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Everything posted by Electrodynamic

  1. Electrodynamic

    Back from competition

  2. Electrodynamic

    Back from competition

    Opening the door forces the mic into a "corner" with the mic being placed in the kick. Imagine sticking your head into the corner of your listening room vs. sitting in your listening spot. PS: What's the 4 Ohm thing about?
  3. Electrodynamic

    would i hear a difference???

    Beefing your other feeds up from 8 gauge to 4 gauge, and 4 gauge to 0 gauge will probably get a little more juice out of your amp(s). 8 gauge is just tiny for most systems unless you're just running a single 300 watt amplifier.
  4. Electrodynamic

    Pics of my head unit

    Ah, T-bag is posting away. Hopefully he'll cease to be a noob soon. BTW: This will probably get moved to another section by a mod.
  5. Electrodynamic

    Back from competition

    Who's Steve Brown?
  6. Electrodynamic

    Tweeter choice

    Too little too late, but I was going to give my suggestion to go with the tweets...however, you've already bought them and installed them. Textile domes are great for in-car use because of the durability of the dome itself. Pure silk, on the other hand, tends to have issues on the surround of the tweeter during high heat situations. Anyway, the full line of Morel tweets should match up with any system if done right. Morel's tweeter offerings dip down low, have great frequency responses, good waterfall plots, and can handle a butt-load of power. Most of the time they're too big for car use though. And speaking of which, I want to hear your car next time vladd.
  7. Electrodynamic

    Back from competition

    PS: Dave, I didn't know you lived to close to the show or I would have taken you up on the invite to your casa.
  8. Electrodynamic

    Back from competition

    LOL! I know right?! What kind of a stupid-ass company pays gazillions of dollars for a stupid install and sends a dude to competitions? ...if only those guys knew the truth. Haha. And Dave, who the HELL gave you permission to post that pic?! I still want your sexy arse to give me a trophy next time. I got medallioned (is that a word?) by you, but not trophied.
  9. Electrodynamic

    Back from competition

    I honestly thought I was going to get my ass handed to me in the SQ arena. I know I'm not the only one who thinks that way either - the SQ competition has that stigma to it IMO - that if your car doesn't sound like a $50k home audio system you need not apply. I'm glad I entered though. At the next competition if anyone wants to hear the setup just come over and ask me. I love demoing the car so it's no big deal at all. When I had my car opened up playing music Nick M. and I found out that the amp was moving a LOT on the amp rack so we took the end caps off and tightened the amp back down. Apparently screws just aren't going to cut it so I'm going to use all-thread rod and locking nuts on it so it doesn't move around anymore. That, and deadening the doors more to get rid of that damned resonance will be the projects to tackle before the next show. And speaking of deadening for that resonance in my doors, is there going to be an RTA at the next show? I'd like to see if my by-ear-EQ method has worked or not and where I need to adjust more. I've got two more bands of EQ that I'm not using and I have a feeling that I could put them to good use with an RTA.
  10. Electrodynamic

    Back from competition

    ^ 1 cube per 12 sealed.
  11. Electrodynamic

    Back from competition

    There was one other guy in my class - the guy with 6 BP 12's in a wall that did the 146'ish.
  12. Electrodynamic

    Back from competition

    Oh yeah, there were a few guys from a shop down the road that were walking around my car when I wasn't near it talking about how I was "sponsored" and how I "acted like I owned the company". I never got to talk to them but I would have liked to have had the chance to tell them that I do in fact own the company. ...and I damn near bottomed out the Mag's too on a Black Eyed Pea's CD. Haha. That was pretty cool. Oh yeah, thanks mang! PS: Big D might have a Mag in his Magnum pretty soon.
  13. Electrodynamic

    2/4 mag 2d 15's in a van

    BTW: You can go lower sealed versus ported. Ported gets louder than sealed but takes up more volume than sealed. Ported enclosures just have a nack for sounding "louder" lower because up to a certain point the ported enclosure IS louder than sealed...but below tuning is where the sealed enclosures come out ahead (AKA: 25 Hz'ish and below). So if you want great SQ stay sealed. Doing so also keeps your enclosure size down and allows you to shake the steering column with 16 Hz.
  14. Electrodynamic

    2/4 mag 2d 15's in a van

    If SPL isn't an issue get a single Mag 15 sealed in 3 cubes sealed. If you want a good amount of SPL get two Mag 15's sealed in ~2.5 cubes sealed each. If you want LOTS of SPL get 4 Mag 15's and do what you want to with them. Porting 4 15's will be sick if you have the right charging system to go along with it.
  15. Electrodynamic

    Mag 15 Ported box help....

    This beast: http://www.partsexpress.com/pe/pshowdetl.c...tnumber=264-832
  16. Electrodynamic

    Mag 15 Ported box help....

    3 cubes would be THE smallest...period. Anything lower than that and you're just kicking yourself in the nuts. BTW: You want some midbass drivers? Try out the Tang Band 4 Ohm 6.5" big-boys. Jacob had them in his doors and they were INSANE.
  17. Electrodynamic


    ^ What he said. The BM's are a level below a Mag. I almost said "entry level" but they are by no means an entry level woofer with a double stacked motor, 2.5" coil, and the ability to sound similar to a Mag and still have great output. The BM's just won't handle the 1k+ each that the Mag's will.
  18. Electrodynamic

    My 2 12"s free air

    BTW: I should take a vid now that my voltage is stable. I can REALLY get them moving now.
  19. Electrodynamic

    My 2 12"s free air

    Cool video. I'm going to edit it (with your permission) and maybe put a bit of that on our web page. Next time grab more vid of the logo's - you really can't tell how much they're moving with the camera on the side. The part where the logo comes at you is cool as hell though!
  20. Electrodynamic

    Installed 2'nd bat and HO alt

    The second battery resides behind the passenger seat which is un-covered at the moment and I installed the HO alt today. Voltage at idle is 14.5 volts and everything is louder. The Sundown Audio amplifier LOVES voltage for sure - on the Fall Out Boy CD it was just as loud on vol. 50 as it was previously on 60. My doors also rattle more now than they used to. And the sub stage is considerably louder now since the amplifier is actually getting the voltage that it needs. I can finally get the subs moving over an inch. Mad props to multiple batteries and HO alts!
  21. Electrodynamic

    Production driver porn

    You can see the enclosure move b/c the XX Colossus moves when it's going near full tilt. Not too much hatch flexing though because it's SOLID back there. I'll see what I can do though.
  22. Electrodynamic

    Alpine 9857 and PAC SWI-ALP

    Yep, white is 12v and yellow is ground in my Integra. Gay.
  23. Electrodynamic

    Production driver porn

    Now that I've got my second battery installed I need to take a video of the Mags doing their thing since they actually have a little bit of power.
  24. Electrodynamic

    Alpine 9857 and PAC SWI-ALP

    Yep, I'll take some pics when he comes over tonight for the party. T-money's dad took his volt meter so I had to come to the rescue. I swear, factory wiring harness color codes mean D!CK! T asked me if red was power and I said "yes, unless it's the factory wiring...in which case it might be white, blue, orange, yellow, green, or whatever they were feeling that day."
  25. Electrodynamic

    Where's the wire at?

    Who has the wire now? It's been way too long without any replies/updates to the wire thread.