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About nphocus

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  1. nphocus

    Ascendant Audio Chevy Astro

    I just read all 13 pages and watched every video. This build and the amount of knowledge shared is truly inspirational. Thank you.
  2. nphocus

    Introducing Supergauss

    Now that, is good news.
  3. nphocus

    Introducing Supergauss

  4. nphocus

    Adire Brahma Re-cone to 18"

    I've been in your boat before. I've had brahmas reconed locally into 18s and again into 10s. The results were pretty awesome. I ended up dealing with George Wu at Atomic Loudspeakers in CA for the final build. Those subs have seen over 2000 watts a piece for daily ground pounding and were so purty that I mounted them inverted to show off the nice motor assembly. Too bad adire isn't around any more. They were a solid company with solid product and they brought alot to the industry. I hope Dan Wiggins is doing well.
  5. nphocus

    How did you guys find SSA???

    I came here because I wanted to bitch about Adire's 3 month reconing process, or lack therof. Now I'm on the hunt for half a dozen Trubass 8's. -Nphocus