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Everything posted by Xinux

  1. Xinux

    broken fi bl i need HELP!

    FMOD Crossover Pair 30 Hz High Pass Is what you need if you're tuned at 33 Hz
  2. Xinux

    time to lose weight.

    I know everybody is telling you to replace your "breads" with "whole grain breads" but do your research, cut ALL carbs out of your diet. The only carbs you should be eatting are ones that come from fruits and vegetables. Trust me on this, you will feel better, your blood sugar will be more normal. And as long as you count your calories you will lose weight. And this all comes from personal experience. Btw fats are NOT your enemy. (Saturated fats are good for you as well) Your body needs fats, and ample amounts of it, as well as protein. We sadly live in this hugely agricultural society where we all pig out on soda, breads, and starches. This really leads to a lot of influence from the wrong people on what the "right" diet is. Edit: Also as a side note, if you have to go eat out and say get a hamburger, take the buns off and you've taken off the biggest problem. Don't order fries, and grab a water. Also, most of the knowledge I am giving to you comes from a personal trainer of mine, one thing he enforced was a Paleolithic diet, I strongly urge you to look it up.
  3. Xinux


    I think your referring to a folded horn enclosure, check out Topic: Taste My 8 under the Build Log Thread (a dude has one on their that he has pictures of to give you a generel idea). I searched up the Build Log you were referring to: A lot of the pictures have gone missing though.
  4. Xinux

    parts express

    I want to cover an enclosure in leather, has anybody done this?
  5. Xinux

    Welcome to the IHoP

    No, because MO is the best there is.
  6. One thing that has worked for many people is take the hard drive out, seal it in a zip lock bag, and shove that sucker in the freezer for a few hours (it seems the longer you keep it in there the more time it buys you), take it out, shove it back in and see if it works. If that works than quickly get all your data off of that drive, because it's not a permanent fix and could possible fail in seconds or minutes.
  7. Xinux

    Subwoofer mounting hole

    What way do you guys use to cut the holes when you are building a subwoofer enclosure?
  8. Xinux

    Subwoofer mounting hole

    Yeah I think I know what you're talking about, was it the Router Buddy Circle Jig?
  9. http://www.dvdflick.net/ I always used to use this program to burn DVDs out of my AVI movies, it pretty much does everything for you, and pretty simple to use. ~Justin(Xinux)