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Everything posted by smashedz28

  1. smashedz28

    Anyone used pre made speaker pods?

    Just PMd the person who used them in a build log and he says good about them. Given I didn't get all the details of his install. Took it with a grain of salt. He did mention drivers side DOES rub slightly but he has a 6.5 and 5.25 in his pods.said the top speaker grill hits the ebrake.
  2. smashedz28

    Anyone used pre made speaker pods?

    Are you saying when a door is fiberglassed it isn't attached to the door card also? Or because the back is more than likely closed off from the door? Not being a smart ass just trying to understand exactly what your saying. Nbs doors?
  3. smashedz28

    Anyone used pre made speaker pods?

    Ok. Thanks for the advice man.
  4. smashedz28

    Anyone used pre made speaker pods?

    What do you suggest?
  5. smashedz28

    Anyone used pre made speaker pods?

    Yea. Still got the 97 but selling it to finish paying off the 03. Moving the sub stage straight into this one .Thanks for the response. I got maybe a month before tackling this project. Had horrible results with just cld tiles and a zapco component set in my 97. This time I'm fully deadening doors with cld tiles, Ccf and MLV. Just saw these and since I don't trust myself to build a quality pod or want to pay the ghetto shops here to make me some. Thought it may work. One thing I've learned for sure is a good sounding front stage is so much more difficult than sub stage lol. I've even began looking at 3 way component systems (assuming I use these pods since fiberglass isn't an option right now).
  6. smashedz28

    Anyone used pre made speaker pods?

    Good point Good point. Let me add I have 0 fiberglass experience. I don't want these for the cosmetic look. I want an overall better sounding front stage. If I purchased these I would get the standard single 6.5 per door. I would think putting the tweet up in the stock location (pillar) would be a better place for it. If the design and speaker aiming wont help me at all I might as well just skip the pod and use the stock location right behind it. I'm really sick of my front stage installs sounding like ass. I usually just throw a set of components and an amp and call it a day. I want this one to be different.
  7. smashedz28

    Component advice - 03 Tahoe

    I also want to ccf/mlv my doors on this build. Will be my 1st time but sure I can handle it
  8. smashedz28

    battery distribution block that mount on posts

    Didn't see those when I was shopping! I like em
  9. smashedz28

    battery distribution block that mount on posts

    I bought these fosgate ones. (2) 1/0 or 4 ga. And (2) 8 ga . Check them out. Probably can find something that works for cheaper. http://item.mobileweb.ebay.com/viewitem?itemId=230926100743&index=1&nav=SEARCH&nid=32061466038
  10. smashedz28

    2010 Malibu SQish

  11. smashedz28

    WTB- Sundown bass knob

    No longer wanting to buy. Thanks Brutal!! Your the man.
  12. smashedz28

    WTB- Sundown bass knob

    I'm looking for a replacement sundown bass knob. Last one was installed a little too good. Selling the car and not messing with it. Thanks.
  13. smashedz28

    2010 Malibu SQish

    Did you just run your power wire under the headliner? On a crappy phone. If you did I love it.
  14. smashedz28

    2010 Malibu SQish

    Unfortunately I coughed up the ~$650 for a DC power alternator before doing my own research. Your thread over on the Malibu forums has good info. Ill be following your build closely, I like your style and attention to detail so far.
  15. smashedz28


    Dons the man. He just sent me more cld tiles. He's the only person I would ever use for sound deadening materials. Customer service couldn't be better.
  16. smashedz28

    2010 Malibu SQish

    I'm currently ( been for the past year) collecting equipment for my 2011 Malibu. Not a ton of build logs on these. I may have missed it but do you plan on an aftermarket alternator? I bought a 250xp dc power alt and haven't even installed it yet. Think I read somewhere these cars have a problem keeping voltage up because of some fuel economy feature the car has.. May be way off lol. Well see. I'm for sure tuned in on this one
  17. smashedz28

    SDS Door Treatment

    Do you have a before and after comparison? I would like to ccf and mlv my doors also just haven't coughed up the money yet. I'm curious on just how much of a difference this treatment can have
  18. smashedz28

    Knukonceptz neon kca

    I've used this same knu CCA before in the build In my sig. Under 2000 or so watts I don't think ill really notice any problems at all. But for my Malibu build which will have a lot more power I bought the better wire. This stuff is going to work just fine for what I have planned.
  19. smashedz28

    Knukonceptz neon kca

    Couldn't resist ordering some of this stuff. 1st thing I noticed was the weight. I just happen to have the exact same size piece in there kolossus flex and the weight difference is very noticeable. Possibly double! Unable to provide any raw technical info on the wire but it doesn't seem too bad for CCA. Cool color I wanted to use and extremely flexible so this wire is going to work just fine for me.
  20. smashedz28

    1 brand whole system ??

    I don't really care for company's who make a ton of different stuff. Maybe hertz or JL.
  21. smashedz28

    Knukonceptz neon kca

    Neon CCA and red OFC
  22. smashedz28

    WTB- Sundown bass knob

    How much to 95209?
  23. smashedz28

    WTB- Sundown bass knob

    Amp is an older saz1500. Possibly 1st gen if it matters.
  24. How do you figure it's "horrible"? I use some cca and never once had a problem with it.
  25. smashedz28

    First Week of Owning the SSA Evil

    You said in your first post you have owned a UFO BTL. How would you compare the evil to the btl?