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Everything posted by dvldogyut

  1. dvldogyut

    Post your IA installs here

    i see alot of audio x stuff in these pics! is this steve? This is Justin, Steve has helped me out with a bunch of installs in the past and I work up there every once and awhile I think I just bought 2 20.1's from you!
  2. dvldogyut

    Help choosing amp! 2-20.1 or 1-40.1

    I am going with a new setup. It will be daily and I drive alot, so it will be played for periods of up to let's say 5 hours at a time and I like to slam it all the time. Unless the girlfriend is with me, lol. So onto my questions. Which amp/amps will be better for me? I do have the electrical to support either How low can I run either of them at daily as far as ohm load? I want these to last for a lifetime. I am not dead set on subs yet, but I am leaning toward 2 21" death penalty's if I can fit them. What are the ratings for these amps at 14.4 volts? And I tried searching these things some but it don't work all of the time from my Iphone. So, thanks in advanced for your help.
  3. I need help please. Maybe one of you ia guys can help me. 40.1 or 2 20.1's?
  4. dvldogyut

    Help choosing amp! 2-20.1 or 1-40.1

    Sorry I will post it here too then. I was in a hurry and on my way out.
  5. dvldogyut

    Post your IA installs here

    I will hit him up then, thanks.
  6. dvldogyut

    2008 Death Penalty Review

    What about the 2010 dp? It looks awesome!
  7. dvldogyut

    IA Downfall Shirt

    Just sent money via paypal to nick for one!
  8. dvldogyut

    Post your IA installs here

    or if yall needed some help that would be amazing! Im only 30 minutes at the very most from rogersville.
  9. dvldogyut

    Post your IA installs here

    i see alot of audio x stuff in these pics! is this steve? This is Justin, Steve has helped me out with a bunch of installs in the past and I work up there every once and awhile Oh, cool. I wish I could get a job down there. I'm sure I could learn alot from him. I am miserable at my current job. I would take the cut in pay to do installs!
  10. dvldogyut

    Question for competitors

    this is some info that i did not know!
  11. dvldogyut

    First setup in 2 yrs!

    wish i had that 40.1!!!
  12. dvldogyut

    death row 21"

    sub is almost blown again, i smoked it. it still plays and is still loud tho.
  13. dvldogyut

    death row 21"

    how much is a freashly reconed dr 21" worth? it has 5 hours of play time on it off of a ed nine.1
  14. dvldogyut

    Post your IA installs here

    note: all of my subs are for sale over at caraudio.com and a sundown amp.
  15. dvldogyut

    Post your IA installs here

    sorry my truck is a mess, i never get a chance to clean it. plus i never completely finished installing the 21. 21" death row 4 187 12's
  16. dvldogyut

    Post your IA installs here

    i see alot of audio x stuff in these pics! is this steve?
  17. dvldogyut


    well im not really a newbie, just new to this forum, and thought i would say hi to everyone.
  18. dvldogyut


    And thanks for all of the welcome's guys. I have been looking around on here and starting to like this place.
  19. dvldogyut


    yeah, kinda. I want to go bigger! Lol I have two setups for my truck one is posted on caraudio.com 4 187 12" downfiring tuned to 28 hz. Low end monster! And a death row 21" tuned to 35 it's pretty loud also. Almost as loud as the four 12's. I'm looking for more ia subs I have found a new attraction for them. I was always a big jl fan. Until I found all of the forums beating them crap out of them and their high prices. And they are right you can get alot better stuff for alot less money!
  20. dvldogyut

    Are the Flatlynes for me?

    idk, man my 187's will take 600 watts like a champ all day long, that seems rather odd that you blew them on that kind of power, maybe you clipped them.
  21. dvldogyut

    death row 21"

    anyone know what i should price this thing at?
  22. dvldogyut

    death row 21"

  23. dvldogyut

    death row 21"

    mint!!!! not one scratch. its an 08 model too i got the motor and basket from a guy on ca.com and he burnt the coil within two weeks of owning it.
  24. dvldogyut

    death row 21"

    i have two different setups right now, and im looking to sell both and go with either two death penaltys or a warden, maybe two.
  25. dvldogyut

    death row 21"

    i did and i have reconed subs before, also nick has seen it and said i did a great job on it.