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Everything posted by Nirvalica

  1. Nirvalica

    5.1 Dolby Digital ?????

    To be fair to this guy, they sell DVD-A discs with music mixed in 5.1 channels. My dad had an Acura TL that had 5.1 surround sound and could play DVD-Audio, but not video. The DVD-A discs are rare, but there are ways to extract the audio information from any dvd, like a concert dvd for instance, and burn that as a dvd-a disc. Then it's music playing in 5.1, which can sound awesome. The only problem is you need to find a player designed specifically for dvd-a. Not many are. But even then, he could throw a concert dvd in and just listen, you don't really need to watch those. His question isn't a completely stupid one, he just didn't have the best application in mind for it.
  2. Nirvalica

    Image Dynamics XS-65

    Make sure you have the mounting depth in the doors for those speakers. They are 3" deep, which is on the larger side.
  3. Nirvalica

    Questions about Component speakers. opinions WANTED!

    Agreed. And I would do Coax in the rear. Being that they are silk tweets, they are more smooth sounding. Pretty good SQ though and very good midbass. I have mine in kickpods, so I'm not getting any midbass really, but if you have them in doors, they are great.
  4. Nirvalica

    BL or Q

    BTW, a Q will get pretty loud. Maybe a BL will get louder, but it's not like the Q is strictly SQ that can't get loud.
  5. Nirvalica

    RE MT 15 or FI BTL 18

    Here's an 18" MT btw http://www.woofersetc.com/p4926/MT18--RE-Audio-18"-MT-Series-Subwoofer.htm I would go with the BTL though simply because it costs half as much.
  6. You mean like one physically massive alternator? haha, that'd be ridiculous
  7. I remember reading a little while ago that Dominick Iraggi started making custom brackets for people too. You should talk to him.
  8. Nirvalica

    AA havocs vs. SSA Xcons

    Yea, I don't get the whole rejection of ""SQL"". What else would you call a great sounding sub that gets louder then a normal SQ sub should? I have a similar setup in theory. An 18" Fi Q with image dynamics comps and cdt midbass in the front. With the bass knob turned all the way down, the bass blends pretty well with the front stage, but if I want it loud, it will do that.
  9. Nirvalica

    AA havocs vs. SSA Xcons

    Some people might whine that if you want "true" sq then you should only use a small sub that won't over power your front stage and all that nonsense. Be ready... I would go with biggers subs. I just like the idea about how much more efficient they are over smaller drivers. As far as Xcon vs Havoc, I am interested to see comparisons of the two. I don't have experience with either, so I'm not much help with that.
  10. Nirvalica

    SAZ 2500

    You know the zune probably has a lower output voltage, so the music won't sound as loud. You'll probably need to reset the gains. Also, you said you have a 100.4? Does that have an rca output on it? If it does, why not run that output into the sub amp. No... He wont.. connect directly to the 2500 Well, of course he would have to set the gains if he wants to test it going all out. He didn't set the gains on the amp to the zune, he set it to the headunit.
  11. Nirvalica

    SAZ 2500

    You know the zune probably has a lower output voltage, so the music won't sound as loud. You'll probably need to reset the gains. Also, you said you have a 100.4? Does that have an rca output on it? If it does, why not run that output into the sub amp.
  12. Nirvalica

    SAZ 2500

    I think he meant rear RCA that is front speaker output, not an output on the front of the headunit. That'd be strange if they had a headphone output on the front of a car headunit anyways.
  13. Nirvalica

    Box for 18" Fi Q

    Sure thing, I'll get a vid or two as well.
  14. Nirvalica

    Box for 18" Fi Q

    I've had this sub for about a year and I want to build a new box for it. The first time, I built the port a little small (port area wise), so this time I'm going to make it bigger as well as increase the box volume. My plan is to make a box that is 32" wide, 22" tall, and 28" deep with a port that will be 20.5" tall, 6" wide and 35.6" deep. According to bassbox pro, that will give me a 29hz tuning. Does this sound right? Those are the maximum dimensions I can fit in the back of my Jeep while still keeping the port about 5-6" away from the hatch. Any suggestions? BTW, it'll be sub up, port back and it's powered off of a sundown SAZ-1000d. Also, do you think I'll need any bracing? I was planning on using a double baffle, but that's it as far as bracing. EDIT: I guess I should also say I want it to get loud and low. That's my goal with this setup.
  15. Nirvalica

    Box for 18" Fi Q

    Alright, Thanks a lot.
  16. Nirvalica

    Box for 18" Fi Q

    Yes, that helps. But what number did you use in the Vb field to figure out the port tuning? I calculated net volume after port displacement for my design is about 6cu.ft., but I'm not sure if that's right.
  17. Nirvalica

    Box for 18" Fi Q

    I mean when you enter Vb, is that net or gross volume?
  18. Nirvalica

    Box for 18" Fi Q

    Now when I use the slot port calculator, is it total box volume or net after port displacements?
  19. Nirvalica

    Box for 18" Fi Q

    Now how are you figuring this out and why am I doing it wrong?
  20. Nirvalica

    Box for 18" Fi Q

    So rather then make it longer, could I just make the port narrower by like half an inch?
  21. Nirvalica

    48x SA-10s Build

    I don't really understand these kind of comments, but whatever. This is insanity at it's best. It's a joke. You know the whole big thing about Mckinnie saying that about his truck, right? Uhm, no, but i do know that there are a million of people on youtube saying that a truck is a stevemeade killer. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4msL99Pc2jI At the end.
  22. Nirvalica

    48x SA-10s Build

    I don't really understand these kind of comments, but whatever. This is insanity at it's best. It's a joke. You know the whole big thing about Mckinnie saying that about his truck, right?
  23. knukonceptz seems to have better prices, at least on the fuse holder and ring terminals as those are all I checked. Those stinger RCA's u picked look nice though. I need a nice short RCA jack as there isn't much clearance behind my HU. I've never heard of the site you posted, but it might be alright.
  24. Nirvalica

    48x SA-10s Build

    Looks like another steve meade killer lol
  25. Nirvalica

    my subs sound like poo

    Is there a high-pass filter (subsonic) that might be too high? Also, how high are you turning the volume on the jensen? If you aren't getting enough rca voltage, you might not be turning the volume up enough on the headunit.