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Everything posted by PHATBOi

  1. PHATBOi

    5 hr build, budget blowthru

    Nice! What subs and power?
  2. PHATBOi

    $600 Ballin On A Budget Build

    When the stock is an 80, yeah I would consider 140 and HO.
  3. PHATBOi

    $600 Ballin On A Budget Build

    Oh yeah, decided against the regular batt in the back. With the AB100.1 bein at 2 ohms and my 140 amp HO alt, I think I should be fine for now. When I drop the amp to 1 ohm with the Skar I will just grab an AGM batt and do it right.
  4. PHATBOi

    $600 Ballin On A Budget Build

    Amp kit arrived. Everything is installed except for the hu. Waiting on stupid FedEx. Two trucks have already come down my street, one with my amp kit , and still no hu.
  5. PHATBOi

    $600 Ballin On A Budget Build

    Waiting on FedEx, should be here round 1-1:30pm. All I need is the HU and amp kit from them and it's install time!
  6. PHATBOi

    $600 Ballin On A Budget Build

    SA-12 is a D4, VVX-12 will be a D2. More power from the amp plus the Skar is proven to get lower (which is what I'm looking for) as Jacob has stated many times. I know the SA get louder, but this is a DD and I like teh lowz!
  7. There comes a point in life when "FUN" no longer means clubbing, drinking, being out 'till 4am, or thinking about yourself first! Fun means Disney movies, family dinners, bedtime stories, long cuddles, a messy house, sleeping by 10pm and hearing little voices say "I love you." Becoming a parent doesn't change you, it makes you realize that the little people that YOU created deserve the very best of your time! ♥ Copy & paste this if you are PROUD to be a Parent!!!

  8. PHATBOi


    Nouf Said.
  9. PHATBOi

    $600 Ballin On A Budget Build

    Yes, batt will be secured before it's all said and done with. I usually use an AGM batt, but had this one laying around. Might just get a house garbage can from Wally World and cut it down to make a battery case for it to set in. Love my helpers. They actually ask about what things are and what they do while I'm installing them. They both show alot of interest in car audio, lol.
  10. PHATBOi

    $600 Ballin On A Budget Build

    Waitin on my 0 gauge amp kit, second set of rca's, and the DEH-3200UB to get here and then I will be startin the install this afternoon! Can't wait.
  11. PHATBOi

    $600 Ballin On A Budget Build

    Gettin stuff ready. Everything should be delivered by tomorrow and the install will start in the afternoon. Hope to be done Thur night or early Fri morn. My Helpers:
  12. PHATBOi

    $600 Ballin On A Budget Build

    Lol @ you making fun of him for posting what equipment he's gonna use in HIS build log. If you don't like Skar that's cool, but damn. Oh, and what's wrong with having a matching sub and amp? The money from selling the American Bass amp should almost if not pay or it completely so not much cash will be lost? This.
  13. PHATBOi

    Walled off Accord

    Yes, a ported wall is going to have ALOT more output than a sealed box sitting in the cabin. Props on doing as much as you can yourself. I do all my own installs, but I let Robin at BHE handle all the technicals of box design and building. Never been much of a carpenter, lol.
  14. PHATBOi

    $600 Ballin On A Budget Build

    I choose to run Skar because I see a quality product at an affordable price point, I like to rep my local companies (Audiopipe in Miami, Crescendo in Sarasota, and Skar in Tampa, FYI), and my team is sponsored by Skar. If that makes me a "fanboy" then I guess I'm just another SKAR AUDIO FANBOY and proud. Oh, btw, it is a cool story bro. Thanks.
  15. PHATBOi

    $600 Ballin On A Budget Build

    When the 1500 Skar amp comes out I will be swappin the AB100.1 out for a matching sub/amp combo!
  16. PHATBOi

    This Ship Has Sailed!

    Sorry to hear. Hope it works out for the best.
  17. PHATBOi

    $600 Ballin On A Budget Build

    Just talked to Kevin from Skar and struck a deal. Will be replacing the SA-12D4 with a VVX-12D2 in a few weeks when he gets back in town. Get my AB 100.1 up to full power! SKAR and T.U.P. FTMFW!
  18. PHATBOi

    $600 Ballin On A Budget Build

    I don't know anything about that amp, just that he told me it would do around 2K at 2 ohms and that is what my sub is wired to. I was guesstimating. Next time you can drop by and clamp it for us.
  19. Home! Won't be doin that again!

  20. PHATBOi

    $600 Ballin On A Budget Build

    Thanks guys! Here is a vid of my box and sub in BassinBuick's 75 Buck Truck on an EarthQuake PH-D2 at 2 ohms for roughly 2K.
  21. PHATBOi

    Sundown SA Series "Win" Thread

    Just got my hands on a SA-12D4/BHE Box combo. Heard alot of good things about the SA line, but nothing prepares you for the all out awesomeness of actually holding one for the first time. Very impressed with the overall construction of this sub. Rock solid and heavy as fuck! Very high quality. Can't wait to get the rest of my gear in and finish the install. Keep your eyes peeled for some vids and check out the build log. Thanks Jacob for designing and building an awesome sub! Glad I finally have one! <------ Check out Avatar for pic.
  22. PHATBOi

    2 sa12 enclosure for 2011 malibu

    Awesome work!
  23. PHATBOi

    $600 Ballin On A Budget Build

    Seleniums will be behind door panel. They still play fine, just ugly. Can't complain for $20, lol.
  24. PHATBOi

    Pics of Systems Past

    Power Acoustik MOFO-15 4" VC (Absolutely LOVED this sub. Would buy another right now if I had the cash and the oportunity arose. Not the 152X now, those BLOW!) Power Acoustik SL5500D (Had two amps pop back to back from vminnovations and finally ended up with a matching BAMF-5500/1D for my BAMF-1200/4 I had on my Power Acoustik door speakers. Startting to see the theme here yet, lol?) Third system I had in my Mazda. Was in an Obcon/RT Boxes pre-fab 15" - 17.5"H x 24.0"W x 19.5"D - 3.2 Cu Ft Air Space Shit was pretty loud. First sytem in the Mazda was an L5 12 in the Kicker ported box off a Crunch Power Zone 900 watt 2 channel. Then I put my Volfenhag SPL 12's in the pre-fab ported pawn shop box in off my Power Acoustic TS1920-2 with the lighting circle on it. I loved that amp, lol.