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Everything posted by Dan208

  1. Dan208

    SA-8 as midbass?

    I saw someone on another forum running SA-8's in the doors for midbass, but I think I remember Jacob saying they weren't really made for that.
  2. Dan208

    installed the SSA XCON today :)

    I wish I could afford an Xcon.
  3. Dan208

    Bravox Audio Uxs Subwoofer Blowout

    Man, why do all these cheap prices come about when I don't have any money?
  4. I'd gladly pay $70. The one for my vehicle is $200.
  5. Dan208

    My SSA DCON video

    Nice. I can't wait to get my Dcon.
  6. Dan208

    Sundown SA-10 Pre-Sale

    That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard of.
  7. Dan208

    4-SA8D2's in 5cu=140.5db

    That's a tough one, but I'd say more 8's.
  8. Dan208

    Digital Cameras

    We've got this one: Kodak EASYSHARE M1063 10.3 MP Digital Camera (Silver) Very easy to use, good quality pictures and videos. The only thing is the battery life seems to go downhill pretty quickly (rechargable Li-ion). Other than that it's been a good camera. Our daughter dropped it a few weeks ago and the lens got stuck in the extended position. Camera wouldn't function at all. My brother-in-law messed around with it for a while and got it back in the tracks and it's worked fine since. You have piqued my interest.
  9. Dan208

    Interesting BS on CACO

    ^^^This. Pretty much 99% of the other forums I visit, I have to wade through tons of crap just to find the good/useful stuff. It's not that way here. Plus, when I read posts, I like to understand what the person is saying instead of trying to decipher someone's words because they are too lazy to form some type of legible sentence.
  10. Dan208

    4-SA8D2's in 5cu=140.5db

    I'm digging that box.
  11. I was just wondering what the difference is between the small enclosure size recommendation and the optimal size recommendation for the SSA subs? How is output affected by going with the optimal size vs the smaller size? Is is a noticable difference?
  12. Dan208

    4-SA8D2's in 5cu=140.5db

    Very nice score, and nice video. This is a goal of mine. Something that gets loud and sounds good, but is small enough that nobody would expect it (plus the fact that I need to keep some room since this is the family vehicle ).
  13. Dan208

    Enclosure size question.

    Thanks, Aaron. I'd prefer to go smaller. Wow. I actually contributed something useful to the board.
  14. Dan208

    Sundown SA-10 Pre-Sale

    How do you like the SA8's?
  15. Dan208

    Enclosure size question.

    Thanks for the quick replies. I'll probably go with the optimal size if I decide to go with the Dcon (so far it's looking that way).
  16. Dan208

    Enclosure size question.

    Thanks for clearing that up. So, does larger mean it will get louder, or that it just doesn't take as much power to get as loud as the smaller enclosure?
  17. Dan208

    Sundown SA-10 Pre-Sale

    Hey chuck make me a deal on your 8s Me first.
  18. Midwest SPL is having a triple point show in Ottawa, KS this Saturday, 6/19/10, at Forest Park. Show starts at 4:00 pm.
  19. Yeah, not a whole lot of people from Kansas, but I figure it couldn't hurt to post them for the few that are here. I'll definately be at this show today. Still not sure if I'll sign up or not, but I'll be there spectating for sure.
  20. Dan208

    Sundown SA-10 Pre-Sale

    Gonna sell them?
  21. Dan208

    Free Sundown

  22. Dan208

    Hey New To SSA Coming From SMD!!!

  23. Dan208

    ArgentAudio.com | new site!!!

    I've been waiting for this.