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Everything posted by novadave

  1. novadave

    A new (to me) Subwoofer Company

    His windshield broke cause of the mirror shaking. Just look at where it broke. I have a friend that has a mojo 15 and does a 140db that had the same thing happen.
  2. novadave

    Mark Fukuda

    No neo motors on the 15s, but we did put electrostatic speakers in the roof.
  3. has jones to build a bass race car

  4. has jones to build a bass race car

  5. has jones to build a bass race car

  6. So who's car is the loudest when burped?
  7. novadave


    What do you mean Just like me? I'm not understanding what your talking about. PLEASE elaborate I wasn't speaking to anyone person but the whole post sorry. My point is everyone has to start some where and just because the car audio guy doesn't know everything doesn't mean he is an idiot. It just seams like a lot of DIY guys have alot of hate for the guys in the industry. I started out doing car audio in my garage for a year or two then got a chance to work at a shop and its been my life ever since. I love car audio.
  8. novadave


    In my 18 years of doing custom car audio i have meet a lot of installers that aren't very good at installing because they are just like you . Everyone has to learn this stuff at your own speed and it take years to get good at it .