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Everything posted by troublemaker

  1. troublemaker

    Info & opinions on the Vaccum Tube Hybrid

    Whoever told you that is chatting poo. The 12AX7's in the TU series are being run from a 300v supply, not 50 as Tru like to claim. The TU300 from my listening sounds nicer than the TU600. a bit sweeter. I am not over enamoured by the TU4360 as we have had issues with them cooking the 4th tube in the row as they receive their gate voltage in series. other than that excellent amps. The reason they are called "class a" is a bit weird. They use a class A/B biased mosfet output stage, however by using a pair of "null gain" current following fets to drive it, it completely eliminates crossover notch distortion, which is the main difference between class A and class A/B from and audible point of view, therefore you end up with a close approximation of a class A waveform at the speaker outputs. Hope this helps.
  2. troublemaker

    Decided to post this....

    From what i understand of it yes, Dirk has got some great board ideas. As long as Jeff Coleman's replacement JR can deliver on his promise of improved customer service for us dealers (its been not the best in 2005) then i think we may start to see the company coming back into the forefrint. If not its not garunteed survival.
  3. troublemaker

    US Amps built where?

    OK. Lets go through this. The "other dude" lol is Jack Matheney. Who I have to say is one of the most honourable and generous people I have ever met. Dirk is their engineer. As far as the current line go, the IS is designed by dirk and built in china. The Merlin 2 is NOT a dirk original - its a mod of the US Acoustics USG series amps. Compare for example - this with this I was actually at the Gainesville factory talking to dirk about the modifications he did to the USG's which was basically limited to the power toroids. As far as merlin being made in usa - i am sure what you meant to say was "assembled in the usa from Korean parts", as i am pretty certain that is the situation on these....it makes no difference to me - the koreans make some great boards. Cheers.
  4. troublemaker

    Whats in the future for USAmps?

    Its good to know that they are sorting out some of the issues which we have had with supply this year. D