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Everything posted by thanosdbfan

  1. thanosdbfan


    them thangs are expensive $3500 i thought they quit mking the usa series but i guess not unless its a scam We have been using these things since 2003.Still running strong...Last certified score was 160.1 with 2 MTs 18"
  2. thanosdbfan

    Strapping 4 AXs 3200 DE

    OK... 2 MTs 18 DVC 0.9 OHM running by 2 USAMPS USA 6000.Each amp runs 1 sub @0.5 ohm nominal. on a wall . Street max setup (one ODYSSEY PC 2150 battery) 8 runs OO gauge wire on + and another 8 runs on -. Car SEAT MARBELLA Current certified score 160.1db @ 68 Hz...
  3. thanosdbfan

    Strapping 4 AXs 3200 DE

    C'mon guys!Nobody? Not even a PM?
  4. thanosdbfan

    AX 6400 DE

    I read in another forum that it should be out in JUNE.Do you Know any details? Any specs? Dimensions?
  5. thanosdbfan

    AX 6400 DE

    Yeah right, that's why i ask Tell me some good news.I have a guy here in Greece b@#%ing my Β@lls with the Z2 amps being the most powerfull and things like that...
  6. I recently installed a 1600.2 in a PUG 206 1.6 .Τhe amp was running 8 8" Celestion truvox 8Ω mids. (4 per channel) so the nominal impedance per channel was 2Ω .The amp is a true beast despite the small size.It rocked the mids like hell,but when i turned it off it popped with a quite annoying noise...I checked the wiring,reset the source unit (Alpine CDA 9835) replaced the RCAs, the power/ground cable the speaker cable and retested.Νο improvement .Still the amp kept popping when i turned it off.I raised the impedance to 4Ω/channel and the popping disappeared!Retested again at 2Ω and it came back At one last attempt i swapped the amp with another 1600.2 and it did the same popping at that setup while at 4Ω load everything was ΟΚ... Finnaly i tried a 800.4 in bridged mode and everything was ΟΚ... Is there a problem in the 2 channel Xterminator series, or is there a hint that i should know ?...
  7. thanosdbfan


    Let me add mine Team DOUSIS SOUND-Thanasis STREET MAX 1-2 2005 Hellenic Finals 158.7 dbs @ 66 hz with 2 USA 6000 2 RE MTs 15" on 1 Stinger SP 1700 Αnd hold your breath for our next score...
  8. thanosdbfan

    MLT module

  9. thanosdbfan

    MLT module

    Is this a standard part on the AX line or is it optional? Is mounted inside or outside of the amp frame?
  10. thanosdbfan

    Xterminator series popping when shut down at 2Ω

    Appart from the popping the amp is furious!!! We set the gains to less than half and the 8 mids were stompimg like crazy!!!!Loud and clear sound...all the way up to Vol 35!!! The setup used an INTERFIRE IFB 2900 to run the mids and when we switched to the XT 1600.2 the difference was way more than obvious...
  11. thanosdbfan

    Xterminator series popping when shut down at 2Ω

    Well, yes the mids are all ΟΚ and the 2 super tweeters too, luckily...The front stage system relies on a ΧΤ 800.4 now without any popping problem... But i really wanted a 1600.2 to drive them
  12. thanosdbfan

    Xterminator series popping when shut down at 2Ω

    Τhe speakers pop when i switch off the amp , not the amp itself... ΟK i guess it must be groundloop but why is this happenning only with the 2 channel 1600.2 at 2 Ω and not with the 800.4? Α time relay would proppably solve the problem but i wonder if there is factory missview... on the PCB
  13. thanosdbfan

    2000x Real output

    Power factor has a lot to do with impedance rise ,since it is the outcome from dividing nominal VC resistance ® to the reactive load (Z) (which includes VC resistance inductance and box impedance rise) cos n = R/Z
  14. thanosdbfan

    2000x Real output

    The issue here is wether you use the type P=U.Icosn and how do you calculate the power factor (cos n)not the readings from a DLL or an Osciloscope To be more specific...Let's take a standard frequency as an input signal say 67 Hz played to a 2000x which is running a 15" sub ia aported enclosure... At that frequency there is a nominal coil resistanse and there is also the impredance rise.If you divide these two measurements the outcome gives the power factor for that frequency... So my question is ,do we include this power factor to our formula or just do the multiplication (U.I) since the readings from the measuring devices are real time measurements?
  15. thanosdbfan

    2000x Real output

    My question is this How do you measure your amp's output power? Ι mean what type of equipment do you use (Voltmeter and ammeter in parallel/series connection ,Fluke.wattometer) Do you include the power factor (cos n)in your calculations? Official USamps view on this subject wpould be appreciated...
  16. thanosdbfan


    You mean the 4000Xs right?I did a test comparing two 4000X in 1 ohm load and one USA 6000, and the score was the same.The difference was that the 6000 was very stable with the source volume played with rolling or pause while the 2 4000Xs could only be played by rolling.Whenever i tried to play the note with a pause the amps clipped and the score went down...
  17. thanosdbfan


    And we are already 0.9 db up....@67Hz
  18. thanosdbfan

    Info & opinions on the Vaccum Tube Hybrid

    I use one TU 600 to run a couple of veritas horns...Never heard a greater sounding amp...And it does not get too hot at all (well compared to the 2000X and the 600X which i also own driven at 2 ohms)