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Everything posted by qtipextra

  1. Acually, it could work. Totally seperate 24v electrical, stricly for the audio. No transition for the rest of the car. In your trunk, just get a 24v bat, or, 2 12v's in series. Dont ground to chasis, tho. Have a common ground for the 24v system all on it's own. Run the bats to your specially made amp. Ground your amp straight to your battery negative. Run 2 alts, one 12v, one 24v. For the 24v one, run the positive wire back to your bat positive. The only problem would be finding something to make an amp braket out of non-conductive material, and you would have to run another negative wire clear back to your trunk as well. But you could do it like that Thats only if you could find someone to make you an amp that runs on 24v. Oh, and if they did that, have the remote turn on still be 12v, so your HU alone would turn it on.
  2. Ok. So now im looking for a new battery. My current battery ratings are CA: 650 Amps CCA: 525 Amps. The battery (EverStart) is bad tho. I dont know If I want a battery that replaces the existing one, or if I shold just get one and put it in my trunk. The battery I have now still starts my car, but in the cold its very close to not starting it. I want a battery that will start my car fine in the cold, and that will eliminate my voltage drops (Down to 13v from 14.5v voltage drops now when I bump my system) to go with my HO alt (160 Amp). After thinking about it after writing the majority of this thread, I should get an additional battery, and keep the stock right where it is. It will be less hassle that way. Also, I would prefer (its not a mandatory thing) a sealed battery, not some stupid lead acid battery. The only problem is, im not willing to spend more then about $100 dollars. Any of your suggestions will be very helpful. Thanks
  3. I used to have way bad voltage drops, clear down to 9v, but I got a new alt for christmas. I thought that would take care of the problem, but it doesn't. I mean, it did for a month, but now I have voltage drops again. And they keep getting worse.
  4. Thanks, but thats a little too much money. (like 90 dollars too much) Would you suggest against buying one used?
  5. Well, I got this HU brand new last year. I love it (but im gonna be gettin a DEH-P860MP when I can afford it), but for now this thing will work. However, when I turn it off, then turn it back on, it takes 13 seconds to load the CD and resume play, on an MP3 CD. I know that may not sound like a long time, but it really is. Anywayz, when I stick in a regular CD, the resume time is 3 seconds or a little less. It used to load my MP3 CD's just as fast as it does regular CD's. It started doin this for some reason for a while, then I hit it or sumthin, and it started workin fine again. But now, since I loaded a regular CD in, it started loadin my MP3 CD slowly again. I cant get it to start working normal again. How do I fix this?
  6. When my car is running, and my HU is on pause, I get this high pitch sound through my speakers. its there when a CD is playing to, but high volumes cover it up. Anywanyz, im trying to figure out how to fix it. Someone suggested to me to check the grounds. SO I did, and found that my battery terminal (-) was loose. After secureing it, I thought it had been fixed, but the next time I went out to my car, it did the same thing. This only happens when my car is running, not when im on ACC. If it was still a ground problem, I would hear it when im on ACC too, wouldnt I? Also, my lights, and my HU backlight dim slightly and brighten, all in a very fast movement. I have upgraded to big 3 with 1/0 guage, all except the alt + to bat +, cuz it wasnt staying on, so I took that one off for now, until I get a new alt. What the heck can I do to fix my noise problem? Thanks
  7. qtipextra

    Noise in system

    The problem was, again, my ground connection at the battery terminal. It was lose again, I dont know how that got by me. Damn battery teminal.
  8. qtipextra

    Noise in system

    I dont really think it's my RCA's, got the highest grade 4-channel ones from knuconcepts.com. One of these days when I get some time I will go make double sure of all my ground connections. Thanks for the suggestions.
  9. qtipextra

    Wuts Up?

    A lot of you already know me from ca.com. I thought I would finally come over here, with a nice fresh start. I myself am getting tired of all the BS over there. Anyways, just saying hi.
  10. I got my 1/0 gauge free from my dads work. More then 20 feet worth. Old wire from welders. Good stuff.
  11. qtipextra

    Wuts Up?

    Sweet, its a good thing. I can learn easier that way. YAY
  12. qtipextra

    Wuts Up?

    Yep, thats why I hacked that stupid little puny script asking for my age. Thanks for the nice welcome everyone. <sarcastically>