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Jeff Stetsom

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About Jeff Stetsom

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  1. Jeff Stetsom

    Team Stetsom Shirts

    Hi there, Please let me know if anyone needs shirts !!! http://www.facebook.com/#!/photo.php?fbid=398785396806021&set=a.102618086422755.5393.100000236916317&type=1&theater
  2. Jeff Stetsom

    Why just one power and ground input?

    Well thats not true, If you do the testing for yourself, you will see that one cable is enough We recommended a 72mm cable which is around 3/0 to 2/0 cable for the big amps and for the 7k2e only one 1/0 is fine and long you dont have the cable bigger than 4 feet long
  3. Jeff Stetsom

    5k2 on 2 fi btl18

    Depends of your electrical system, No !!! You need a 7k2e because of the impedance rise and many other factors with the 7k2e you will have enough power even to burn them !!! lol but sure the 5k2e can push them but it all depends what box you have and whats your goal with it !!
  4. Jeff Stetsom

    14k2e @ 0.7 ohm

    You should have no problem doing that, If you wired down to 0.7 nominal impedance the impedance rise will go around 2 to 2.8 ohms on the reactive load thats should be as long you have enough power to give to the amplifier Depends of your electrical system you should be able to get 10000 to 7500 outta the amplifier Please let me know if you have any more questions and im sorry for the delay, I was in a long vacation =) but now im back
  5. Jeff Stetsom

    About Stetsom Amplifiers

    Hi There, Well im pretty sure you never seem a Stetsom amplifier, Stetsom wont put the name on the Line, just to make more sales on big amplifiers If we say they give the power they do give the power on the rated voltage power Stetsom tested all amplifiers before they go on the market, they are tested inside the factory with competitors and daily We are pretty well known though the world because our amplifier are high efficiency on power to tell you the truth, Stetsom amps make more power than they are rated follow me on facebook and you will see many builds and more info - http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000236916317 Hey there, Whats the old model that you are talking about ?? They are attached just like the way they were before, but we just add more supports And about your question about rated power can you please rephrase it For instance the older vulcan 7kd that says SPL competition on it, are the newer amps attached too the heat sink the same why that amp is? On a setup that has the electrical to keep the voltage the amp is seeing from dropping below 12 volts does your 4k do 4000 watts? Does the 7k really do 7000 watts? Does the 14k really do 14000 watts? Does the 19k really do 19000 watts?
  6. Jeff Stetsom

    7k2e voltage

    No there is no way and why would you wanna do that ????? you only will damage your batteries and also you wont get more power outta the amplifier 14 volts is the best voltage for the amplifier our amplifier they make power in low voltage you dont need do that here is a article about batteries, that goes to almost every brand Proper Way to charger your battery
  7. Jeff Stetsom

    Stetsom 25k2e - more than 25000 rms

    Well The 24volts amplifier is the future of car audio There are many good things about a 24volts system Like you said if you have a 12volts system for you to make 20000 rms you will need 20 batteries but on the 24volts you only will 10 batteries to make the same amount of power half of the money on batteries and you still can charger the batteries will your 12volts alternator Now we have two model in 24volts - the 19k2e and the 8k2e Because the amplifier works with more volts and less amperage which is the best for the amplifier - our 24volts amplifier are 90 to 100% efficient because there is less amperage going though the amp and producing less heat
  8. Jeff Stetsom

    Stetsom 25k2e - more than 25000 rms

    Im talking about the Input power on the 45k !!! it is 240 DC volts You can used the standard 3/0 gauge but for this amp we recommended you to use welding cable 3/0
  9. Jeff Stetsom

    Stetsom 25k2e - more than 25000 rms

    Hi there, I am sorry but i dont know where you heard this from, we dont do that We only ask some basics questions about you and if you know what you dealing with because there is a lot of high school students on this the forums and they think they know how to build a big system For the 45k2d of course we going to ask you some questions, THE QUESTIONS IS TO HELP YOU SO YOU DONT HAVE ANY PROBLEMS If you have the money and wanna buy the equipment we will sell to you, we try to help before selling the equipment so we dont get a bad reputation from bad installations Did you know the 45k2d is a 240volts amplifier ?? no a lot of people know who to install a 240volts amplifier and not even know how to use the power Im not pointing anything, i dont know you maybe you are a guru on car audio but im just want to be clear about us picking who uses our equipment There is no such thing
  10. Well, Lets do the math I dont know how many subs you will have and what kind power you will need for them You should go first with the power that your system will need Lets say since you want two 14k2e You want to put on the subs 10.000rms to have 10.000 rms at 12 volts (without dropping to 11volts like you dont want to happen ) If you are making around 10000 to 8000 for 30 secs you will need to supply around 1000ah With 90% of efficiency on the amplifiers If yo have your car off, it wont be enough because only have a battery bank of 720ah ( and its depends of your wiring because you can lose so power there too ) But its hard to know what power you will need without knowing this How many subs ?? Load impedance on the amp ?? impedance rise ?? Car off or on ?? and the power that your subs can take for 30secs
  11. Jeff Stetsom

    Stetsom 25k2e - more than 25000 rms

    Its almost two 14k2e together its a pretty big beast
  12. Jeff Stetsom

    Stetsom 25k2e - more than 25000 rms

    And guys the 4000 to $4500 this is retail price on it, if you are getting in a store If you compete and really need some extra power We have competitor prices, Just send me your info and I will let you know the price on it Please email to me ( [email protected] ) Name Address (house #, city, state, country, zipcode) Phone Email what amplifiers would you like to buy ? What car do you have ? What sub will you use and how many ? (specs) Box setup ? How many batteries ? How many alternators ? What class do you compete and Store name (if you have one) Your last score Pictures of the system Thank you
  13. Jeff Stetsom

    Stetsom 25k2e - more than 25000 rms

    Well yes, if you think like this Instead of having 2 - 14k2e you can have only one amplifier that would make the same amount of power than 2 of them with the same amount of power consumption but you dont have to match gains on the amplifiers Well a lot of people are building 20000 rms system nowadays it would be the same power consumption of having 4 - 6000 rms amplifiers than one giving you 24000 rms Its just a better tool for competitor that needs a lot of power Multiple amps help fight rise..... Is this amp capable of performing without issue in a ground pounder or is it more for burps.... Well the beast was made for daily system, this amplifier came from the 35k2e that we have at 24volts we made a version of 18volts and is the 25k2e Im pretty sure 95% of these two amplifier that we sold were used in daily system for music, Stetsom amplifier are not made for only for burp, we sell thousand of amplifier in a month in brazil and all of them are for daily system
  14. Jeff Stetsom

    Stetsom 25k2e - more than 25000 rms

    The amplifier can go down to 12volts But I am looking forward to do some tests on 12volts on it and the price is not that much REtail is around 4000 to $4500
  15. Jeff Stetsom

    Stetsom 25k2e - more than 25000 rms

    Well yes, if you think like this Instead of having 2 - 14k2e you can have only one amplifier that would make the same amount of power than 2 of them with the same amount of power consumption but you dont have to match gains on the amplifiers Well a lot of people are building 20000 rms system nowadays it would be the same power consumption of having 4 - 6000 rms amplifiers than one giving you 24000 rms Its just a better tool for competitor that needs a lot of power