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About youngb94

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  1. youngb94

    hole in subwoofer

    Yfrog Image : yfrog.com/59subbj This one works.
  2. youngb94

    hole in subwoofer

    Yfrog Image : yfrog.com/59subbj This one works.
  3. youngb94

    hole in subwoofer

    https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=df903282d8&view=att&th=1291e34e97680e84&attid=0.1&disp=inline&zw I dont know if that worked or not, but it should be a picture of the hole in my sub.
  4. youngb94

    hole in subwoofer

    There is not a way to just fix the hole? But it is the 15 FI BL
  5. youngb94

    hole in subwoofer

    A drill went through my subwoofer (foam surround, not the actual subwoofer) while taking it out of its enclosure. The hole is about an inch long, what do I need to do to fix it? Is there some sort of kit I can buy, if so where at?
  6. youngb94

    15 BL

    The 15 inch BL box recommendations are (BL 15 – Ported box we recommend using 2.8-4 cubic feet @ 28-37Hz. Again use 12-16 square inches of vent area per cubic foot of volume) Im not exactly sure what size and hz i should tune my box to. I have one 15 BL fully loaded ment for daily personal use. Any recommendations on what will give my the best bang for my buck?
  7. youngb94

    dual 1 or dual 2?

    thank you for everybody's help I am just waiting for my sub to show up now.
  8. youngb94

    dual 1 or dual 2?

    so i would need to wire that in series?
  9. youngb94

    dual 1 or dual 2?

    Im getting ready to order the Fi 15 BL, i have a 1000/1 jl audio amp. Im not sure which is better dual 1 or dual 2 ohm? Is one better than the other, or does it not really matter?
  10. youngb94


    I have a 2002 Chevy trailblazer, Boston acoustic 4 channel amp powering the b.a. interiors. I also have a kinetic hc800 to help power the jl1000v2 which is 1000rms. but i need some help choosing subs. i have a suv so the box size is virtually unlimited, i want something that hits rlly hard so i can have some bragging rights. i was thinkin maybe 2 15's but have no idea what kind i should get. money is not a factor i will spent what it takes to bump as hard as i can with 1000rms. HELP ME!!!!!
  11. youngb94

    18 btl? or not?

    hey thanks for your help, one more question do you think with what i have a new alternator is really a necessity?
  12. youngb94

    18 btl? or not?

    Ok the most that amp will put out rms wise is 2000watts (if that, some say their underrated and others say their overrated but were not discussing that at this moment), that amp will be ok with an 18" FI BTL or 2 15" FI BL's. What other equipment will be in this car's install? Whats your budget on what you want to spend for a subwoofer? What is the max space you have to work with, you said you have a trail blazer so space should not be that much of a problem? right now im just wanting to put some bump in my truck, then around Christmas i will have money to get like a 4 channel amp and then new interiors all around with tweeters. im looking to pay no more than 750 for my sub(s), and no space is not a problem.