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Everything posted by j-roadtatts

  1. j-roadtatts

    ChaosWarlord26's Dodge Ram Truck Build

    WOW that HU looks good in there. I am always happy when they look stock. You did a GREAT job on EVERYTHING you did. I will be tuned in for more details.
  2. j-roadtatts

    Welcome to the IHoP

    My heart pitter patters for you.
  3. j-roadtatts

    jay-cee's Build Log

    I seen you where thinking about the ZED Leviathan. I am VERY interested in this amp also. SO MUCH SO i will probably replace my F600 and RF400 for just the one ZED amp. i just got done reading a review about the Leviathan in the feb/mar edition of Performance Auto & sound. Sounds like Steven Mantz just gets better and better the more he builds.
  4. j-roadtatts

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Don't forget to use the Texas toast, IT makes the BEST french toast.
  5. j-roadtatts

    Welcome to the IHoP

    This is a VERY well perserved artifact.LOL. Great specimen.
  6. j-roadtatts

    J-Roadtatts Honda Accord Build

    Good to hear from you Rainman. I don't make it over to the other forums very often BUT I do have your build on instant notifaction SO I am watching. I think for the average person Deadening the floor would be the last thing I would deaden or LLP for that matter. The floor did become quiter but there are other places that create WAY more noise than the floor as the floor already has quite abit of layers already on it. I dampened the floor because I already had EVERYTHING out to do the LLP. My car is being set up for SQ and I PERSONALLY choose to do ALL the extra work on the floor to lower the noise floor of the car The very little amount. (every bit counts to me) So if you are asking my opinion, Don't waste your time doing the floor if you are building a SPL car. AS far as 1/0 ga wire go's, YOU are going through the only place on the passenger firewall where YOU can get wires in the car. AS YOU will notice you will have a hard time even fitting 2 runs of wire through this spot, PLUS the extra bulk of just 1 run of 1/0 ga kept breaking my Right rear door jam piece trying to get the wire under the back seat. So I MUST suggest going under the car with that many runs. I used a 1 1/4 PVC valve gromment from Checkers for my bigger wire holes. The other thing you could do is run electrical conduit under the car to run the wires through.
  7. j-roadtatts

    J-Roadtatts Honda Accord Build

    I know I do gOOd work, just not very much of it. HA HA, I do take my sweet time though. that's how i am trying to do it too, take my time or else i will have to go back and fix it I always go back and fix things I don't like even when I do take my time.LOL When building I MAKE myself stop when Im get AGITATED.
  8. j-roadtatts

    J-Roadtatts Honda Accord Build

    I know I do gOOd work, just not very much of it. HA HA, I do take my sweet time though.
  9. j-roadtatts

    Hdf or Mdf??

    MDF is NOT acuostically dead, Just better than some of the alternatives. Please explain more. What part do you need explained?
  10. j-roadtatts

    Mac N Cheese's build log

    Looking good Brother. X2 on what Jay said, just bypass all the factory wiriring. I wish I was there to help with the wiring as thats my FAVORITE part of an install.
  11. j-roadtatts

    J-Roadtatts Honda Accord Build

    Hey as long as you let me know when I can improve on something I am HAPPY M5. As I know that is usaully the ONLY time you will post anyways. I will have a few speaker choice's for you to review soon, as I have been spending EVERY free moument studying what will fit my needs. Thanks again M5 for your input and help.
  12. j-roadtatts

    J-Roadtatts Honda Accord Build

    Good to hear you are still sticking to the Schooling no matter how hard Mbarber. You will be Happy with the outcome. Someday I will make a few video's, Probably when I get EVERYTHING done.
  13. j-roadtatts

    Ryan J's build log

    I'm pretty set on the ScanSpeak HDS. For the mid I was thinking of the ER18 that you had mentioned. I have a concern, that may actually not be a concern at all, about this. While looking at the frequency response graph I noticed that there is a drop off down low. Higher than I think I would like? Maybe not? ...help me... I'll be running a sealed Dcon for the subbass department. The Peerless HDS is a hell of a tweeter, makes more sense to be sold under the Scan-speak label IMO anyways. That tweeter is capable of playing low enough that the more capable midrange of the ER may not be "necessary". The driver definitely rolls off faster than the CA, but it is much sweeter in the midrange which is a reasonable trade-off depending on your listening preferences. If you really want low, these might work. DIYCable.com : Intro » Home » Exodus Subwoofers » I only say might as I have no experience with them. I know their low end will definitely be sweet, but they are rather heavy for a door and I have no idea what the upper response looks like. Brad has a few of them in his closet though so perhaps he'll chime in. WOW those Exodus look pretty hefty for a 6.5". I too shall wait to see what Brad says about them.
  14. j-roadtatts

    J-Roadtatts Honda Accord Build

    Thank you for the comments BASSMASTER, I was begining to think nobody on here was even looking anymore. PLEASE nag and nitpick EVERYTHING I post pictures of. I REALLY like the input from people that have installed WAY more stereos than me, As i know you guys have already been there done that so to speak. I don't mind peoples comments or just idle chit chat in MY biuld log as I think most people only look at the pictures anyways, thats why I post alot of them. Anyways These where my first door pods, and as soon as we started talking about speakers in our other theards, I realized the hole was probably ALOT of my problem, CHOKING the speaker. I will open these ones up as much as I can , But will be building ones for the 8" midbass soon and will make them a more open backed design. I was ASSUMING a door was a IB was didn't know how to pry the awnser out of you guys, I guess EVERYBODY just assumes I should know what they know. I have some 16-14 gauge aluminum sheet metal (i will post pics) that I will be using over the holes after doing the Butyl rope and a LITTLE Damplifier on the outside panel. Then after covering the holes(except for the midbass hole) with the aluminum I will do some Damplifier where needed and then I have the Luxury Liner Pro (CCF and MLV) I will put on last before installing the door panel. I will be making the 8" midbass pod flater with the door and will mushroom (flare) the bottom of pod more so I can get LESS choking and more opening into the door cavity. IF the LLP doesn't decouple the door panel enough and the panel still resonates I will add mass to the panel or add more foam to decouple it better. Thanks again for the input BASSMASTER, as I am following your que's on my front stage at this point.
  15. j-roadtatts

    Welcome to the IHoP

    A teenager is WAY easier than a baby for me, BUT opposite for my wife. My other daughter is 9 so also coming on to my shift so to speak. I guess I can out smart a teen easier than deal with a screaming baby, All in all being a parent has been REALLY FUN and both my kids are SUPER GOOD kids concidering the shit they have to go through now a days. I would say they are both choosing the high road in life and will have good ethics, About the MOST you could hope as a parent.
  16. j-roadtatts

    J-Roadtatts Honda Accord Build

    Thanks for the props Brother. How do you like the angled sub look in my ride? you know I got the idea from you. I hope school is being gOOd to you my friend. I have some better pictures without all the sunlight, I will post when I get back from the chiropractor.
  17. j-roadtatts

    Welcome to the IHoP

    how's the little guy? He is awesome as usual running about wreaking havoc on the locals Good to hear, mine is crawling around and not at the havoc stage yet My oldest daughter just turned 13, I think see is starting the havoc all over town stage.
  18. j-roadtatts

    New from NY

    Welcome to SSA.
  19. j-roadtatts

    New from Nor*Cal

    Welcome to SSA. Good to see some West coast up in here.
  20. j-roadtatts

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Geez, what do you want, A golden egg? HA HA just playin'' Congrats and thanx again for all the help, Brother. I want a Golden egg Daddy........ I need to make my donation to Denim and then I will get my wings!
  21. j-roadtatts

    J-Roadtatts Honda Accord Build

    Thanks for the compliments Richard. I am definetly my own worst critic, I like to hear what other people think as I have been staring at it for months now and can lose my eye sometimes.
  22. j-roadtatts

    J-Roadtatts Honda Accord Build

    I got some Y-adapters today so I can bridge my F600. I went to my local stereo store thats been here forever, and the just started selling Memphis products, So that was cool. I don't put any sonic faith in RCA cables but that doesn't mean I'm going to buy junk either. Anyways heres some pictures, And I am SUPER EXCITED about my 250 AMP alternator I bought today. And to hear the F600 bridged, Should have wicked headroom. I know the colored zip ties and ring terminal fuse blocks won't make it sound any better but hey its gonna look damn good. I found these today at the parts store, these are what OEM wire use. the second set of crimps go's on the wire insulation so the wire is NOT stressed like regular crimp connectors, And yes I solder and heatsrink everything. these where the bolts I used on SUB.
  23. j-roadtatts

    Looking for a good component set

    I have narrowed my chooses down on the 3-4"ful range and the 8" midbass So it shouldn't be long before I just throw a dart and order them. Right now I am in the progress of dampening, sealing and lining my doors so this should help the midbass alot also. I was just interested in what you thought of th Tang Bangs? I have been checking out ALOT of different speakers in the last few weeks, any other suggestions I should check out?
  24. j-roadtatts

    Mac N Cheese's build log

    If I had a garage I would be deadening my doors right now. I know how you fell about the wire looking clean.
  25. j-roadtatts

    First Time Ever Fiberglassing something

    As long as the fiber is completely soaked it doesn't matter.(No air bubbles) I resined the fleece and let that dry , then did resin, mat, and more resin just like you descibed. Body filler is also called Bondo. Get some Bondo and you will only need to sand the worst bumps and knock off all the hairs before starting the Bondo. Remember you can wet sand the Bondo.(before it drys all the way) Putty and paint will make you what you ain't.