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Everything posted by PHATBOi

  1. PHATBOi

    PHATBOi's Sundown X12 Build

    Wanted to hear it this morning. This is what ensued.
  2. PHATBOi

    PHATBOi's Sundown X12 Build

    My daughter and I are about to go paint the box pink, lol.
  3. PHATBOi

    PHATBOi's Sundown X12 Build

    Box build. !! Going to paint it tomorrow.
  4. PHATBOi

    Sundown X12 Box

    Box is built.
  5. PHATBOi

    Sundown X12 Box

    Will this work? Power will be a Shark Audio 2500.1 (APSM-2000 clone). TIA!
  6. PHATBOi

    Sundown X12 Box

    Wrong thread...
  7. PHATBOi

    PHATBOi's Sundown X12 Build

    Box specs. Will be building tomorrow.
  8. PHATBOi

    PHATBOi's Sundown X12 Build

    The amp I will be ordering today. Gut shot of the SHKAMP-2500D Think it looks better than the AP's.
  9. PHATBOi

    Sundown X12 Box

    Sweet. Let me know when you do so I can check it out. Thanks.
  10. PHATBOi

    Sundown X12 Box

    Awesome! That's a damn good deal. I will make a build log when things get going to keep yall posted.
  11. PHATBOi

    Orlando guy

    Welcome. Robin does excellent work. I've had him build me quite a few enclosures and even a sub before. Never been disappointed. How do you like the X18? I have an X12 on its way to me now.
  12. PHATBOi

    Sundown X12 Box

    That's what I'm most excited about. Looking forward to that low end output with no distortion. Well that and the amount of air it's going to move. Been a long time since I had my RD Alpha/PSI 15 hybrid and even longer since I had my RE MT/PSI 12 hybrid. Those are the two cleanest sounding subs I've owned. Been dealing with a lot of budget gear lately. I know the Shark 2500 (APSM2K) isn't exactly a high end amp, but I'm not going to be running it maxed out either. I'm sure if I keep it fed with proper voltage I can get at least 1200 clean out of it. Then, when I get some more money down the road I will be stepping up the quality of the amp for sure.
  13. PHATBOi

    Sundown X12 Box

    EMF shipped my X12 today! WHOOTT!!!
  14. PHATBOi

    Mark's Lexus LS 460 AWD

    Beautiful car!
  15. PHATBOi

    Sundown X12 Box

    It's 3 cubes net (after displacements). That's on the large side of the suggested volume from Jacob, but I want to take full advantage of that peak to peak excursion. Looking to move a ton of air with 1 12.
  16. PHATBOi

    Sundown X12 Box

  17. PHATBOi

    Sundown X12 Box

    How's this? Bumped it up to 3 cubes net, kept the 16 sqin per cube, and got 50 sqin of port area on the dot.
  18. PHATBOi

    Sundown X12 Box

    Cool. Planned on doing a double baffle, but I stack on top so it will not affect the internal volume of the enclosure. I will tweak it and see if I can get closer to 50. Thanks.
  19. PHATBOi

    3 VVME RD-10's on a Crunch GP3000D-PRO at .66

    So, amp cut out the other day. Figured it was just thermal protect again as I had yet to install the fans. Waited and waited for it to kick back on and nothing. Checked it and it was powered on with green light, no protect but had no output. So, I just had enough. Sold the amp, took the batts back to Squaredeal this morning and returned them, and my budy is buying the subs and box off me. Never thought I would say this but I am just done with car audio for a while. When things get better for my family financialy and I have my license straightened out and possibly my own ride I will get back in the game. Just have a lot of other things in my life to be focusing on other than dumping more money into something I don't really NEED. Glad it atleast made it out to USF Fri for everyone to hear before it took a ****.
  20. PHATBOi

    3 VVME RD-10's on a Crunch GP3000D-PRO at .66

    I think they are $118 shipped per pair, but you can usually email them and get a little lower price.
  21. PHATBOi

    3 VVME RD-10's on a Crunch GP3000D-PRO at .66

    Thanks. These are the 500 rms 10's. They are takin the double power like champs.
  22. PHATBOi

    My New Baby!!
