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Everything posted by Nirvalica

  1. Nirvalica

    Help choosing a sub

    I said it further up, but you must've missed it. Your infrasonic filter is a subsonic filter, but its not variable. It's set at 28hz. I would turn it on when you use a ported box. as far as port area, you need to equal 36 square inches. That means any combo of the port opening's height and width multiplied together must equal 36. The 17.5 means thats how long the port is. That is what you change to change the tuning. Download bassbox pro 6 on torrents. It really helps with designing a box and understanding what to do.
  2. Nirvalica

    Help choosing a sub

    Your amp is rated at 1000wrms at 1 ohm, right? Amps can always handle higher impedance loads, but not lower. Assuming your amp is 1 ohm stable (I don't feel like checking), then 1.5ohm final load would be fine. Just wouldn't get the full power from the amp.
  3. Nirvalica

    Help choosing a sub

    That seems like a very good price. Worth a shot.
  4. Nirvalica

    Help choosing a sub

    I looked up the specs. It seems you have an infrasonic switch, which is a highpass at 28hz. If that's on, try turning it off and see what it sounds like.
  5. Nirvalica

    Help choosing a sub

    I didn't have one I thought that was for ported boxes only My hifonics amp had a highpass knob and a lowbass knob. The highbass was for running mids and highs and the lowpass was obviously for subs. It was a two channel amp, but I ran it bridged for my sub.When in lowpass mode, the highpass filter acted as a subsonic filter. Since I never read the manual, I didn't know until almost a year later. I had the subsonic filter up around 40hz, so it filtered out all the lows. Just something you might want to look at.
  6. Nirvalica

    Help choosing a sub

    Make sure the subsonic filter isn't too high if you feel like you aren't getting the lows. I did that once....
  7. I have the kenwood excelon 993, which isn't strictly a media receiver, but it does have most of the features of one including usb, aux, bluetooth. I have to say, I never use the CD player in it, partly because it skips with loud enough bass, but mostly because I have a 16gb flashdrive hooked up through usb to hold all of my music. It works great.
  8. Nirvalica

    how much $ for a box un assembled?

    I've always gotten HD to do my cuts. Once it came out horrible because the saw wasn't square. I ended up having to square all the ends, which resulted in the box being slightly smaller. Usually its a little off, but not enough to make much of a difference. Also, I've never been charged for cuts. If they do, go somewhere else.
  9. Nirvalica

    Interesting BS on CACO

    Didn't you break a rule with this first post? "21) Do not just post links to other forums to divert traffic, that is not why this site is active."
  10. Nirvalica

    95 Eclipse Father/Son Project

    Looks great. Keep it up. Wait, I just realized that you have two tweeters. I know you said a three way set up front. Where are the other tweeters coming into play? EDIT: I mean two sets of tweeters lol on the dash and pods.
  11. Nirvalica

    FI Q or FI SSD with TRUE 850 watts rms

    Yes, but basically I don't know which sub would have better results using that amp. I am going for SQ in this setup and know it is usually better to have excess power for a sub than under powering it for good quality sound and clarity(SQ). So do you think that my amp I'm using will be enough for that clarity or will it sound better on an SSD where I know I'll have plenty of power? Power doesn't determine sq. Less power might be even better for sq because the driver will have to move less. "The more excursion, the more distortion and phase problems you will get, independent of driver design. Laws of physics dictate that." Generally the closer to xmax for a sub, the less linear it gets, which introduces distortions. Sounds like you want the Q, so go for it. Only thing to worry about is adjusting the gain properly on the amp and you'll be fine.
  12. I was told a few years ago that Planet Audio amps were made in the USA. That's all I really know about them.
  13. I don't like how Alpine makes you buy all of their accessories to make use of nearly all of the features on their headunits, especially when the price is as high as it is. I've never used the imprint system, but my onkyo home theater receiver has the audyssey system which I think is very similar. I do like how it detects speaker distances and levels to compensate for poor placement. But the audyssey distance and level settings are adjustable, so it seems more flexible then the imprint system. Didn't really notice a difference in the EQ. Personally, I would go with pioneer just because everything you need comes built in (bluetooth, ipod control, aux input, usb).
  14. They are also pretty big on the SMD forum. Along with Mechman and Iraggi.
  15. Nirvalica

    SAZ-3000 two quick ?

    I'd set the low-pass around 70-80. Never higher then 100 though.
  16. Nirvalica

    install finished

    Edited And also, not any correct punctuation or capitalization. It's pretty lame to resort to nitpicking the spelling of the guy's post. Might as well just made a joke about his mom...
  17. Nirvalica

    Epic Craigslist Fail

    jeep cheroke sport 4x4 2000 < Reverse Wall LOL
  18. Nirvalica

    Most efficient subwoofer available?

    I think efficiency hasn't changed because the speaker technology hasn't changed (still piston and magnet). I would bet the old Cerwin Vega 18" stroker were pretty high as far as efficiency. Says herethat it has 96 dB sensitivity (1w/1m). Also woofersetclists the 12" stroker's efficiency as 92 dB, so it would make sense that the 18's would be something like 96. Ah. I was reading about Phoenix Gold Cyclones just now..Can't seem to find an efficiency rating, although someone mentioned they probably are the most efficient. Phoenix Gold Cyclone [audiojunkies] There they say it is 90 dB. Maybe it's more efficient at much lower frequencies then most subs though, I dunno.
  19. Nirvalica

    Most efficient subwoofer available?

    I think efficiency hasn't changed because the speaker technology hasn't changed (still piston and magnet). I would bet the old Cerwin Vega 18" stroker were pretty high as far as efficiency. Says herethat it has 96 dB sensitivity (1w/1m). Also woofersetclists the 12" stroker's efficiency as 92 dB, so it would make sense that the 18's would be something like 96.
  20. Nirvalica

    When does size start to matter?

    Also keep in mind that a 2x4 isn't actually 2" x 4". But use the same formula with the actual measurements of the wood and it'll work.
  21. They didn't mean a laptop, more like a mac mini or similar sized pc.
  22. Considering dynamic power usually means peak power on any other audio equipment specs, I find it funny that AQ is using dynamic as a way to say 18v. Maybe the dynamic power can only be reached with 18v, but I really doubt it means RMS power at 18v. But like you said, it's competitor information, and I'm not a competitor, so it shouldn't make any sense to me at all. I can't even comment on this amp because its for competitors only, not for me. So thanks for bringing that to my attention.
  23. It looks like it's 8000w RMS; 20,000w dynamic, which as far as I know, is another way to say peak power.
  24. Nirvalica

    Help choosing speakers for active front stage

    do you have any "enhancements" on your headunit enabled? that will mess up your sound.
  25. Nirvalica

    Voltage drop at amp

    I understand how the idle could affect the voltage, but it seems that my voltage will be lower on warm or hot days no matter the rpm's. It seems strange to me that it would be that drastic of a difference from temperature alone.