The 750.1 can push 2-12 CVX's, it just wont push them to their maximum output. Underpowering subs is not a problem, i currently have 700 watts on 3-12 cvx's and they sound lovely and hit hard for the power thats running to them (which is only a third of power). i am sure your pushing more then 700watts kickers are always underrated Definantly dont have them on a Kicker amp, on another amp till I put in the SAZ-2000D. ok well i orderd my VCX's yesterday and i will have them in a few days could someone show me a diagram on how i should wire these properly to my 750.1 amp. Thanks guys lots of info i will post a pick tonight when i get home from work Just want to make sure i hook them up for the best. I am kinda new to hooking up my own systems. Thanks guys