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Everything posted by Dan208

  1. Dan208

    Get some days off work now.....

    Damn! Hope you get better soon.
  2. Dan208

    Staying motivated.

    That's signature worthy. I also have something else that should keep me motivated. I was born with a heart condition and it's a given that I'm going to need a valve replacement in the future some time. Being in shape would help me recover faster. Thanks for all the advice. I'm going to get back at it today.
  3. I completely forgot about this thread. Thanks for the tips everyone. I forgot to mention that both computers run on a wireless router. Not sure if that helps anything or not?
  4. Dan208

    A few questions about subs.

    This is what I'm thinking. It seems like the most logical way to go right now. Thanks for all your help.
  5. I've been looking around at some different subs, trying to decide what I want to do for a summer project. I want to do my own work, i.e., build my own box, replace door speakers, etc. I've been looking at subs on Parts Express, like Dayton and Tang Band. I've been all over their websites, but can't find any recommendations for box sizes or types (ported, sealed, etc). So, my two questions are: 1) How do you calculate box size requirements using the specs that are provided? 2) How can you tell what type of enclosure a sub will work best in? I'm specifically interested in very small applications, as I'd like to try and run multiple subs (three or more) and try to retain some cargo space. Might also try and squeeze them into the spare tire well.
  6. Dan208

    Review of an SSA DCON 12"

    Dooo eeet! Very nice review. I absolutely love my 10" Dcon. I wish I had the room for a second one. If I had the funds I'd buy a separate vehicle and fill it with them.
  7. Dan208

    A few questions about subs.

    I've wondered this as well.
  8. Dan208

    A few questions about subs.

    Yeah, that's why I'm kind of hesitant to go sealed. I've always run sealed in the past (and had no idea how important the right enclosure was ) and always had what I thought was pretty good output, but I think my Dcon has spoiled me. I love the Dcon, but the box just takes up way too much space. I still might try it sealed but have a feeling I'm going to be disappointed. My initial budget is $150 for subs, but I may be able to bump it up to around $200. I'm not going to be doing anything until this summer, so I've got a little time to save. Budget for the amp is probably the same ($150-$200). Space wise I'd like to definitely stay under 1.5 cubes total, but probably more around 1-1.25 total. If I figured correctly, the box for my Dcon is around 1.94 cubes before all displacements. Not sure about power level yet. I was waiting to decide on what subs to get. Is that the wrong way of going about it?
  9. Dan208

    Happy Birthday porkchop

    A little late, but....
  10. Dan208

    A few questions about subs.

    These are my main goals: 1) Moderately loud bass 2) Small budget (don't have a set amount just yet) 3) Low power 4) Very small enclosure(s) I realize that with a system like this I won't be flexing any windshields or winning any competitions (I don't compete anyway), but there's still that part of me that wants people to hear it, see what I have and then start looking around for more subs. I also kind of want to do something a little different than just "a sub in a box in the back of an SUV", and running multiple smaller subs seems like something that might fit that bill.
  11. Dan208

    A few questions about subs.

    And this.^^^ I did some measuring for an idea I've had for a while; putting a box over each wheel well hump. I had hoped to put two 8's in each one, but after measuring I came up with max dimensions of 10" H x 18" W x 6" D. If I figured correctly, that gives me .44 cubic feet with 1/2" MDF and .37 cubic feet with 3/4" MDF. Not sure if I could find a pair of 8's that would work that small (sealed)? I also had an idea of something similar to this: Not sure if 6.5's would go low enough for me. Could be something to try though.
  12. Dan208

    A few questions about subs.

    Thanks for the info. It'll help a lot. I'm not quite sure if I want to go ported or sealed yet. I was leaning towards sealed, since I want to keep the enclosure very small, but I've been reading about a lot of people running some of the subs I've been looking at in really small ported enclosures.
  13. Dan208

    A few questions about subs.

    Thanks for the quick reply. I have checked their sites, but haven't tried e-mailing them yet. Might get an answer that way. I've tried WinISD before (quite a while ago), but had no clue what I was doing so it was all Greek to me.
  14. Dan208


  15. Dan208

    Sundown X-8 Work in Progress

    Good Lord!
  16. Dan208

    ssa dcon 12's or diamond d3 12's

    Very! That is where they shine! ^^This. I also have a 10" Dcon and it's amazing how low it gets.
  17. Dan208

    Sir-Lancelot's 18" Zcons

    Holy door flex, Batman! That's fricking insane.
  18. Dan208

    SETI & Distributed Computing (SETI.USA)

    I don't think my brain could handle this.
  19. Dan208

    I got my sa-12 :D

    Nice. How do you like that Audiopipe? I'm thinking about going with an AP amp for my next install.
  20. Dan208

    8" Bravox Sonotube Build

    Very nice.
  21. Dan208

    Current remaining Xcon's

    If you really need to get rid of them, you can just send them to me. My wife would say none of the above.
  22. Dan208

    Couple of Dcon videos.

    And thanks.