Article in our school paper today... made me laugh. Pleasures of anal sex outweigh potential health risk By: Matt Combes Issue date: 2/4/08 Section: Edge This just in: anal sex is no longer just for us gay people. As more individuals realize that I work as a sexual-health educator, I realize a growing trend of heterosexual men asking me the same question - "Matt, how can I get my girlfriend to try anal?" That is right, ladies - your men are curious about the exotic destinations you offer. Usually, when approached, I refrain from laughing out loud and quickly tell the gentlemen to try praying and perhaps jewelry. But this begs the question of what the allure of anal sex is and how it differs from the more traditional vaginal entry. The most recent U.S. data from a national representative sample comes from the 2002 National Survey of Family Growth, which was conducted on more than 12,000 men and women ages 15 to 44. Results showed that 34 percent of men and 30 percent of women reported engaging in anal sex at least once, said Cory Silverberg, a certified sex educator Since the advent of safer-sex education pamphlets, the level of risk anal sex brings about has changed with every new printing. But, the gist is anal sex has more inherent risk than vaginal or oral sex, even if you do use a barrier. Why is this so? Because of tighter, wetter, thinner and non-lubricated tissues, there is more risk of tearing, and, in turn, more risk of a sexually transmitted infection. In addition, the rectum brings in a slew of nasty issues that aren't as prevalent in other situations including Hepatitis A, E. coli and many other little bacterial and microbial stinkers. So why go for it? If done properly, anal sex can raise stimulation to a brand-new level. It's tighter, more sensational, and let's be honest - it makes you feel kind of nasty and naughty. Always make sure you are ready both physically and mentally for sexual activity. Also, always use protection. You want to avoid sheer/ultra sensitive condoms; you will get enough sensation with a regular condom and a slight percentage of better protection. Also, avoid condoms with spermicidal lube; you won't get pregnant through this hole, and the nonoxynol-9 can cause sloughing of tissues and cause higher risk of STI transmission. Take your time. It is going to hurt at first, but with patience and some foreplay, it is all go. Finally, buy a large stock in a lube company because you are going to be using a lot. I suggest brands with numbing agents to help your partner along. So, anal sex is in. Why be left out? Matt Combes is a junior in social work, and he is an outreach counselor for the Regional AIDS Project. Please send comments to
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