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Everything posted by Skullz

  1. With those drivers i would go with the door install and well deadened for midbass output, mids in the dash if you can get good ones small enough and tweet's in the pillars or sails if you have the room. I have been kicking the idea of going with 2 anarchy exodus's per door myself and doing pretty much everything i described for my own ride except i will be using the PPI PC 3.65 passive 3way crossovers. EDIT: I would use some mdf rings to isolate the speaker from the sheet metal in the door to reduce any chance of noise and allow some extra clearance from the window.
  2. Skullz

    New Fi Website instore

    Very nice, can't wait to see the new system up and running.
  3. Put some baking soda in a cup of warm water and pour it over the corrosion and it will clean it right up, you have something else going on if your popping fuses and would need to check into that cause usually corrosion on your battery is nothing to worry too much about.
  4. Skullz

    Berry doin 2Hz and even 1Hz

    The most perplexing thing is you'll never hear a 1hz note let alone feel it and to measure it well i don't think you have the proper equipment for that either so i see where peoples concerns are in regards to your claims.
  5. Maybe i'm wrong but i don't think changing tuning will help with your cancellation problems, from looking at your pics of the inside of the box i would be inclined to think you have way too much interference going on inside.
  6. Skullz

    Repair Amplifier

    Could try db-r Electronics. Check and see if you can get them repaired locally to save on shipping cost and travel times. http://www.db-r.com/
  7. Skullz

    Why not to buy PSI

    So from a 1 month old recone to now a few months? What is the real story then cause there seems to be quite a bit missing.
  8. Skullz

    Now Playing!

    Some good stuff to listen to.
  9. Skullz

    How can I contact Fi other than by email?

    I hear ya man and hope the best for ya, i ordered some shirts and still waiting for them to be shipped.
  10. Skullz

    would this work.

    I bought a set of PPI PC3.65c's and have the same problem with no low end extension what so ever and if it is played anywhere near 100hz or lower it just sounds like they have a hard time trying to play the notes, i am thinking about getting 4 of these to replace those mid's. From everything i have been able to find you just want to cross them over around 2500hz and under so if you go with a 3way set-up you should be good to go. http://www.diycable.com/main/default.php?cPath=24&Cid=f704ecd3f26cfa4c90b3a7773a1b60af
  11. Skullz

    WTB: (2) Zed Minilith's

  12. Skullz

    Made some funny smells after DD-1 use....

    Stupid is as stupid does, and your analogy is useless and pointless, if the user is silly enough to over power the speakers then he gets exactly what he deserves. Undistorted music is a far superior route to go than to have distortion and blowing equipment cause your pushing a H/U or amplifier more then it should be to achieve the same output as a more powerful amplifier, the DD 1 tells you at what point you can push your equipment to reach distortion and what you as the user do with it is your choice.
  13. Skullz

    LED vs DD-1

    Well i guess that method is useless to a H/U with no built in amplifier then.
  14. Skullz

    LED vs DD-1

    Which outputs were used, rca or speaker? More info is needed to draw any kind of conclusion as to what is going on here other than a strip of LED's hooked to a H/U.
  15. Skullz

    Bum gets paid 5 dollars to rip Gtape from CHEST!

    Gorilla tape ain't no joke.
  16. Skullz

    Juicebox battery Apple VS the XS d3400

    500 amps is a lot of juice running through there and i'm pretty sure even with brass bolts you would get some smoking from the clamps anyway. Can't say i'm a fan of the name juice box and feel a name change might help the brand along more than trying to use names of fruits. If they are in fact comparable to the xs power batteries they'll prove themselves over time and win people over just like many other brands have done.
  17. Skullz

    3.5 in speakers

    Since you like the morels so much i would get the morel tempo 6.5's for the doors but it depends on what your willing to spend to achieve your goal, just make sure you deaden the doors to get the best possible low end from them.
  18. Skullz

    3.5 in speakers

    Don't know if you can fit it without modding anything but if you like the way the morel's sound then i would go with more morel's. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0035FZJGC
  19. Skullz


    Must have made a purchase on something that is popular and sold out rather quickly with the holiday sales going on, as long as you get answers to questions you have then you should be good to go. When they don't answer the phone or questions is when it can become a problem.
  20. Skullz

    Strange Site Activity | Next 24 hrs

    So from 2 times as fast to now 10 to 20 times as fast. That sounds like some serious loading speed times.
  21. Skullz

    I bought _________ on black friday!

    25sq ft of audio technix and Precision Power PC3.65C speakers, was planing on buying the deadener but not the speakers till i tried entering a bid on ebay and it being accepted to my surprise.
  22. Skullz

    Ampless component suggestions

    I was being a bit over sarcastic in my last post, to be honest though in what to get i would get something in the $300 to $400 range of quality so in the event down the road you do ever feel like throwing some power to them you'll be set and won't need to make another upgrade later on with the exception to adding more deadener to the door. I would stay away from low impedance speakers cause a lot of H/U's don't like anything below 4ohm and you risk blowing the onboard amp.
  23. Skullz

    "Breaking In" of Subs.

    I don't do any type of break in, you'll know when they have been broken in though as they'll have a slightly different sound and better output.
  24. http://ampguts.com/forum/soundstream-219/soundstream-reference-class-10-0-a-3326/