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About coreycgarner

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  • Birthday 10/02/1987

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  1. coreycgarner

    Meca World finals

    Anyone have the meca world finals results? Just curious on how our shop vehicles would compare..
  2. coreycgarner

    Addictive Audio

    Yea i know.. Like i said i can sell way cheaper! I didnt want to put up my pricing cause it may cause problems with others trying to sale the brand. I'm advertising in a way to let other be aware of the brand not to make a sale.
  3. Chillin at the shop..

  4. Chillin at the shop..

  5. Chillin at the shop..

  6. coreycgarner

    Addictive Audio

    I am using this for reference to compare with other companies and let everyone know of a new brand that i believe in!
  7. coreycgarner

    Best amp for $200

    Keep in mind u get what u pay for.. Good luck
  8. coreycgarner

    SPL Sub

    Yea.. too bad its not gonna be available till next year..
  9. coreycgarner

    First post

    Welcome! Also - your sig pic is sideways btw. Yeah i know.. I wasn't able to have it any other way. I guess noobs are limited on space?
  10. coreycgarner


    x2. I just started my own business in houston,tx and i'm operating out of my garage right now until i get the funds to start a store front. I get NUMEROUS, I mean NUMEROUS people coming to me about what another shop said about product or how things are supposed to be done and everytime i have to school them on what is right and it blows their mind on how much they were misinformed. I think it's rediculous how some shops prey on the customer. I get that alot ! what makes things even better is those people watch me do something very simple (basicly common sense) and they are amazed. LOL.. love my job!
  11. coreycgarner

    Trupan Light

    I have had more than one person tell me that MDF dust can cause cancer! Funny thing is almost everything can give you cancer... I'm not worried
  12. coreycgarner


    I agree, there are a lot of shops around that just fill you with bs to make a sale! I work for a shop that people are able to come and hangout after shop hours and bs about spl building and random things.. I really enjoy starting friendships with my customers.. well i use the friendship to keep my customers coming back. Word of mouth is the best advertisement for us and all the other shops in the area just don't understand how we have so much business..
  13. coreycgarner

    Tj's Audio

    Just curious if anyone saw us at USACI World Finals in Tulsa, OK? We had our s10 in this build and a bagged ext. cab chevy with flames, both competed and took 3rd..
  14. coreycgarner

    Denali Wall

    I am trying to help a friend build a wall in his '05 denali.. He has four 18" FI BLs and he's wanting to keep his second row seats, third row is gone. This system will be used for USACI SB4 and daily use to please the crowd.. Any help with a design or anything will be appreciated!
  15. coreycgarner


    I appreciate the help!