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Everything posted by ALL4SPL

  1. ALL4SPL

    Reclaimed box build

    Another couple vids showing roof & hatch flex, remember this port and sub are facing up so it's not direct pressure against the hatch. Sorry for the camera flip wanted to get more in the shot than just the spoiler.
  2. ALL4SPL

    Reclaimed box build

    Well I got another itch to build another box, so since I was near out of wood and low on funds I was looking around my garage and spy'd a box I had a long while back sitting in the corner. A standard CRX box but with a top plate for 4 10s, so it's 29"x29"x14". So I decided to see what I could do with it, took out the SPAX screws from the top plate, pounded from under it with a hammer and it came off pretty clean. Then fab'd up a box to see if there was some workable area, came up with this. 29x14x16, with a net volume including port of 2.28cuft, there will be 1 45 in the port corner and then .14cuft taken out for the sub itself, should land around 2cuft. Port is 2.25" wide by 12.5 giving about 28 SqIn of port, total length including the 3 port walls shared is 35.875", should put tuning around 28Hz. Now I am by no means expert at this, but since it's a reclaimed box and I am using minimal new wood I don't mind if it fails. I will post some pics in a bit of the process, there won't be any of the box whole as I got most of that taken apart last night. If anyone see's a big problem/issue with what I have listed here math wise, by all means say something. Again I am no expert but just more of experimenting with boxes to get the sound I want out of my SA12, which btw is powered by a JBL 1200.1 II so it sees around 1100-1300watts at 2ohm mono.
  3. ALL4SPL

    Reclaimed box build

    Dunno if I will get to a meter before expanding the system, current goal is to sell a bunch of stuff inc my sub amp get a SAZ1500D and another SA12 DvC4.
  4. ALL4SPL

    Reclaimed box build

    Problem is I want more.
  5. ALL4SPL

    Reclaimed box build

    Here is a video I just did today, mainly tried to show how the roof is moving, sub movement is pretty much boring to watch not that this is the entertaining either LOL. Anyway, here is the video. And here is one with sub movement. Here is a vid of the first box using my bassrace song, just shows sub movement, the cracking sounds are the mic on the camera being too close to the port as I recorded.
  6. ALL4SPL

    Reclaimed box build

    It's a JBL GTO1200.1 II and a RF T400-2 and thanks I find new ways to cut time every time I build a box, took me about 40 mins to carpet it start to finish.
  7. ALL4SPL

    Reclaimed box build

    Ok, I couldn't stand looking at it uncarpeted, so I went ahead and did it LOL. Here are the final pictures.
  8. ALL4SPL

    Reclaimed box build

    A lot better than the smaller box I had before course I did increase the port area as well as the tuning is lower. First box tuned 35Hz this one is 29Hz, first box had 23sqin of port area, this box has 28sqin of port area. Overall the output seems better, the lower bass louder and the air movement is greater. Also just to add, the first box was right at 1.8cuft after sub displacement and this box is right at 2.1cuft after sub displacement.
  9. ALL4SPL

    Reclaimed box build

    Been using bolts, just easier to disconnect in case I have to swap something or take the box out of the car. They are on the far right side as you look at the picture of my hatch.
  10. ALL4SPL

    Reclaimed box build

    Well after an error in measurement I had to go pick up mdf, so got that and a better router bit for cutting the hole out. Got that cut out, filled any gaps and DA sanded the entire box down so it's nice and even all around. Only thing left is to carpet it as testing yielded lower bass like I wanted and a bit more air movement. So here are the last pictures. So I like it a lot and think no matter that I am losing a little more hatch space I am gonna carpet this box tomorrow or sometime this weekend and finalize it. And yes the sub is upside down, that will be corrected when the box gets carpet
  11. ALL4SPL

    Reclaimed box build

    Yeah I actually overlooked the piece of wood I need, I found it when I went back into my garage later in the day. So I will finish it up tomorrow, if it sounds good I will be carpeting it probably black carpet.
  12. ALL4SPL

    Reclaimed box build

    There's not enough room behind to do sub up port back the port would basically be 3 inches or less from the back of the hatch and not have enough room.
  13. ALL4SPL

    Reclaimed box build

    Taped it off so when I paint I don't have to go back and sand those surfaces so the glue sticks nicely. And thanks, gonna probably finish it up tomorrow and give it a whirl in the car see how it sounds.
  14. ALL4SPL

    Reclaimed box build

    Last update for today, ran out of scrap MDF, gonna hunt some scrap at Home Depot later even was able to reuse the spax screws.
  15. ALL4SPL

    Reclaimed box build

    Moving along...
  16. I so wanna buy a pair of 10s to play with!
  17. ALL4SPL

    Reclaimed box build

    Alright I have a bit of wood filler drying so I went ahead and downloaded the first 5 pics. Here is the original top plate, ORION sub is OLD! LOL Original XTR Pro 12" Here is the box just after cutting it down from 29x29x14. Here is the box with the 45 cut and the two port pieces, I was going to "try" kerfing this but just not feeling it. Here is the back portion of the port with wood filler in the old holes. And here is the 45 in place. Here is the original idea for Kerfing this box, seemed like a nice box just too complicated for me to do all the math at this point More pics later as I finish this up today.
  18. ALL4SPL

    SA12 Enclosure

    Yup for now it's working fine, gonna build another when I can figure out how to kerf a lot more complicated as I understand it so it will be a little while.
  19. ALL4SPL

    SA12 Enclosure

    So I am going the way of Sundown for a single 12 in my Honda Fit. However my skills as far as enclosure design for ported are poop. My maximum external dimensions are 38"Wx18"Dx21"H, I would like to keep the enclosure as small as possible on the Width side, my current dual 10 ported box is 27"W. I also would like to shoot for 2 cuft after displacement, tuned at 30-33Hz. I have all the tools/skills to build the box just lack the mathematical skills to actually calculate it up (yeah sad i know). Anyway if anyone would be kind enough to simply do me up a box and post a pic/diagram so I can have a cut sheet I would be very grateful. I should have a SA12 D4 in the next month and I would like to have this built and carpeted prior to getting the sub, as long as I can get the cut out diameter of the SA12 D4. thanks
  20. ALL4SPL

    Sundown Audio T-Shirts

    Got my shirt today, looks awesome! Thanks Jacob!
  21. ALL4SPL

    Wife's build, yes my wife now rocking Sundown!

    Here is the finished grill, not 100% sure if I like it but hey it protects the 8 from flying grocery bags!
  22. ALL4SPL

    Wife's build, yes my wife now rocking Sundown!

    Working on the grill so she doesn't throw a bag into the sub in the hatch LOL. Still working on the mounting.
  23. ALL4SPL

    Wife's build, yes my wife now rocking Sundown!

    Video's gonna be a while, have to get the kit/harness in so I can do the headunit, then I have to do all the wiring. Ugh not looking forward to the work, but the results will be worth it.
  24. ALL4SPL

    Wife's build, yes my wife now rocking Sundown!

    Well got the carpet today, on the way I picked up my new plunge router and can't wait to use it, well I have a Jasper Jig on order should also be here this week. Anyway, so I got home and carpeted the box, then did a amp mount board mounted that to the side of the box and setup the MTX 4001 on it. So it's all ready just have to do the headunit and wiring this weekend. Here are the finished pics. Again, cannot wait to hear this little monster in her car!
  25. ALL4SPL

    Wife's build, yes my wife now rocking Sundown!

    Right around 1cuft and yes tuning is 35-37Hz range, I have been wicked busy doing boxes lately I have done 3 in the past 5 days, and each time I do one I am finding ways to go faster, and short cuts to save time as well as where I screwed up previously I don't make the same mistake twice. Just need a plunge router and circle jig then I can go even faster sub holes take me a little long because I go small then grind them out to perfect fit with a sanding disc on my air grinder. Overall time on this box was like 4 hours total minus breaks/lunch from raw wood cuts, to completed by myself. This includes sanding all rough area's, filling screw holes on the port with wood filler and sanding those down smooth. I can't wait to hear this little beast, cause it's just sooo cute! LOL