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Everything posted by topgun

  1. topgun

    Welcome to the IHoP

    ask I think that conversation can only turn out very well, or very bad, not much middle ground in there... I don't feel like barking up that tree right now though unfortunately.
  2. topgun

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Couple chicks just sat down at the table behind me, and lord do they smell funny. Not bad, but yet not good, not sure what it is.
  3. topgun

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Never been on a boat bigger than a canoe or a small flat bottom row boat. *Not counting the USS North Carolina*
  4. topgun

    Welcome to the IHoP

    green, blue, orange, orange, green
  5. topgun

    Full Range Home Audio Project

    Hmm, can't recall ever using maple ply before, but with the solid maple I've used I would put tung oil on it and call it a day.
  6. topgun

    Full Range Home Audio Project

    Just use three coats of tung oil, I haven't seen a stain on birch ply that I actually liked yet.
  7. topgun

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Well, time to head to the library to plug the laptop in and accomplish something.
  8. topgun

    Welcome to the IHoP

    On the topic of acoustics, when I was at the Ryman theater, they said that it has like the 2nd best acoustics in the world, is this true?
  9. topgun

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Probably. Jim has pretty much retired, but I think I could get you through the gates. Calling it a plant is a joke though, more like a pole shed. Hey, its all good, I still like the way they sound.
  10. topgun

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Interesting idea to say the least, although his personal social skills on the forum are quite lacking, and has provided no true 'evidence' that it works well and such. company page http://www.planotspeaker.com/index.html diyaudio thread. http://www.diyaudio.com/forums/showthread....mp;pagenumber=1
  11. topgun

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Because Ryan = teh broke.
  12. topgun

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Bah, I need to convince my professor to buy my BIB's, and I need to do a car detailing job so I can get some $$$.
  13. topgun

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Sean: When I get up to Minnesota for MTS training, would it be possible to get a tour of the Magnepan plant??
  14. Anyone know if the Archos players support FLAC?
  15. topgun

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Oh, how true, how true.
  16. topgun

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I need to post this evertime someone posts a thread about UPS taking to long with their new Fi woofer...
  17. topgun

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Buy my ART SLA-1 rack amp, or maggies. Or just send me money. mmm the maggies. Stupid shipping Buy 'em anyways, 200$ +actual shipping.
  18. topgun

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Time to go to the library, yay.
  19. topgun

    Welcome to the IHoP

    orange, yellow, blue, orange, orange.
  20. topgun

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I'm sorry, a forklift that I'm working around isn't a place to learn to drive larger/heavier equipment especially when we use it to move 16' long concrete beams.
  21. topgun

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Well, I'm sure Honda didn't put a huge safety factor into those things Even if they did, females would find some way around it. Especially when it comes to vehicles/driving. Bwahahaha, how true. The chick that works for one of the grad students at work wants me to teach her to drive the forklift this summer. I told her maybe, then after she left the guy that I work with asked if I was actually going to do it. I told him most likely no, he asked why and I told him I didn't want a dumb f'ing woman driving the forklift, it ain't a place to be having brain farts and f' up. I got called sexist for that one...
  22. topgun

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Well, I'm sure Honda didn't put a huge safety factor into those things I stood there looking at it, she made a comment about how she didn't know how this happened, I made the comment about its a honda, and I got a hell of an evil look for that one.
  23. topgun

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Got a call today to go fix a flat tire, well I got there and the dumb bitch had just called AAA right after they had called me after I had told them I would be there in 5min. So I get there, and she had curb'd it, and had hit it so damn hard she bent the fricking steel wheel up about 1.5", I didn't know you could do that at low speeds. It was in a mid 90's Honda Accord.
  24. topgun

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Haven't accomplished shit today.
  25. topgun

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Buy my ART SLA-1 rack amp, or maggies. Or just send me money.