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Everything posted by j-roadtatts

  1. j-roadtatts

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    My guess is Mrray13, that started the hop is a cop. I guess he probably already sat around a real IHOP and thus the name. Kinda like the water cooler to the office folk. Hope you enjoy our ramblings J. Stop in more often.
  2. j-roadtatts

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Real cherries?Yes, real cherries! my wife grows all the vegetables, and I grow fruits and cooking herbs. Fruit is natures candy. When I was little we had two I used to tear them up when they produced.. I am a dumbass, I didn't make sure the tree was self pollinating when I planted it 4 years ago. They supposedly dont produce until the 3rd year, but the blooms froze last year. We will see. Hopefully its a selfie, or someone has one near by. Otherwise I will either plant one that can cross pollinate, or graft a branch on this one.
  3. j-roadtatts

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Old school testing method of working on vehicle sensors. lol
  4. j-roadtatts

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Fleetwood Mac
  5. j-roadtatts

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Black Label
  6. j-roadtatts

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Jelly btw
  7. j-roadtatts

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Real cherries?Yes, real cherries! my wife grows all the vegetables, and I grow fruits and cooking herbs. Fruit is natures candy.
  8. j-roadtatts

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I could load up the sleds and head your way!I haven't checked this morning but, I assume a bunch of major arteries are closed around Denver. I am not sure if there is a regulation, but the place I posted pictures of the other day, has snow almost year-round.
  9. j-roadtatts

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Why? Not that I too wouldn't like to fly recreationally, but still always wonder what the use is.I am curios on what the reserve for this is,has been sitting in the hanger for 25 years.Not really an answer. Does that plane have a sink? Is it your new laundry machine?I am guessing he wants to smuggle something. And don't even consider that plane Mikey if it is been sitting along.
  10. j-roadtatts

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Seriously, it is still fucking snowing here. I think at this point I am jealous of your guys weather. I can care less as long as it doesn't kill the blooms on my cherry tree.
  11. j-roadtatts

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    My Daisy dog will be 11 next month. Being a golden lab, she is getting up there.
  12. j-roadtatts

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I live where Piper started. Lots of time spent watching Piper air planes fly and a couple of friends own Cubs and one owns a Mikoyan Mig-AT which is for-sale currently. They are fun little planes.
  13. j-roadtatts

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    That vehicle also has a MAP sensor. Is a externally mounted vacuum device. I believe it is on the passenger side of the engine, possibly mounted on the valve cover or firewall. Will be a tiny box with a vacuum line and wires going to it. It is not inside of the air intake like the MAF. The thing is a vacuum leak in the hose to the map sensor causes the map sensor to indicate a higher than normal pressure (less vacuum) in the manifold, which makes the computer think the engine is under much more load than it really is. As a result, the ignition timing is retarded and the fuel mixture is richened. So yeah see if you can retrieve the codes as I posted above or go get them read at an auto parts store. Those are all free things you can do, that I posted. Other than change your fuel filter which is not a bad idea. Sometimes can even be replaced without any tools. Google some YouTube videos of all the procedures everybody has suggested. That alone will give you more understanding of your car. Is the only way on a BK budget.
  14. j-roadtatts

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Hell, check there isn't something stuck to the sensor inside the intake.
  15. j-roadtatts

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    About the only other REALLY simple thing to do is go drive it like you stole it. That particular sensor is most responsive at or near WOT. This is bc the sensor collects data continuously at or near WOT. Also check there is nothing obstructing the air intake. Also look under the car and make sure the exhaust isn't pinched or restricted. See if you can find the o2 sensor on the exhaust and see if it's hooked up. All other things that will cause a MAF code.
  16. j-roadtatts

    DSS Tridents and Twisted Sounds S-10. Road to 166dBs

    The finish sure looks purdy Steve. Your work is amazing, thanks for sharing.
  17. j-roadtatts

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Will not hurt to know the codes. You may be able to retrieve them without the scanner. Turn the key on and off 3 times and end with the key in the on position. Your check engine light should blink. Will be like morse code. Have a piece of paper to write them down. If 3 turns doesn't work, try 5 turns. You can start the process over as many times as needed.
  18. j-roadtatts

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Don't waste your time on the OBD code. There are several factors that will trip the MAF sensor, so if those factors are not corrected, the code won't mean shit. First is check that that MAF sensor harness is not near any secondary ignition or coil wires, or other electrical devices. The harness could of got reinstalled poorly at one time. Also check the sensor ground wire at both ends. Second is check for vac leaks AFTER the MAF sensor, as that will throw off the sensor. PLEASE change the FUEL filter first, then check for vac leaks. Always do the simple tests first. Ok
  19. j-roadtatts

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Learn to change your own fuel filter. Learn how to test for your own vac leaks. Is the only way on a BK budget. If that doesn't fix it, come back here and I will tell you how to reset the computer. And will walk you through the diagnostics.
  20. j-roadtatts

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Fuel filter is a REALLY good place to start. Try the vacuum leak test would be the next smartest action.
  21. j-roadtatts

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Sean, the 3456 in my carb math represents 2cuft, in inches. Don't remember why that was the formula, just remember the formula. lol I WILL read up on everything more, so I know wtf I am doing. Than I can apply my resources more appropriately.
  22. j-roadtatts

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I am guessing something to do with the a/c compressor clutch. If shutting off the a/c solves the problem, you should be close to a diagnosis. When was your last tune up? How many miles on the motor/truck (if different)? Any codes thrown? A/C on is in the map on the ECU and should be automatically adjusted for. If not a sensor could be stating the temp incorrectly, that the A/C is off or of course there could be something that causing it to happen. Very true. In that case you should be able to reset the computer and the car will run in "limp" or "learning" mode for like the first 50-100 miles until it recollects data. If resetting the computer temporarily solves the problem, I would start testing sensors with an ohm's meter, for acceptable tolerances. Depending on the car, may go into default right away IF there is a faulty sensor, and only collect data from key sensors.
  23. j-roadtatts

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Piper Cherokee is another good one, IF you don't mind a low wing.
  24. j-roadtatts

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    The 182 is a good plane. Just make sure it was maintained. Last I looked the were only around 30k.
  25. j-roadtatts

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Use a propane torch to check for vacuum leaks if you suspect that. or you can use carb cleaner, but its hard on the rubber. Use the UN-LIT torch by moving over the suspect area's. IF the engine rev's up, you have found your leak.