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Everything posted by j-roadtatts

  1. j-roadtatts

    Welcome to the IHoP

    A dermal anchor has a small foot under the skin and an exposed top. Looks like a piercing, but theres only one entrance. A sub dermal implant is a silicone or metal implant that is completely under the skin. I can show you pics if you want? Nah, I always get those two mixed up for some reason. I'm assuming she wanted one in the belly button? I didn't ask where she wanted the anchor. But when the mom called back to ask why, she asked if the daughter could do an eyebrow instead. Stupid bitch, common sense should tell her the awnser.
  2. j-roadtatts

    Welcome to the IHoP

    A dermal anchor has a small foot under the skin and an exposed top. Looks like a piercing, but theres only one entrance. A sub dermal implant is a silicone or metal implant that is completely under the skin. I can show you pics if you want?
  3. j-roadtatts

    Happy Birthday Regina!!

    Happy Birthday Girl!!!!!!
  4. j-roadtatts

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I had a great phone conversation yesterday I want to share. dumb woman: hello, how old does my daughter need to be to get a dermal anchor with my consent? me:16 dumb woman: can she do it if she's pergnant? me: NO dumb woman: ok, thanks. Then she calls back a few minutes later and wonders why.....
  5. j-roadtatts

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I got the Dodge Ram stereo finished tuesday. Thanks for the heads up on the 12 volt diesel setup, anyone that commented.
  6. j-roadtatts

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Toxic gases involved possibly?
  7. j-roadtatts

    Welcome to the IHoP

  8. j-roadtatts

    Broken case on 250XP. New Design in the works?

    Thanks for the update Rob.
  9. j-roadtatts

    Active Front Stage Build

    Thats a gorgeous box you built brother! Looks SUPER clean!
  10. j-roadtatts

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Besides I would of bought the 660 Raptor if I was after light.
  11. j-roadtatts

    Welcome to the IHoP

    satellite radio subscription is far cheaper than a data plan I have Sirius, but Pandora can be so much more personalized.
  12. j-roadtatts

    Welcome to the IHoP

    How big are the batts in those? wonder if a small xs batt would make it noticeably lighter?weight is not an issue with a 600 lb machine with a 660cc motor. The thing is like a bullet, and easily does 75 mph. Ah fuck that, shits too heavy. Guess I shoulda figured it out from the name GRIZZLY lol. Actully that beast is a little top heavy if you ask me, especially with the independent susp. But the Grizzly rides like a Caddy, and this way the W will go riding. I prefer my striped down 300 with a live rear axle.
  13. j-roadtatts

    Welcome to the IHoP

    How big are the batts in those? wonder if a small xs batt would make it noticeably lighter?weight is not an issue with a 600 lb machine with a 660cc motor. The thing is like a bullet, and easily does 75 mph. Ah fuck that, shits too heavy. Guess I shoulda figured it out from the name GRIZZLY lol. Do a fiberglass dash with an Ipad w/ 3g. Don't temp me. LOL Or just be lazy and do what I did: although I need a new hu so it supports the ipod cable instead of aux, fuck up on my part. excellent!! But can the i-pad get service without paying? I have an ipod touch, but it needs wifi to work.
  14. j-roadtatts

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Who is that? x2 I'm thinking she needs a nice German sausage! If she had real blond hair, slightly more olive tone, blue eyes, a stronger cheek, and slightly smaller boobs she'd be about as close to perfect as you can get IMO. I would break that poor girl in half. ....and make her call me "Daddy".
  15. j-roadtatts

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I will probably just buy the 2yr non-sealed battery at wally-world. Will work great for the purpose at hand.
  16. j-roadtatts

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Do a fiberglass dash with an Ipad w/ 3g. Don't temp me. LOL
  17. j-roadtatts

    Welcome to the IHoP

    How big are the batts in those? wonder if a small xs batt would make it noticeably lighter? weight is not an issue with a 600 lb machine with a 660cc motor. The thing is like a bullet, and easily does 75 mph.
  18. j-roadtatts

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I need to buy a new battery for the Grizzly, So I can go riding.
  19. j-roadtatts

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I want Pandora in the car, but it seems a smart phone is the only way to have it. For the time being that is. I have no other need for a smart phone though.
  20. j-roadtatts

    Welcome to the IHoP

    The W hated the gif girl.
  21. j-roadtatts

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I don't give a shit about Rob's fucktard excuses, just build the alternators already. The guy has more fucking stories why something isn't done than Carter has pills, eh hoser.
  22. j-roadtatts

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Oncore as always!!! I wuv tig bitties!!!
  23. j-roadtatts

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Who is that? x2 I'm thinking she needs a nice German sausage! If she had real blond hair, slightly more olive tone, blue eyes, a stronger cheek, and slightly smaller boobs she'd be about as close to perfect as you can get IMO. I would break that poor girl in half.
  24. j-roadtatts

    Welcome to the IHoP

    <-- super jealous I knew you would be.
  25. j-roadtatts

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I had a kid start throwing up yesterday from anxiety, before we had even started tattooing. LOL