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About southpawprof

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  1. I just built my box to the Mach5 diagram last night. Beware... THE YELLOW PIECE IS LABELED TO BE 12"X13"...... IT IS SUPPOSED TO BE 12"X13.75".
  2. Just for the record... Mark from Mach5Audio just emailed this to me. It's the diagram for 1 cubic foot ported box tuned to exactly 33Hz! Thanks everyone. I'll try to find that fabric at autozone tonight. I don't see any way for me to upload a pic from my hard drive.
  3. southpawprof

    IXL 12" Sub... Need help picking an enclosure!

    fallen is the man, and so are you! awesome. I'll get started on this tonight. I just have to figure out where to buy the carpeting.
  4. southpawprof

    IXL 12" Sub... Need help picking an enclosure!

    I could build the box myself, but I have a few questions. Does the 1 cubic foot include the port, or is the main chamber 1 cubic foot. Also, what dimensions would I have to make this thing so that it's 33hz? Anyone have a blueprint of a suitable enclosure? Or could anyone link me to something for sale online?
  5. I just purchased a 12.2.2 12" sub. I need to know what ported box to buy for it. Anyone know?