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Everything posted by Dan208

  1. Dan208

    Texas or Arizona?

    Thanks, Godsmack and TRP. I was pretty sure that the forclosures were a result of people living outside of their means, but I didn't know what the economy was like there (I was reading that it's really bad right now). We have found A LOT of really nice houses that we could afford even on what we make right now. I think that Arizona would be much more of a culture shock to us than Texas. It seems like there's a lot more smaller towns in Texas, but you still aren't far from the big cities. I could handle the heat in Arizona. I'd much rather sweat than freeze.
  2. Dan208

    Texas or Arizona?

    LOL. Thanks. I don't think we are California people anyway.
  3. Sorry for the vague post. I'm still a noob (have been for over 10 years ). It took me forever to decide if I wanted to post this thread, as I didn't want to sound like a moron. Based on my current setup (single 10" Dcon in 1.25 cubes ported) I know I don't want to go over 1.5 cubes.
  4. Dan208

    Texas or Arizona?

    There are a few other areas we've looked at.
  5. Thanks, guys. I really need to keep the box on the small side, as this is our family vehicle. Budget wise, right now, the pair would be the best choice, but this won't happen until at least July, so things may change. I've never ran more than two subs at once, so I think trying more than that would be something fun to do.
  6. Dan208

    Texas or Arizona?

    The economy here is OK, but I'm not sure what the future holds (I guess that could be said for anywhere, though).
  7. Like I said, I'm looking really hard at the Sundown E8. So, it would be either 250 each for a pair or around 167 each for a trio. Edit: I plan on trying both ported and sealed.
  8. Dan208

    Texas or Arizona?

    Thanks. Just from what we've found, Texas is seeming like the most logical choice.
  9. Dan208

    Funny Caption Friday

    "Pull my finger." Weak, I know.
  10. Dan208

    To SSA people in Japan and Hawaii, be safe!!

    ^^This. Very sad situation.
  11. Dan208

    Which sub sa8 or dcon 10

    Don't know why it took so long either. We don't don't have the fan boys. I'm a fanboy. Got my Dcon reinstalled today and I now have steering wheel flex.
  12. Finally bumping again!

  13. Dan208

    Life Changes?

    I finally started going back to school last year, after being out for almost 13 years. I was scared to death but decided that I wasn't going to be able to go any further than I have without a college degree. It's going to take me a while, but it's something that I need to do for myself and my family. Keep your head up and keep focused on your goals and you'll get there eventually.
  14. Dan208

    HBD Rob Clay

  15. More people need to put up videos of their Dcons in action.

    1. emh9009


      Buy one and post some up!

    2. Dan208


      Got one. Finally got it reinstalled.

  16. Dan208

    Which sub sa8 or dcon 10

    You won't regret it. I can't wait to get my second Dcon this summer.
  17. I've used Stinger and Tsunami with no problems. I know a lot of people buy from Darvex. They carry Stinger and Sound Quest. I've got some of each on the way (Stinger 12 gauge speaker wire, SQ 4 gauge power and ground). I'll report back on the quality when I get them. Stay away from Absolute. The RCA's are ok, but the 4 gauge power and ground are more like 8 gauge. Probably why it's so cheap.
  18. Dan208

    Subwoofer Brands

  19. Dan208

    Which sub sa8 or dcon 10

    I've never heard an SA-8, but I will say that I love my Dcon. Gets loud and low and sounds extremely good. I don't think you could go wrong either way.
  20. Dan208

    Happy Berfday ///M5!

    Happy Birthday!
  21. Dan208

    Best rca cable?

    I've learned a lot from reading M5's posts. Very knowledgeable guy.