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Everything posted by SPL_Man

  1. SPL_Man

    4 DP21 Wall Build

    a whole lot of work & a truly AWESOME build man today is the 1st time im seeing it & i will be tuning in daily to see how the progress comes along :drink40:
  2. SPL_Man

    2 21" Wardens

    ur the man Troy im on E too but different user name i followed ur build over there & saw u build it step by step great job !
  3. SPL_Man

    No more Punisher Geo for a while.

    WOW ! gotta admit it looked very cool b4 it did that amt of damage to ur ride though
  4. SPL_Man

    NEW pair of 12inch fi bl's!!

    ooooh those look shweeeeeet !
  5. SPL_Man

    "Magic Box" V.2 For an 18"

    very nice scores for the amt of power being used i wud like to ask something about the bottom piece of board under the port : does it noticeably flex seeing that nothing is attached on to it at 1 end & will that result in a loss of energy , maybe if u doubled up on that board it should yield even better results ? im just asking though
  6. SPL_Man

    Getting Metered @ Show

    nice clear vid & a very good score for 2 15s in a sealed box
  7. SPL_Man

    Ascendant Audio Chevy Astro

    i know this build was a little while ago but i must say the amt of work , quality of workmanship , eye for details , dedication , patience & the guts to do this makes it definitely in the top 10 best ever EXCELLENT JOB ! :drink40: :drink40:
  8. SPL_Man

    BTL 12 enclosure suggestion

    man that is a AWESOME score with just 1 12" i know of ppl who struggle to do that with 2\3\4 subs spl is such a funny thing so with some tweaking i know u will hit that 150 soon
  9. SPL_Man

    Rules of Aeroports

    try using just 2 4" aeros instead
  10. SPL_Man

    Rules of Aeroports

  11. SPL_Man

    I'd like too show some enclosure builds of mine

    u do excellent work !
  12. SPL_Man

    The wife got me good.

    congrats on having a good wife & good subs too ....
  13. SPL_Man

    why is "SQL" looked down upon, so much?

    not a accurate term but its what some ppl are referring to when describing their system
  14. SPL_Man

    Subwoofers in Doors

    there are component sets with 8" drivers in it
  15. wtf ! is there glass behind the subs ?
  16. SPL_Man

    15 L7 spl enclosure

    kicker factory rec specs actually work good so u cud try what they say
  17. SPL_Man

    Kicker box build.....

    i have tried kicker factory rec specs & its 1 of those few main stream companies that actually work good so go to their website & see what they have
  18. SPL_Man

    changing box : how does the sub "feel" it?

    it sounds like day\night when u put a sub in a high tuned vs a low tuned box so it might take some getting used to i personally like low tuned over high any day
  19. SPL_Man

    Fi X Series

    looks very neat shud hit some killer lows with that much cuft & low tuning
  20. SPL_Man

    Slot or areo ports

    agreed with this alot more work to adjust a slot port box where as a exteranl aeroported box all u have to do is use duct tape on the ports & just unstick & stcik it back with different port lengths also agree with another above post which said u will go through a few boxes (&other factors\settings too) to find that 'sweet spot' on a db meter
  21. SPL_Man

    Help me choose a Pioneer amp

    since ur going all pioneer get this 1 http://www.pioneerelectronics.com/PUSA/Products/CarAudioVideo/Amplifiers/GMSeries/GM-6400F
  22. SPL_Man


    i signed up here earlier this yr & had less than a 100 posts but i'm not sure if i messed up with my user name or pass word so i had to create a new acct i'm in car audio a few yrs now & enjoy every aspect of it , i also occasionally compete in spl too im here to learn even more from this forum
  23. SPL_Man

    My new sub enclosure

    :bigclap: looks really nice , neat is that fleckstone & black paint
  24. SPL_Man

    How many wrms

    can a fully loaded BTL 18" take for SPL burps ? provided with of course the proper ho alt & batteries need some info for planning a set for comp use
  25. SPL_Man

    Project Time

    ^hey that came out pretty nice man