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Everything posted by topgun

  1. topgun

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Good thing you aren't into Olympic style shooting, NO match guns are made in the US, absolutly none, it sucks but you deal with it.
  2. topgun


  3. topgun

    BM pictures

    You gonna throw a bone to a broke college student to have one in a dorm room?? Tis a shame I can't run a substage right now, have to buy another amp.
  4. topgun

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Awsome, hey Jim, you know anything about a Dynaco Pat-4 preamp, 20 bucks shipped sound like a decent price?
  5. topgun

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I wonder how many people hear actually listen to America, or am I the only one?
  6. topgun

    Welcome to the IHoP

    NP: America; Sandman
  7. topgun

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Opinions please. That is on my list of pistols. Well, not the 9mm, the .45 ACP acutally, but I imagine they will be quite similar. I've put a couple clips through it with the .357 Sig barrel in it. I like it, it fits in my hand pretty well, shoots nice. The only downside of the .357 Sig round is it has a hell of a snappy recoil to it. Decent trigger, decent sights (nothing like my match pistols, but still not bad for what it is). I'm kinda fond of the no safety on it (other than the grip/trigger), it seems pretty well laid out, slide release is easy to get to and easy to flip. I plan on buying the one chambered in .45ACP once I turn 21, my brother got this for his concealed carry gun. All in all I'd recommend it, I'll try to remember to post a little more once I get some 9mm rounds through it hopefully tommorow.
  8. topgun

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Hard TOP Corvette
  9. topgun

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Off to go cruise with a friend in his 'Vette.
  10. topgun

    I need help picking a car!

    I would not go for that contour, I would think at that many miles, the power acc. will be starting to crap out on you, which causes a big headache.
  11. topgun

    4 Months old party

    Aww, look at the little fella.
  12. topgun

    Welcome to the IHoP

    You tell him to go clean the weeds out of a field using a corn knife, and once the blisters heal up he'll be thinking differently.
  13. topgun

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Anyone know anything about a Dynaco Pat-4 preamp?? Theres on in the classfieds in le chithole for 20bucks shipped and I'm thinking of picking it up. I found some stuff while doing a google search that it seems like it was a pretty good one back in the 60-70's but now its really passed up by modern solid state elctronics. Anyone know of them?
  14. topgun

    Welcome to the IHoP

    My brother left his Sprinfield XD (9mm) at home with some rounds for me to play with
  15. topgun

    Welcome to the IHoP

    When you lean to drive a manual on the chittiest transmssion ever (my old truck) and then hone your skills in 2 ton trucks and a semi, you can drive basically anything.
  16. topgun

    Welcome to the IHoP

    It took me a little bit to discover where the fudge neutral was. Going from heavy duty truck transmissions to a short throw 5spd took a second or two to get my bearings straight. After I figured out how short the throw actually was, smooth as silk grabbin the next gear.
  17. topgun

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Drove a friends 02 mustang GT, they sure as hell aren't kidding about the "Short Throw" when you install a short throw shifter, goll damn. I loved it though.
  18. topgun


    CB, you have an extreme wealth of knowlege right at your fingertips with this forum and others, that people would have LOVED to have a couple years ago, 'tis best to listen (actually listen) to Everything.
  19. topgun

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Sad to hear man.
  20. topgun

    Welcome to the IHoP

    alot?? lol, i'm sure it's been measured before, i'm certian of it...time for google...lol.. wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 180db = 20000Pascal = 2.9PSI But it isn't the pressure that causes problems but the dynamic pressure changing. To give you an idea, Boeing uses 180-185db to mechanically stress metal to failure. This is the reason HT guys really build the piss out of their enclosures so that the energy built in the box causes no coloration or resonant energy to be added to the signal. Thanks! When I finally get around to building my little home speakers I will do a resonant measurement and post a video for you all. It will be a while though since I might move first. Ohh, sweet. I'm very interested in this. Excuse me for forgetting, but you are going to KSU in Manhattan no? I might have to do a measurement on some pistachio's there sometime this fall, if so maybe we can even measure your speakers. I can't promise anything yet as my job title could change drastically in the next couple of weeks but eh, wtf? Yep, I'm at KSU in manhattan. That would be sweet as hell, I would even build some other test models as well that we could play with. If you do come down sometime, give me a week or three notice if thats possible. Of course. If I can make it happen we will try. That is awsome Very true, my dad graduated from KSU with a BS in Mechanical Engineering, he worked at a machine shop up in Detroit for awhile, his boss liked his education so much and his knowledge that he hired another person sight unseen JUST BECAUSE THEY GRADUATED FROM KSU.
  21. topgun

    Welcome to the IHoP

    alot?? lol, i'm sure it's been measured before, i'm certian of it...time for google...lol.. wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 180db = 20000Pascal = 2.9PSI But it isn't the pressure that causes problems but the dynamic pressure changing. To give you an idea, Boeing uses 180-185db to mechanically stress metal to failure. This is the reason HT guys really build the piss out of their enclosures so that the energy built in the box causes no coloration or resonant energy to be added to the signal. Thanks! When I finally get around to building my little home speakers I will do a resonant measurement and post a video for you all. It will be a while though since I might move first. Ohh, sweet. I'm very interested in this. Excuse me for forgetting, but you are going to KSU in Manhattan no? I might have to do a measurement on some pistachio's there sometime this fall, if so maybe we can even measure your speakers. I can't promise anything yet as my job title could change drastically in the next couple of weeks but eh, wtf? Yep, I'm at KSU in manhattan. That would be sweet as hell, I would even build some other test models as well that we could play with. If you do come down sometime, give me a week or three notice if thats possible.
  22. topgun

    Welcome to the IHoP

    alot?? lol, i'm sure it's been measured before, i'm certian of it...time for google...lol.. wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 180db = 20000Pascal = 2.9PSI But it isn't the pressure that causes problems but the dynamic pressure changing. To give you an idea, Boeing uses 180-185db to mechanically stress metal to failure. This is the reason HT guys really build the piss out of their enclosures so that the energy built in the box causes no coloration or resonant energy to be added to the signal. Thanks! When I finally get around to building my little home speakers I will do a resonant measurement and post a video for you all. It will be a while though since I might move first. Ohh, sweet. I'm very interested in this.
  23. topgun

    Welcome to the IHoP

    alot?? lol, i'm sure it's been measured before, i'm certian of it...time for google...lol.. wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 180db = 20000Pascal = 2.9PSI But it isn't the pressure that causes problems but the dynamic pressure changing. To give you an idea, Boeing uses 180-185db to mechanically stress metal to failure. This is the reason HT guys really build the piss out of their enclosures so that the energy built in the box causes no coloration or resonant energy to be added to the signal. Thanks!