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Everything posted by delricoanderson

  1. delricoanderson

    fi btl 12

    Thanks errrrbody
  2. delricoanderson

    fi btl 12

    I have a fi btl d2 12 ufo style and cant seem to find another one. My question is can i order a newer series fi btl d2 to go along with my old one and won't have a problem? Thanks
  3. delricoanderson

    fi btl 12

    Recommended box size and tuning for a single fi btl 12 running off a crescendo 3kwp at 1 ohm for a 03 crown victoria.
  4. delricoanderson

    fi btl 12

    Thanks guys not sure the dimensions but the trunks are huge on these cars though.
  5. delricoanderson

    box build for aq's

    need a boxbuild design for 2 audioque hdc's 12's for a 03 crown vic tuned to 34 hz using aeroports