000 watt power handling in recommended enclosures
  18. Electrodynamic

    The Mag is here.

    I suppose I should start another thread and sticky it and lock it with the information on the new Mag's. I think the problem is there are too many threads about the Mag and people hop in and don't read the other threads. Good, consider it done. Now, wasn't that a good talk? I think so.
  19. Electrodynamic

    Mag proto is on its way to Chad Hicks

    This weekend my ass is in the my woodshop down here finishing my BIB's, hopefully Hicks can hang onto it until next weekend when I'm back in VA AH! Jim...Jim Jim Jim. You disappoint me. (kidding) Chad can hold onto it for that long if he wants. I was hoping to get it back sooner though.
  20. Electrodynamic

    New Heatsink

    Yeah buddy! The new heatsink is sexy! Jake came up with a great design. The cooling fins underneath the top of the amp is just genius.
  21. Electrodynamic

    Mag proto is on its way to Chad Hicks

    Eh, I've got our current Mag that we've retired for our library but I really don't want to lug that thing around in my hatch. For sealed use the new Mag kicks the current Mag's butt in LFE too...so I got kinda spoiled. I'd rather go without for a few days and work on installing the amplifiers...or at least working on organizing them to see where they'll end up.
  22. Electrodynamic

    15" MAG Box Size

    Haha, no problem.
  23. Electrodynamic

    SI Mailing List

    We just added a newletter subscription to our web site. The text and pictures on the entire site will change soon and there will be text on the main page about the newsletter subscription. If anyone wants to stay abreast on what's happening with us, just sign up for the newsletter. The forum will be updated with pics and other stuff, but newsletters always go out first.
  24. Electrodynamic

    Uh oh. I didnt do it.

    Awwww. So cuuute! Haha, nice job man. And sure sure, you didn't mean to do it. ;)
  25. Electrodynamic

    Best enclosure for 12" magnum for home audio

    Your best bet is a TL, like John said, or to tune it to 27 Hz in 2.5 - 2.8 cubes. The 12" Mag wasn't designed to play to 20 Hz flat in a home environment. That's where the 15" Mag's come into play - they will play wickedly low for HT use. Which version do you have? If you have the claw version (it literally says "Magnum" on the dustcap), your tuning is going to be limited to the 30's, not the high 20's like the last generations.